C. Schneijderberg, O. Wieczorek, I. Steinhardt (2022): Qualitative und quantitative Inhaltsanalyse: digital und automatisiert


An application-oriented introduction with empirical examples and software applications.

The book offers explanations for beginners on how to choose a suitable qualitative or quantitative content analysis method depending on a) research interest and b) data size. Part 1 defines analysis techniques and shows possibilities and limitations of social science content analysis. Part 2 introduces digitally supported and semi-automated techniques, Part 3 the automated techniques of correspondence analysis, sentiment analysis and topic modelling. All introductions are made with examples and software applications (AntConc, MAXQDA, Python, RStudio or VosViewer).

Open Access E-Book.
Christian Schneijderberg, Oliver Wieczorek & Isabel Steinhardt: Qualitative und quantitative Inhaltsanalyse: digital und automatisiert. Eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung mit empirischen Beispielen und Softwareanwendungen. BELTZ Juventa: Weinheim 2022.
ISBN: 978-3-7799-7036-1


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