Journal Articles
Buechele, Stefan; Huegel, Matthias; Kadriu, Valon; Koenig, Johannes (2025): New Players, different Output? A longitudinal Analysis of Research Dynamics at German public and private Universities (Joint Discussion Paper Series in Economics, No. 06-2025). Online:
Caliskan, Omer & Oldac, Yusuf Ikbal (2025): Internationalization of Higher Education: Science Mapping the Knowledge Base (1929–2022). Journal of Studies in International Education, 0(0).
Kosmützky, Anna & Krücken, Georg (2025): Konkurrenz und Kooperation in Hochschulen und Wissenschaft. Hannover: Universität Hannover (LCSS Working Paper; 20).
Krücken, Georg; Götze, Nicolai & Seidenschnur, Tim (2025): Lions, Game Players and Niche Providers: Universities' Positioning in Funding Competitions in Germany. Higher Education Quarterly 79(1).
Wieczorek, Oliver; Steinhardt, Isabel; Schmidt, Rebecca; Mauermeister, Sylvi & Schneijderberg, Christian(2025): The Bot Delusion. Large language models and anticipated consequences for academics’ publication and citation behavior, Futures, 166, DOI: 103537.
Angerhausen, Pascal; Langfeldt, Bettina (2024): Studienzweifel und Studienabbruch bei Studierenden mit Behinderungen. In: Public Health Forum 32 (2), S. 156–158.
Asanov, Anastasiya-Mariya; Asanov, Igor & Buenstorf Guido (2024): A low-cost digital first aid tool to reduce psychological distress in refugees: A multi-country randomized controlled trial of self-help online in the first months after the invasion of Ukraine. Social Science & Medicin, Volum 362 (2024).
Asanov, Anastasiya-Mariya; Asanov, Igor; Buenstorf, Guido; Kadriu, Valon; Schoch, Pia (2024): Patterns of dissertation dissemination: publication-based outcomes of doctoral theses in the social sciences. In: Scientometrics. open access
Asanov, Igor; Schirmacher, Helena; Bühren, Christoph (2024): A Meta-Analysis of Lost-Letter Field Experiments. Journal of Economic Psychology (Volume 105).
Asanov, Igor et. al. (2024): Involving Family and Friends Helps Sustainable Diets last Longer. In: npj Climate Action volume 3, Article number: 109. DOI: 10.1038/s44168-024-00192-4. open access.
Bartsch, Simone; Buenstorf, Guido; Theissen, Maria (2024): Are Employment Trajectories of STEM Doctoral Degree Holders Gender-Specific? Evidence from a Large German Technical University. Soziale Welt (Sonderheft 26): Nomos, S. 89–129.
Bloch, Roland; Mitterle Alexander & Seidenschnur, Tim (2024): How do universities compete? Introduction to the special issue. In: Studies in Higher Education, 49(10), 1701-1709.
Blome, Frerk (2024): Mechanisms of Upward Social Mobility. A qualitative analysis of class-specific careers in law and educational science. Soziale Welt (Special Issue; 26): Nomos, 372.406.
Blome, Frerk (2024): Soziale Herkunft und Wissenschaftskarrieren. Objektivierte Leistungsindikatoren als Mechanismus des sozialen Aufstiegs. In: RdJB 72 (1), 4–20.
Buenstorf, Guido; Koenig, Johannes; Otto, Anne (2024): Keeping up with the Max Plancks? Germany’s Quest for University Excellence and the Role of Public Research Institutes in Doctoral Education. In: Scientometrics. DOI: 10.1007/s11192-024-05195-w.
Döbbeling-Hildebrandt, Niklas; Miersch, Klaas; Khanna, Tarun M.; Bachelet, Marion; Bruns, Stephan B.; Callaghan, Max et al. (2024): Systematic review and meta-analysis of ex-post evaluations on the effectiveness of carbon pricing. In: Nature communications 15 (1), S. 4147.
Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation (2024): Synergieeffekte zwischen ziviler und militärischer Forschung klug nutzen. ZBW – Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft, Wirtschaftsdienst 104(10), S. 677-682.
Höhle, Ester (2024): Fixed-term employment and leaving intention. An analysis of junior academics across Europe.Soziale Welt (Sonderheft 26): Nomos, S. 169–206.
Huegel, Matthias (2024): University scientists’ multiple goals achievement: Social capital and its impact on research performance and research commercialization. In: Technovation 135, S. 103065. DOI: 10.1016/j.technovation.2024.103065.
Huegel, Matthias; Doerr, Philip; Kalthaus, Martin (2024): Initiation of knowledge and technology transfer from academia to industry: opportunity recognition and transfer channel choice. In: Industrial and Corporate Change, Artikel dtae027. DOI: 10.1093/icc/dtae027.
Koenig, Johannes (2024): Costs and Benefits of a Formal Academic Qualification beyond the PhD. In: Higher Education. DOI: 10.1007/s10734-024-01338-3.
Langfeldt, Bettina (2024): Alles eine Frage der Balance? Das Verhältnis von Wissenschaftlichkeit und Praxisorientierung im dualen Studium. In: Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung 1/2024. open access
Mishra, Shweta; Langguth, David (2024): Studieren mit Behinderung im internationalen Vergleich. In: Public Health Forum, 32 (2), S. 77–79.
