Transformative change through transfer of sustainability-oriented research and university sustainability profiling? (TRAFO2)

The TRAFO2 project analyses the transfer of sustainability-oriented research in exemplary sub-areas of the natural, engineering and social sciences for the period from 2000 onwards. The data collection is quantitative and individual-based on the basis of secondary data, drawing on a variety of data sources. In order to record the sustainability orientation of research and transfer activities in terms of content, digital text analysis methods are used, in particular topic modelling.

In addition to ‘classic’ technology transfer, knowledge transfer through academic engagement via practice-oriented publications and research collaborations as well as personal transfer through the training of doctoral students and their labour market mobility are taken into account. Correlations between individual and organisational characteristics on the one hand and the scope and type of sustainability-oriented transfer activities on the other are examined and disciplinary differences and gender differences are documented. Building on this, the project will analyse how university sustainability profiling affects the extent and content of sustainability-oriented transfer activities. By developing and testing methodological approaches for recording the directionality of transfer activities, the project provides impulses for the further development of research on university technology and knowledge transfer beyond the specific topic.