Students and Graduates

Universities are (just like societies themselves) subject to constant change (universitas semper reformanda). Not least because of the exponential growth in student numbers and the introduction of new (digitalised) teaching and learning formats, the student body has become increasingly diverse in recent decades. Compared to the total population, certain student groups are still underrepresented in higher education. Moreover, access to higher education does by no means imply inclusion in the course of study or equal opportunities in the labour market. On the contrary, even after starting or completing a degree course, the unequal opportunities between student groups persist. To enable individuals to participate equally in society in a democratic sense, it is necessary to take a close look at the various mechanisms that (re)produce socio-structural differences, considering the role of institutions in conjunction with the macrostructure. Against this backdrop, the research focus ‘Students and Graduates’ focuses on the following issues:

  • Social permeability at universities
  • Study conditions with a special focus on equal opportunities and diversity
  • Intersectionality and multiple interdependent disadvantages
  • Theoretical models to explain mechanisms that reproduce inequality
  • Recommendations for the design of inclusive universities


Senior researcher

Dr. Magdalena Fellner

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