Seidenschnur, Tim; Götze, Nicolai & Krücken, Georg (2024): Multiple roles of the state – federal states and their roles in how universities compete in Germany. In: Studies in Higher Education, S. 1-10.
Wieczorek, Oliver; Malzahn, Melanie (2024): Exploring an extinct society through the lens of Habitus-Field theory and the Tocharian text corpus. In: Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11 (1).
Wieczorek, Oliver; Schmitz, Andreas; Volle, Jonas; Khulan, Bayarkhuu; Münch, Richard (2024): Types of Collaboration and the Consolidation of Sociological Research. Evidence from publications in five German sociology journals 2000–2019. Soziale Welt (Sonderheft 26): Nomos, S. 239–279.
Asanov, Anastasiya-Mariya; Asanov, Igor & Bünstorf, Guido (2023): Mental health and stress level of Ukrainians seeking psychological help online. In: Heliyon 9 (2023) e21933. open access
Asanov, Igor; Asanov, Anastasiya-Mariya; Åstebro, Thomas; Buenstorf, Guido; Crépon, Bruno; McKenzie, David et al. (2023): System-, teacher-, and student-level interventions for improving participation in online learning at scale in high schools. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120 (30), e2216686120.
Asanov, Igor; Mavlikeeva, Maria (2023): Can group identity explain the gender gap in the recruitment process? In: Industrial Relations Journal 54 (1), S. 95–113.
Benner, Ilka; Dippelhofer, Sebastian; Hombach, Katharina; Müller, Lars (Hg.) (2023): Qualität im Hochschulsystem. Perspektiven auf Forschung, Lehre, Governance und Transfer. Münster: Waxmann.
Blome, Frerk (2023): Sozialer Aufstieg und Wissenschaftskarriere. Signifikante und autoritative Andere als Initiator:innen von Bildungs- und Aufstiegsmobilität, BIOS – Zeitschrift für Biographieforschung, Oral History und Lebensverlaufsanalysen, 1-2021 (Mai 2023), S. 70-91, open access ab dem 04.05.2025
Blome, Frerk (2023): Sozialer Aufstieg und Wissenschaftskarriere. Signifikante und autoritative Andere als Initiator:innen von Bildungs- und Aufstiegsmobilität. In: BIOS 34 (1), S. 70–91.
Bünstorf, Guido; König, Johannes & Otto, Anne (2023): Expansion of doctoral training and doctorate recipients’ labour market outcomes: evidence from German register data, Studies in Higher Education, DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2023.2188397
Büchele, Stefan (2023): Navigating success in higher education: engagement as a mediator between learning strategies and performance in mathematics. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, online first. DOI:
Büchele, Stefan & Feudel, Frank (2023): Changes in students’ mathematical competencies at the beginning of higher education within the last decade at a German university. Int J of Sci and Math Educ, online first. DOI: open access
Büchele, Büchele & Schürmann, Mirko (2023): Causal evidence of the effect of a course specific mathematical learning and support center on economics students’ performance and affective variables, Studies in Higher Education, DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2023.2271029
Buschkamp, Leonie & Seidenschnur, Tim (2023): Competition on hold? How competing discourses shape academic organisations in times of crisis. High Educ. open access
Cantner, Uwe; Doerr, Philip; Goethner, Maximilian; Hügel, Matthias & Kalthaus, Martin (2023): A procedural perspective on academic spin-off creation: the changing relative importance of the academic and the commercial sphere. Small Business Economics, S.1-36. DOI: open access
Götze, Nicolai (2023): Temporale Komplexität von Ausschreibungswettbewerben – Die Gleichzeitigkeit des Ungleichzeitigen in Exzellenzinitiative und dem Qualitätspakt Lehre, In: Das Hochschulwesen 71 (3): S. 85 - 93
Götze, Nicolai; Krücken, Georg & Seidenschnur, Tim (2023): Multipler Wettbewerb – multiple Wettbewerbsakteure? Der staatliche Wettbewerb im Hochschulbereich und die Transformation von Bundesländern in Wettbewerbsakteure. In: Hochschulwesen - Wissenschaft und Praxis 43, S.41-62. DOI: 10.53183/9783946017325
Jungbauer-Gans, Monika; Gottburgsen, Anja; Kleimann, Bernd (2023): Wertebasierte Governance in Hochschule und Wissenschaft. In: Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung, 2023 (1), S. 44–46.
Kosmützky, Anna; Krücken, Georg (2023): Still the Century of the University as a Global Institution? Comparative Perspectives. Review Essay. In: Global Perspectives 2022.
Krücken, Georg (2023): Imagined publics – On the structural transformation of higher education and science. A post-Habermas perspective. Philosophy & Social Criticism, 0(0). open access
Kunz, C., Schneijderberg, C., & Müller, L. (2023): Well-supervised, highly motivated, and healthy? Using latent class analysis and structural equation modelling to study doctoral candidates' health satisfaction. In: Higher Education Quarterly, 00, 1–16.
Mishra, Shweta; Klein, Daniel & Lars Müller (2023): Does the higher education experience affect political interest, efficacy, and participation? Comparing dropouts to graduates and ‘non-starters’. In: European Journal of Higher Education, DOI: 10.1080/21568235.2023.2276853
Schneijderberg, Christian (2023): Konventionen von Gütekriterien empirischer Sozialforschung qualitativ verstehen. 68 Absätze. In: Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research 24 (3), Artikel Art. 1.
