
Quality assurance institutions and quality developments in economic and social science dissertations in Germany

Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Running since

The Q2D2 project aims at recording the quality development in dissertations in a multidimensional way and to examine its connection with various quality assurance instruments. We will investigate economic and social science dissertations with quantitative-empirical focus in order to find out whether there are (i) systematic connections between the "reputation quality" in the sense of the international visibility of the contributions of doctoral students (publications in international journals; citations) on the one hand and the "replication quality" in the sense of the reliability and reproducibility of the results on the other. Further we will ask whether (ii) such relationships are influenced by quality assurance measures in the doctoral phase (graduate academies, supervisory agendas, structured training formats).


Asanov, Anastasiya-Mariya., Asanov, Igor, Buenstorf, Guido. et al. (2024): Patterns of dissertation dissemination: publication-based outcomes of doctoral theses in the social sciences. Scientometrics.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-024-04952-1 open access