Presentation of the Nora Platiel Prize

The Association for the Promotion of Knowledge Transfer in Social Law and Social Policy (Verein zur Förderung von Wissenstransfer in Sozialrecht und Sozialpolitik e.V.) awards the Nora Platiel Prize for outstanding master's theses (as well as state examination theses) in the fields of social policy, social law and social sciences.

The prize, named after Nora Platiel, is intended to honor outstanding Master's theses (as well as state examination theses for teacher training courses) written at

  • the University of Kassel,
  • Fulda University of Applied Sciences and
  • the University of Applied Sciences of the German Social Accident Insurance in Bad Hersfeld
have been written. The theses should be of particular academic quality and social relevance and combine both.

The prize money amounts to 2,000 euros. The prize is divisible.