Teichler, Ulrich (2023): Rankings von World-Class Universitäten – eine Einladung zur stärkeren Stratifizierung und geringerer Achtung auf vielfältige Kreativität. In: Hochschulwesen - Wissenschaft und Praxis 43, S.41-62. DOI: 10.53183/9783946017325 open access
Teichler, Ulrich (2023): Theoretical Underpinnings of the University Ranking Discourse. In: Journal of Adult
Learning, Knowledge and Innovation, 6(1). DOI: 10.1556/2059.2022.00075 open access
Wieczorek, Oliver; Münch, Richard; Brand, Alexander & Schwanhäuser, Silvia (2023): Field-crossing social capital and patronage as cornerstones of the transnational OECD-PISA network infrastructure. Comparative Education, 1-20. DOI: open access
Wieczorek, Oliver; Münch, Richard & Schubert, Daniel (2023): All power to the reviewers: British sociology under two-level supervision of the Research Excellence Framework. Social Science Information, 61(4), 481-528. DOI: open access
Wieczorek, Oliver; Steinhardt, Isabel; Schneijderberg, Christian; Schmidt, Rebecca & Mauermeister, Sylvi. (2023): The Bot Delusion. Large Language Models and Anticipated Consequences for Academics’ Publication and Citation Behavior. SocArXiv. Doi: 10.31235/ . open access
Bünstorf, Guido (2022): Zur Bedeutung forschungsbasierter Patente – Erkenntnisse aus der internationalen Forschung. In: Forschung & Lehre 29(2), S. 104–105.
Bünstorf, Guido; Heinisch, Dominik P.; Kapa, Matthias (2022): International doctoral graduates as inventors in the German innovation system. In: Industry and Innovation, DOI: 10.1080/13662716.2022.2036596
Götze, Nicolai; Krücken, Georg; Seidenschnur, Tim (2022): Reflexionspfade von Ausschreibungswettbewerben. Die Exzellenzinitiative und der Qualitätspakt Lehre im Vergleich. Das Hochschulwesen 1+2, 49–59.
Kleimann, Bernd (2022): Der SNF aus Sicht der Schweizerischen Hochschulen. In: Schweizerischer Wissenschaftsrat SWR: Evaluation des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds. Annexe I – IV, Bern, pp. 154-254
Kleimann, Bernd (2022): Personalführung im Governance-Mix: Zur Führungsrolle von Präsident*innen an deutschen Universitäten. Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung 17 (1+2), S. 21–25
König, Johannes (2022): Postdoctoral employment and future non-academic career prospects. PLOS ONE 17 (12), e0278091. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0278091
Kosmützky, Anna, Krücken, Georg: Still the century of the university as a global institution? Comparative perspectives. Review Essay. Accepted for Publication. To appear in: Global Perspectives 2022
Leschnig, Lisa; Schwerdt, Guido; Zigova, Katarina (2022): Central exams and adult skills: Evidence from PIAAC. Economics of Education Review 90, 102289. DOI: 10.1016/j.econedurev.2022.102289
Mishra, Shweta; Müller, Lars (2022): Resources, norms, and dropout intentions of migrant students in Germany: the role of social networks and social capital. In: Studies in Higher Education 47 (8), S. 1666–1680. DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2021.1948525
Münch, R., Wieczorek, O., & Gerl, R. (2022). Education regime and creativity: the Eastern Confucian and the Western Enlightenment types of learning in the PISA test. Cogent Education, 9(1), 2144025. DOI: open access
Münch, R., & Wieczorek, O. (2022). Improving schooling through effective governance? The United States, Canada, South Korea, and Singapore in the struggle for PISA scores. Comparative Education, 59(1), 59-76. DOI: open access
Münch, Richard; Wieczorek, Oliver (2022): In search of quality and equity: The United Kingdom and Germany in the struggle for PISA scores.International Journal of Educational Research Open 3, 100165. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijedro.2022.100165.
Müller, Lars; Klein, Daniel (2022): Social inequality in dropout from higher education in Germany. Towards combining the student integration model and rational choice theory. In: Research in Higher Education (2022). DOI: 10.1007/s11162-022-09703-w (Open Access)
Özgün, Burcu; Broekel, Tom (2022): Assessing press releases as a data source for spatial research. In: Region 9(2), S. 25–44. DOI: 10.18335/region.v9i2.379 (PDF). (Open Access)
Özgün, Burcu; Broekel, Tom (2022): Saved by the news? COVID-19 in German news and its relationship with regional mobility behaviour. In: Regional Studies, DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2022.2145012. (Open Acess)
Pineda, Pedro; Mishra, Shweta (2022): The semantics of diversity in higher education: differences between the Global North and Global South. In: Higher Education DOI: 10.1007/s10734-022-00870-4
Pineda, Pedro; Seidenschnur, Tim (2022): Translating student evaluation of teaching: How discourse and cultural environments pressure rationalizing procedures. In: Studies in Higher Education 47 (7), S. 1326–1342. DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2021.1889491 (Online first 2021)
Schneijderberg, Christian., Götze, Nicolai (2022): Publishing as Epistemic Governance of Academics: The Cognitive and Social Frontier of University-industry Linkages and Commercial Indicators. S. 64-87 in: Sarrico, C., Carvalho, T., & Joao, M. (eds.): Research Handbook on Academic Careers and Managing Academics. Elgar.
