Research areas

BiTWerk comprises four research areas A, B, C and N. A lead project has been defined for each of these, which will implement the fundamentally researched relationships on a technical scale and thus bring the transfer concept to life. In each project area, the central questions of biological transformation will be pursued operationally. The main focus of the scientific work will be to address cross-project area issues.

For example, the objectives of research areas A and B can only be achieved by incorporating the expertise and research work of areas C and N in terms of biological transformation. In BiTWerk, individual research topics of the participating working groups, lead projects of research areas A, B, C and N are linked with proof of concept and cross-sectional topics.

Research area A

Project area A will develop manufacturing, characterization and process control methods for individual molecular and multifunctional nano- and microcomponents, establish characterization procedures and research how these individual components can be integrated into components and systems. The integration of these components and the process control in the production of systems and components are already leading to granular and graded component and system structures.

Lead project: Function integration and proof of concept

Cross-cutting topic Q1a: Characterization and modelling of magnetic properties

Cross-cutting topic Q 1b: In-situ characterization and modelling of scale effects

Research area B

In project area B, parallel research is to be carried out into the extent to which granular and graded states can be specifically adjusted using a monolithic material, i.e. a material with the same stoichiometry / same chemical composition (and thus without the use of additionally introduced particles, dispensing with classic alloy formation or similar). Based on existing expertise, laser-based processes play a key role here. This approach can and should also be used to integrate functions into components and parts, the comprehensive structural research of which is one of the main objectives.

Lead project: Graded structures via additive manufacturing and proof of concept

Cross-sectional area Q 2a: Use of extreme light and superimposed physical effects to influence properties locally

Cross-cutting topic Q 2b: Cross-scale and cross-material granularity - possible strategies for targeted property grading

Research area C

In project area C, data-driven evolution and learning processes are researched in close cooperation with the other project areas, which are applied in the investigations of the other project areas, optimize production processes and make the components and systems smart and adaptive.

Lead project: Methods and processes of active learning and proof of concept

Cross-cutting topic Q3: New mathematical methods for the efficient fusion of physical and data-based models

Research area N

Finally, in project area N, the necessary material flows for the components and systems to be developed in the overall project will be researched and optimization potentials will be explored while maintaining the functionalities, with the aim of leaving a steadily smaller ecological footprint and proposing suitable, quantifiable criteria for their evaluation. The analysis of material flows is accompanied by work on recyclability and user acceptance in the fields of architecture, construction and plastics technology. In project area N, the utilization of residual biomass plays a decisive role for all components and systems under consideration.

Lead project: Residual biomass and proof of concept

Cross-cutting topic Q4: In-situ characterization and modelling