Project and final theses

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Project work and final theses at the FG Cycling and Local Mobility

In the following you will find a compilation of current topics for project and final theses for Bachelor and Master. If you are interested, simply contact the respective contact person named in the description.

Of course, we are also open to your own ideas! We would be happy to support you in developing an idea for a concrete topic for a project or thesis.

Possible topics

Background: This project addresses the mobility challenges of women doing care work, such as reconciling care work with professional or academic commitments, limited mobility options and lack of support. By analyzing the existing infrastructure, measures and programs that support care workers (e.g. dual-career services, childcare, e-cargo bike projects such as VELOAD), opportunities and obstacles are identified. The project aims to improve the mobility of women with care work through targeted measures in line with the goal of a "family-friendly university".

Task: The Department of Cycling and Local Mobility provides scientific support for this topic as part of student work. The project focuses on analyzing the mobility challenges of women with care responsibilities at the University of Kassel, based on quantitative surveys and focus groups. Students are encouraged to explore further methods and focus on either employees, students or both. The project also encourages site-specific research at different campus locations to address specific mobility issues and contribute to improving inclusive mobility for care workers.

Start: possible immediately.

Contact: M.Sc. Shreya Singh

FG Cycling and local mobility

Tel. +49561 804-1942

Background: The Department of Cycling and Local Mobility at the University of Kassel offers the opportunity to write a seminar paper, bachelor's or master's thesis with the aim of developing a scientifically based learning module for 11- to 14-year-olds (5th-6th grade) to promote road safety and mobility education. To this end, we would like to understand the behavior of the target groups with regard to migration background, gender differences and cultural diversity.

Task: In this thesis, we examine the mobility behavior of the target group using a combination of literature research, interviews and focus group discussions with students, teachers and experts. The aim is to create a sound basis for the development of effective learning modules. Various factors can be examined, such as gender differences, migration background and cultural diversity, as well as existing methods for training and interventions. Students are free to choose their own research focus within the project framework to align their interests with the aims of the study.

Start: possible immediately.

Contact: MSc. Shreya Singh

FG Cycling and Local Mobility

+49 561 804-1942

Background: The Department of Cycling and Local Mobility at the University of Kassel offers the opportunity to write a Bachelor's or Master's thesis. This involves the development of a braking system with real-time resistance control for our bicycle simulator.

Task: The aim of the thesis is to create a realistic braking system in which the braking resistor can be controlled by the braking of the rider. In addition to programming in Python, a communication level to the smart trainer via LAN or Bluetooth must also be established. The resistance of the magnet/coil coupling on the flywheel must then be calibrated so that the braking resistance is realistically simulated. We are looking for a person with programming skills who enjoys technical problem solving. The project offers hands-on experience in hardware integration and simulation technology with practical application in bicycle research.

Requirements: Ideally you have an engineering background, a passion for solving technical problems and are already familiar with sensor technology and have experience with hardware. Please submit your CV, a short letter of motivation and any relevant work or project examples. We would be delighted if you are motivated to contribute to the realism of our bicycle simulator platform.

Start: immediately
Contact: Dr. rer. nat. Sina Mousavion

Research Group Cycling and Local Mobility

Tel. +49561 804-7922

Background: The increasing importance of sustainable mobility and the promotion of cycling have led to more and more attention being paid to developing new target groups for sustainable modes of transport. Car drivers in particular represent a potential, previously untapped target group whose integration into cycling is of great importance.

Task: The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to investigate and develop strategies for attracting new target groups to cycling, especially motorists who have not cycled or have cycled very little to date. How can the interest of car drivers in cycling be awakened and increased? What strategies can be developed to overcome motorists' inhibitions and reservations about cycling and turn them into regular cyclists?

The investigation is based on a combination of literature research, case studies on successful measures to attract target groups (best practice examples from Germany and abroad), expert interviews with relevant stakeholders and a survey of car drivers. In addition to the study, concrete strategies and recommendations for action are to be developed that can be used by cities, municipalities, transport institutions and other relevant actors to increase the proportion of cyclists in the population and promote more sustainable mobility.

Start: possible immediately

Contact: M.Sc. Maik Bock

FG Cycling and Local Mobility

Tel. +49561 804-1834

Background: As a sustainable and active mode of transportation, walking has always been a central component of our mobility. Recently, more attention has also been paid to walking in planning. In addition to traffic development plans, local transport plans and cycling concepts, more and more local authorities - especially in Baden-Württemberg - are currently developing walking strategies or concepts. The federal and state governments are also increasingly promoting pedestrian traffic planning and infrastructure construction in order to promote sustainable and socially equitable mobility.

Task: With the help of a quantitative and qualitative review, an overview of existing walking strategies is to be created. For which municipalities have strategies been and are being developed and what content is being addressed? Based on this analysis, 1. recommendations for uniform standards for walking strategies should be developed or 2. investigations should be carried out into the extent to which walking strategies contribute to a rapid and effective improvement in the situation of pedestrians. It is possible to implement your own ideas in connection with the topic. The specific task will be adapted to the scope of the work.

Start: possible immediately.