Schneijderberg, Christian; Götze, Nicolai; Müller, Lars (2022): A study of 25 years of publication outputs in the German academic profession. In: Scientometrics 127, S.1–28. (Open Access)
Schneijderberg, Christian; Götze, Nicolai; Steinhardt, Isabel; Schindler, Janosch(2022): (Be)Werten im organisationsabhängigen Interaktionssystem: das Beispiel Peer Review in Akkreditierungsverfahren von Hochschulen und Studiengängen. In: Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 21(2), S. 217–244. DOI: 10.31244/zfe.2022.02.03
Seidenschnur, Tim; Galwa, Julia; Krücken, Georg; Vogel, Rick (2022): Consulting in context: Legitimacy of management consultants in public administration and at universities. Management Revue 33 (1), 19–41. DOI: 10.5771/0935-9915-2022-1-19
Teichler, Ulrich (2022): Book review: Family-run universities in Japan: Sources of inbuilt resilience in the face of demographic pressure, 1992-2030.Contemporary Japan 34 (2), S. 245–247. DOI: 10.1080/18692729.2021.2022573
Teichler, Ulrich (2022): Dà xué pái míng huà yû de li lûn zh zhù, piân jiàn jí hòu guô. (Theoretical Underpinning of the University Ranking Discourse). Peking University Education Review 20 (2), 83–96
Teichler, Ulrich (2022): Possible futures of higher education research in Germany. RIHE International Seminar Reports: Higher Education Research: Challenges and Prospects (26), 67–90
Unger, Saïd; Erhard, Lukas; Wieczorek, Oliver; Koß, Christian; Riebling, Jan; Heiberger, Raphael H. (2022): Benefits and detriments of interdisciplinarity on early career scientists' performance. An author-level approach for U.S. physicists and psychologists. PLOS ONE 17 (6), e0269991. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0269991
Asanov, Igor (2021): Bandit cascade: A test of observational learning in the bandit problem. In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 189, S. 150–171. DOI: 10.1016/j.jebo.2021.06.006
Badillo-Vega, Rosalba; Krücken, Georg; Pineda, Pedro (2021): Changing analytical levels and methods of leadership research on university presidents. In: Studies in Higher Education 46 (4), S. 677-689. DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2019.1647417
Berg, Jana; Gottburgsen, Anja; Kleimann, Bernd (2021): Formalising organisational responsibility for refugees in German higher education: the case of first contact positions. In: Studies in Higher Education, S. 1–13. DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2021.1872524
Geissler, Matthias; König, Johannes (2021): ‘See you soon?!' Mobility, competition and free-riding in decentralized higher education financing. In: Regional Studies 55 (4), S. 665–678. DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2020.1851023
Gifford, Ethan; Buenstorf, Guido; Ljungberg, Daniel; McKelvey, Maureen; Zaring, Olof (2021): Variety in founder experience and the performance of knowledge-intensive innovative firms. In: Journal of Evolutionary Economics 31 (2), S. 677–713. DOI: 10.1007/s00191-020-00692-6 (Open Access)
Gläser, Jochen; Ash, Mitchell; Buenstorf, Guido; Hopf, David; Hubenschmid, Lara; Janßen, Melike; Laudel, Grit; Schimank, Uwe; Stoll, Marlene; Wilholt, Torsten; Zechlin, Lothar; Lieb, Klaus (2021): The Independence of Research – A Review of Disciplinary Perspectives and Outline of Interdisciplinary Prospects. In: Minerva. DOI: 10.1007/s11024-021-09451-8 (Open Access)
Götze, Nicolai; Carvalho, Teresa; Aarrevaara, Timo (2021): Academics’ Societal Engagement in Diverse European Binary Higher Education Systems: A Cross-Country Comparative Analysis. In: Higher Education Policy 34 (1), S. 88–109. DOI: 10.1057/s41307-020-00222-w
Höhle, E.; Janson, K.; Rathke, J. (2021): Weiterbildung: ein Karriere-Booster?! In: DUZ Wissenschaft & Management, 8/2021, S. 46–60.
Höhle, E.; Janson, K.; Ziegele, F. (2021): Was Netzwerke bedeuten. In: DUZ Wissenschaft und Management, 2/2021, S. 18–24.!/id/999/was-netzwerke-bedeuten
Inal, Vedit; Kılıçkan, Nur Merve (2021): Refugee Scholars of the 1930s and the German Contribution to the Development of Economics in Turkey. In: Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies 23 (2), S. 283–300. DOI: 10.1080/19448953.2020.1867809
Janson, K.; Höhle, E.; Rathke, J.; Krempkow, R. (2021): Weiterbildung unter der Lupe: ein sehr weites Feld. In: DUZ Wissenschaft & Management, 6/2021, S. 32–43
Kleimann, Bernd; Hückstädt, Malte (2021): Selection criteria in professorial recruiting as indicators of institutional similarity? A comparison of German universities and universities of applied sciences. In: Quality in Higher Education 27 (2), S. 1–16. DOI: 10.1080/13538322.2021.1889760
Koopmann, Tobias; Stubbemann, Maximilian; Kapa, Matthias; Paris, Michael; Bünstorf, Guido; Hanika, Tom; Hotho, Andreas; Jäschke, Robert; Stumme, Gerd (2021): Proximity dimensions and the emergence of collaboration. A HypTrails study on German AI research. In: Scientometrics 39 (3). DOI: 10.1007/s11192-021-03922-1 (Open Access)
Krempkow, R.; Janson, K.; Rathke, J.; Höhle, E. (2021): Wie qualifiziert sich das Wissenschaftsmanagement in Deutschland (weiter)? In: Qualität in der Wissenschaft (QiW) 3+4/2021, S. 89–97
Kretschmer, Sebastian; Langfeldt, Bettina; Herzig, Christian; Krikser, Thomas (2021): The organic mindset: insights from a mixed methods grounded theory (MM-GT) study into organic food systems. In: Sustainability 13 (9), Article 4724. DOI: 10.33u1309472490/s (Open Acces)
Krücken, Georg (2021): Multiple competitions in higher education. A conceptual approach. In: Innovation 23 (2), S. 163–181. DOI: 10.1080/14479338.2019.1684652
Krücken, Georg; Bünstorf, Guido; Cantner, Uwe; Frost, Jetta; Grebel, Thomas; Hamann, Julian; Hottenrott, Hanna; Kosmützky, Anna; Meier, Frank; Schimank, Uwe & Serrano Velarde, Kathia (2021): Multipler Wettbewerb im Hochschulsystem – Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven und wissenschaftspolitische Implikationen. In: Das Hochschulwesen 3+4, S. 90–95. ISSN 0018-2974
Krücken, Georg; Mishra, Shweta; Seidenschnur, Tim (2021) (Hrsg.): Theories and methods in higher education research – a space of opportunities. European Journal of Higher Education, Supplement 1/11. DOI: 10.1080/21568235.2021.2004905
Lee, Soo Jeung; Schneijderberg, Christian; Kim, Yangson; Steinhardt, Isabel (2021): Have Academics’ Citation Patterns Changed in Response to the Rise of World University Rankings? A Test Using First-Citation Speeds. In: Sustainability 13 (17), Article 9515. DOI: 10.3390/su13179515 (Open Access)
Müller, Lars; Klein, Daniel (2021): Soziale, ethnische und geschlechtsspezifische Ungleichheiten beim Studienabbruch. Welche Rolle spielen akademische Leistungen vor und während des Studiums? In: Zeitschrift für empirische Hochschulforschung (ZeHf) 4 (1), S. 13–31. DOI: 10.3224/zehf.v4i1.03
Ohly, Sandra; Schneijderberg, Christian (2021): German Professors’ Motivation to Act as Peer Reviewers in Accreditation and Evaluation Procedures. In: Minerva 59 (2), S. 217–236. DOI: 10.1007/s11024-020-09430-5 (Open Access)
Özgün, Burcu; Broekel, Tom (2021): The geography of innovation and technology news - An empirical study of the German news media: In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 167. Open Access.
Pineda, Pedro; Seidenschnur, Tim (2021): The metrification of teaching: student evaluation of teaching in the United States, Germany and Colombia. In: Comparative Education 57 (3), S. 377–397. DOI: 10.1080/03050068.2021.1924447
Schmid, Christian Johann (2021): Ethnographic Gameness: Theorizing Extra-methodological Fieldwork Practices in a Study of Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs. In: Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 50 (1), S. 33–56. DOI: 10.1177/0891241620964945 (Open Access)
Schneijderberg, Christian; Broström, Anders; Cavalho, Teresa; Geschwind; Lars; Marquina, Monica; Müller, Lars; Reznik, Nikolas (2021): Academics’ Societal Engagement in the Humanities and Social Sciences: A Generational Perspective from Argentina, Germany, Portugal, and Sweden. In: Higher Education Policy 34, S. 42–65. DOI: 10.1057/s41307-020-00218-6
Schneijderberg, Christian; Götze, Nicolai (2021): Academics’ Societal Engagement in Cross-country Perspective. Large-n in Small-n Comparative Case Studies. In: Higher Education Policy 3 (4), S. 1–17. DOI: 10.1057/s41307-021-00227-z
Schneijderberg, Christian; Götze, Nicolai; Jones, Glen A.; Bilyalov, Darkhan; Panova, Anna; Stephenson, Grace Karram; Yudkevich, Maria (2021): Does Vertical University Stratification Foster or Hinder Academics’ Societal Engagement? Findings from Canada, Germany, Kazakhstan, and Russia. In: Higher Education Policy 34 (1), S. 66–87. DOI: 10.1057/s41307-020-00219-5
Schneijderberg, Christian; Götze, Nicolai; Müller, Lars (2021): Academic Profession in Knowledge Societies (APIKS). In: GESIS Datenarchiv, Köln. ZA6709 Datenfile Version 1.0.0. (Open Access)
Seidenschnur, Tim (2021): A typology of social characters and various means of control: an analysis of communication during the early stages of the corona pandemic in Germany. In: European Societies 23 (1), S. 923–941. DOI: 10.1080/14616696.2020.1857422 (Open Access)
Teichler Ulrich (2021): “Are Academics Driven by Managerialism? Governance and the Changing Role of Academics on the Way to the Knowledge Society”. In: Acta Pedagogica Vilnensia, vol. 46, 13–26.