Contact: M.Sc. Maik Bock

FG Cycling and Local Mobility

Tel. +49561 804-1834

Background: How can traffic routing at roadworks be designed so that it is perceived as safe by all road users? In roadworks areas, traffic routing is interfered with for a comparatively short period of time and areas for different types of traffic are reduced or removed. This can lead to conflicts between road users and to a reduction in subjective and/or objective safety.

Task definition: As part of the BRAVOUR research project, selected roadworks situations were investigated in cooperation with the Hanseatic City of Hamburg, users were counted in these areas and video recordings were made. By analyzing the traffic observations, typical conflict situations between pedestrians, cyclists and motorists are to be identified and examined in more detail. How do road users behave and how can the traffic situation be optimized to avoid conflicts in the future? This analysis should be accompanied by a literature review and the development of recommendations for traffic management in roadworks areas. It is possible to implement your own ideas in connection with the topic. The specific task will be adapted to the scope of the work.

Start: possible immediately

Contact: M.Sc. Frederik Hilden

FG Cycling and Local Mobility

Phone +49 561 804-2391

Background: In order to increase the share of inner-city cycling, it is of central importance to create conditions in road traffic under which cyclists feel safe. An important aspect in this context is the distance that overtaking cars keep from cyclists. With the OpenBikeSensor, there is a way to reliably measure this distance in real road traffic.

Task: A student project from last summer semester resulted in the planning of an investigation using the OpenBikeSensor in Kassel. These measurements could actually be carried out and then analyzed as part of a project or final thesis. The specific task will be adapted to the scope of the work.

Start: immediately

Contact: Dr. rer. nat. Sina Mousavion

FG Cycling and Local Mobility

Tel. +49561 804-7922

Background: The promotion of cycling as a means of improving public health is of increasing importance, particularly in light of health problems associated with physical inactivity. This work aims to identify new approaches and explore how cycling can be used specifically to prevent disease and health problems. Health and fitness also play a role here as a means of adapting to climate change.

Task: The main aim of this work is to find out how the health benefits of cycling can motivate more people to cycle regularly. In particular, new approaches and strategies for the promotion of cycling should be developed that are geared towards the needs of people who are interested in cycling for health and fitness reasons. The work is intended to provide an outlook on future developments and research needs in the field of promoting cycling to improve health and motivation to cycle. Recommendations for policy, planning and practice will translate the results into concrete measures and further establish cycling as a health-promoting measure.

Start: possible immediately

Contact: M.Sc. Maik Bock

FG Cycling and Local Mobility

Tel. +49561 804-1834

Background: Cycling plays a decisive role for mobility and quality of life in rural regions. For children, young people and senior citizens in particular, access to safe and attractive cycle paths and the use of pedelecs can mean a significant improvement in independent mobility and health. Independent mobility that is not dependent on a car enables children and young people to participate in social and cultural life and access medical care. This is often prevented by a lack of cycling infrastructure, which means that the journeys cannot be made or those affected are dependent on relatives or acquaintances with access to a car.

Task: Various measures already exist to promote cycling in rural areas; their effectiveness and potential improvements for the future need to be investigated. The work should primarily examine the social dimensions of the topic: What disadvantages arise for those affected? To what extent does limited mobility by bicycle contribute to the quality of life in rural areas? With the help of literature research, expert interviews and empirical surveys, these questions will be answered and recommendations for action for planning and administration will be made in order to safely design and strengthen cycling in rural areas.

Start: possible immediately

Contact: M.Sc. Maik Bock

FG Cycling and Local Mobility

Tel. +49561 804-1834

Background: Since the coronavirus pandemic, more and more people have been buying a new bike and using it for sporting purposes. Demand for bicycles has risen in the gravel sector in particular, but there has also been a positive trend in racing bikes and mountain bikes and a diversification of user groups. Cycling is no longer just an area for middle-aged men in lycra (MAMILs), but is also becoming more popular with younger people.

Task: A study of cyclists should shed light on the current trend and identify typical user groups. Who are the cyclists, how are they active and does their sport also influence their everyday mobility? These questions will be answered with the help of a literature analysis and a survey of users. It is possible to implement your own ideas in connection with the topic. The specific task will be adapted to the scope of the work.

Start: possible immediately.

Contact: M.Sc. Maik Bock

FG Cycling and Local Mobility

Tel. +49561 804-1834

Background: Cycle tourism is becoming increasingly attractive and is considered an economic sector that not only offers economic benefits, but also contributes to the quality of life of citizens.

Task: The thesis examines the role of cycle tourism as a catalyst for sustainable development and improving the quality of life in Germany. The aim is to analyze and evaluate the potentials and challenges of bicycle tourism in Germany and to examine the effects on the quality of life of citizens. The Eurovelo 13 (Iron Curtain Trail), the Weser Cycle Route or local tourist cycle routes such as the Fulda or Eder Cycle Route can be the subject of the study.

The investigation is based on a combination of literature research, case study analysis and empirical research. Data on user numbers, infrastructure investments and policy measures will be collected and analyzed in order to develop a comprehensive understanding of the role of cycle tourism in Germany. In addition to the research, recommendations for policy makers and stakeholders in the field of cycle tourism in Germany will be developed.

Start: possible immediately.

Contact: M.Sc. Maik Bock

FG Cycling and Local Mobility

Tel. +49561 804-1834


In addition to the lectures, we also supervise theses in the field of active and sustainable mobility. Please do not hesitate to contact us.