Teichler, Ulrich (2021): "Universität Kassel – 50 Jahre jung”. In: Forschung & Lehre, Online, 25.10.2021 (
Teichler, Ulrich (2021): “Docencia versus investigación: un equilibrio vulnerable (Teaching versus Research: The Vulnerable Balance). In: Revista de Educación (Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de Mar des Plata), 24 (2), S. 37–60.
Zavale, Nelson Casimiro; Schneijderberg, Christian (2021): Academics’ societal engagement in ecologies of knowledge: A case study from Mozambique. In: Science and Public Policy 48 (1), S. 37–52. DOI: 10.1093/scipol/scaa055
Asanov, Igor; Vannuccini, Simone (2020): Short- and Long-run Effects of External Interventions on Trust. In: Review of Behavioral Economics 7 (2), S. 159–195. DOI: 10.1561/105.00000118
Badillo-Vega, Rosalba; Buendía-Espinosa, Angélica (2020): The leadership roles of Mexico’s university presidents. In: Studies in Higher Education, S. 1–16. DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2020.1750582
Bode, Rasmus; Bünstorf, Guido; Heinisch, Dominik P. (2020): Proximity and learning. Evidence from a post-WW2 intellectual reparations program. In: Journal of Economic Geography 20 (3), S. 601–628. DOI: 10.1093/jeg/lbz023 (Open Access)
von Bloh, Johannes; Broekel, Tom; Özgun, Burcur; Sternberg, Rolf (2020): New(s) data for entrepreneurship research? An innovative approach to use Big Data on media coverage. In: Small Bus Econ55, 673–694. (Open Access)
Broström, Anders; Buenstorf, Guido; McKelvey, Maureen (2020): The knowledge economy, innovation and the new challenges to universities. Introduction to the special issue. In: Innovation: Organization and Management 23 (2), S. 145–162. DOI: 10.1080/14479338.2020.1825090 (Free Access)
Buenstorf, Guido; Heinisch, Dominik P. (2020): Science and industry evolution. Evidence from the first 50 years of the German laser industry. In: Small Business Economics 54 (2), S. 523–538. DOI: 10.1007/s11187-018-0032-6 (Open Access)
Buenstorf, Guido; Heinisch, Dominik (2020): When do firms get ideas from hiring PhDs? In: Research Policy 49 (3), Article 103913. DOI: 10.1016/j.respol.2019.103913
Buenstorf, Guido; König, Johannes (2020): Interrelated funding streams in a multi-funder university system: Evidence from the German Exzellenzinitiative. In: Research Policy 49 (3), Article 103924. DOI: 10.1016/j.respol.2020.103924
Heinisch, Dominik P.; König, Johannes; Otto, Anne (2020): A supervised machine learning approach to trace doctorate recipients’ employment trajectories. In: Quantitative Science Studies 1 (1), S. 94–116. DOI: 10.1162/qss_a_00001 (Open Access)
Höhle, Ester Ava; Krempkow, René (2020): Die Prüfung der Datenqualität bei einer heterogenen, teilweise unbestimmten Befragtengruppe. In: Qualität in der Wissenschaft 2, S. 50–60. Abstract
Krücken, Georg; Schmid, Christian (2020): 40 Years of Higher Education Research in Germany: Institutional and Topical Developments. In: Peking University Education Review 18 (2), S. 1–29.
Mavlikeeva, Maria (2020): Assessing the ethnic employment gap during the early stages of COVID-19. In: Covid Economics 49, Centre for Economy and Policy Research, S. 222–236. (Open Access)
Mishra, Shweta (2020): Social networks, social capital, social support and academic success in higher education. A systematic review with a special focus on ‘underrepresented’ students. In: Educational Research Review 29, Article 100307. DOI: 10.1016/j.edurev.2019.100307
Müller, Lars; Schneijderberg, Christian (2020): The Emergence of the Organizational Academic Profession. Vertical Differentiation of German Universities and the Research-Teaching Nexus. In: Higher Education Forum 17 (3), S. 43–67. DOI: 10.15027/48954 (Open Access)
Neusel, Aylâ (2020): Die Türkisch-Deutsche Universität. In: POLITICAL SCIENCE APPLIED Zeitschrift für angewandte Politikwissenschaft 10, S. 22–26.
Pineda, Pedro; Gregorutti, Gustavo; Streitwieser, Bernhard (2020): Emerging Decolonialized Research Collaboration. The Max Planck Society and the Leibniz Association in Latin America. In: Journal of Studies in International Education 24 (1), S. 59–78. DOI: 10.1177/1028315319888891 (Open Access)
Rehs, Andreas (2020): A structural topic model approach to scientific reorientation of economics and chemistry after German reunification. In: Scientometrics 125 (2), S. 1229–1251. DOI: 10.1007/s11192-020-03640-0 (Open Access)
Seidenschnur, Tim; Veiga, Amélia; Jungblut, Jens; Magalhães, António (2020): Hopes, beliefs, and concerns. Narratives in German and Portuguese universities regarding Brexit. In: Higher Education 79, S. 867–884. DOI: 10.1007/s10734-019-00443-y Abstract
Teichler, Ulrich (2020): “Fünf Jahrzehnte des Experimentierens. Hochschulsteuerung und die Gestaltung der Hochschullehrerrolle. Teil 1 und Teil 2". In: die hochschule. Journal für wissenschaft und bildung 29 (1) und 29 (2), S. 98–115 und S. 109–129.
Teichler, Ulrich (2020): „Gāo děng jiào yù de zhuó yuè xìng he guó jì xìng“ (Excellence and Internationality of Higher Education). In: Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Social Science Edition) 33 (2), S. 112–123.
Teichler, Ulrich (2020): “Higher Education in Economically Advanced Countries: Changes within Recent Decades”. In: Higher Education Governance & Policy 1(1), S. 1–17. (Open Access)
Zavale, Nelson Casimiro; Schneijderberg, Christian (2020): Mapping the field of research on African higher education: a review of 6483 publications from 1980 to 2019. In: Higher Education. DOI: 10.1007/s10734-020-00649-5
Bruns, Stephan B.; Asanov, Igor; Bode, Rasmus; Dunger, Melanie; Funk, Christoph; Hassan, Sherif M.; Hauschildt, Julia; Heinisch, Dominik; Kempa, Karol; König, Johannes; Lips, Johannes; Verbeck, Matthias; Wolfschütz, Eva; Bünstorf, Guido (2019): Reporting errors and biases in published empirical findings. Evidence from innovation research. In: Research Policy 48 (9), Article 103796. DOI: 10.1016/j.respol.2019.05.005
Bruns, Stephan B.; König, Johannes; Stern, David I. (2019): Replication and robustness analysis of ‘energy and economic growth in the USA. A multivariate approach’. In: Energy Economics 82, S. 100–113. DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2018.10.007
Fuchs, Michaela; Rehs, Andreas (2019): Erwerbsbiographien ost- und westdeutscher Promovierter nach der Wiedervereinigung: Gleiche Qualifikation, gleiche Karriereverläufe? In: ifo Dresden berichtet 26 (6), S. 17–22. DOI: (Open Access)
Höhle, Ester (2019): Befristung an Universitäten. Eine Analyse von Ursachen im internationalen Vergleich. Das Hochschulwesen (1), S. 10–16.
Krücken, Georg (2019): Die Perspektive der Governance-Forschung. Ursachen und Folgen des multiplen Wettbewerbs im Hochschul- und Wissenschaftssystem. In: Forschung. Politik - Strategie - Management 12 (3+4), S. 88–91. ISSN: 1868 - 1654
Lee, Soo Jeung; Müller, Lars (2019): Institutional stratification and its effects on wages of higher education graduates in Germany and South Korea. In: European Journal of Higher Education 9 (4), S. 433–451. DOI: 10.1080/21568235.2019.1666290
Pineda, Pedro; Celis, Jorge; Rangel, Lina (2019): The worldwide spread of peace education: discursive patterns in publications and international organisations. In: Globalisation, Societies and Education 17, S. 638–657. DOI: 10.1080/14767724.2019.1665988
Schmid, Christian; Maschwitz, Annika; Wilkesmann, Uwe; Nickel, Sigrun; Elsholz, Uwe; Cendon, Eva (2019): Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung in Deutschland - Ein kommentierter Überblick zum Stand der Forschung. In: Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung 41 (4), S. 10–35. Open Access
Schneijderberg, Christian (2019): Doctoral Education and Training. In: Oxford Bibliographies in Education. Ed. Anne Hynds. New York: Oxford University Press. [plus Bibliometric Annex, siehe].
Schneijderberg, Christian (2019): Research about Quality Assurance as Research about Consequences of Political Reforms. In: Higher Education Policy. Doi: 10.1057/s41307-018-00131-z
Schneijderberg, Christian (2019): Supervision practices of doctoral education and training. In: Studies in Higher Education 44, S. 1285-1295. DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2019.1689384
Seidenschnur, Tim (2019): The Logic of Innovation:A Study on the Narrative Construction of Intrapreneurial Groups in the Light of Competing Institutional Logics. In: Historical Social Research 44 (4), S. 222–249. DOI: 10.12759/hsr.44.2019.4.222-249 (Open Access)
Teichler, Ulrich (2019): Bologna and Student Mobility: A fuzzy relationship. In: Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 32 (4), S. 429–449. DOI: 10.1080/13511610.2019.1597685
Teichler, Ulrich (2019): Gāoděng jiàoyù hé bìyèshēng jiùyè: Biànhuà de tiáojiàn yù tiǎozhàn” (Higher Education and Graduate Employment: Changing Conditions and Challenges). In: Peking University Education Review 17 (3), S. 13–44.
Baumann, Janosch &Krücken, Georg (2018): Debated Legitimacy: Accreditation in German Higher Education. Online First 24 November 2018. In: Higher Education Policy. Abstract
Braun, Edith; Athanassiou, Georgios; Pollerhof, Kathleen & Schwabe, Ulrike (2018): Wie lassen sich kommunikative Kompetenzen messen? Konzeption einer kompetenzorientierten Prüfung kommunikativer Fähigkeiten von Studierenden. In: Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung 40 (3), S. 34–55. Volltext
Bruns, Stefan B.; König, Johannes & Stern, David I. (2018): Replication and robustness analysis of ‘energy and economic growth in the USA: A multivariate approach’. (im Druck). Volltext
Buenstorf, Guido & Costa, Carla (2018): Drivers of spin-off performance in industry clusters. Embodied knowledge or embedded firms? In: Research Policy 47 (3), S. 663–673. Abstract
Heinisch, Dominik & Buenstorf, Guido (2018): The next generation (plus one): an analysis of doctoral students’ academic fecundity based on a novel approach to advisor identification. In: Scientometrics 117 (1), S. 351–380. Abstract
Hladchenko, Myroslava; Dobbins, Michael & Jungblut, Jens (2018): Exploring Change and Stability in Ukrainian Higher Education and Research. A Historical Analysis Through Multiple Critical Junctures. In: High Educ Policy 19 (2), S. 111. DOI: 10.1057/s41307-018-0105-9. Abstract
Jungblut, Jens; Vukasovic, Martina & Steinhardt, Isabel (2018): Higher education policy dynamics in turbulent times – access to higher education for refugees in Europe. In: Studies in Higher Education 2 (1), S. 1–12. DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2018.1525697. Abstract
Kosmützky, Anna (2018): Review of Bleiklie et al. (2017): Managing Universities: Policy and Organizational Change from a Western European Comparative Perspective. [Review]. In: Comparative Education Review 62 (1), S. 151–154.
Krücken, Georg; Engwall, Lars & Corte, Erik de (2018): Introduction to the Special Issue on ‘University Governance and Creativity’. In: European Review 26, S. 1–5. DOI: 10.1017/S1062798717000485. Volltext
Müller, Lars: Zum Zusammenhang von Studienabbruch und Migrationshintergrund: die Rolle von schulischer Leistung und Lern-Engagement im Studium, ZeHf – Zeitschrift für empirische Hochschulforschung, 2-2018, S. 97-119. Abstract
Müller, Lars & Braun, Edith (2018): Student Engagement. Ein Konzept für ein evidenzbasiertes Qualitätsmanagement an Hochschulen. In: Zeitschrift für Erziehungwissenschaft (3), S. 649–670. Volltext
Pineda, Pedro & Celis, Jorge (2018): The Maelstrom of Online Programs in Colombian Teacher Education. In: epaa 26, S. 114. DOI: 10.14507/epaa.26.3873. Volltext
Schneijderberg, Christian & Steinhardt, Isabel (2018): Accreditation of X Qualities Instead of Quality X: A Normative Analysis of Criteria of the German Higher Education Accreditation. In: Higher Education Policy. Abstract
Seidenschnur, Tim; Krücken, Georg; Galwa, Julia & Vogel, Rick: Berater im Spiegel des Feldes. Eine professionssoziologische Rekonstruktion ihrer Legitimierung in Verwaltungen und Universitäten. In: Soziale Welt 1 (2018), S. 6–32. Volltext
Tao, Dongmei; Steinhardt, Isabel & Yang, Dongping (2018): The Extension and Enlightenment of Research Function of German University of Applied Sciences. In: Jiangsu Education 209 (7), S. 104–108.
Teichler, Ulrich (2018): Der studentische Protest der 1960er Jahre und die Entstehung der Hochschulforschung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. In: die hochschule 27 (1-2), S. 179–203. Volltext
Buenstorf, Guido; Nielsen, Kristian & Timmermans, Bram (2017): Steve Jobs or No Jobs? Entrepreneurial Activity and Performance among Danish College Dropouts and Graduates. In: Small Business Economics 48 (1), S. 179–197. Volltext
Chou, Meng-Hsuan; Jungblut, Jens; Ravinet, Pauline & Vukasovic, Martina (2017): Higher Education Governance and Policy: Multi-issue, Multi-level, and Multi-actor Dynamics. In: Policy and Society (special issue) 36 (1), S. 1–15. Volltext
Janson, Kerstin & Flöther, Choni (2017): Der Einsatz von Absolventenstudien im Career Service. Ein empirischer Überblick. In: career service paper (csp) (15), S. 37–58. Volltext
Jungblut, Jens (2017): Book Review. The Political Economy of Higher Education Finance. The Politics of Tuition Fees and Subsidies in OECD Countries, 1945-2015. In: European Journal of Higher Education 7 (1), S. 96–99. Abstract
Jungblut, Jens & Rexe, Deanna (2017): Higher Education Policy in Canada and Germany. Assessing Multi-level and Multi-actor Coordination Bodies for Policymaking in Federal Systems. In: Policy and Society 36 (1), S. 49–66. Volltext
Jungblut, Jens & Vukasovic, Martina (2017): Not all Markets are Created Equal: Re-Conceptualizing Market Elements in Higher Education. In: Higher Education. Volltext
Kosmützky, Anna (2017): A two-sided medal: On the complexity of international comparative and collaborative team research. Early View (Online Version of Record published before inclusion in an issue). In: Higher Education Quarterly. Volltext
Kosmützky, Anna (2017): Altmetrics & Co. und die Freiheit der Forschung. In: Kritische Ausgabe. Zeitschrift Für Germanistik & Literatur 21 (2).
Krücken, Georg (2017): Die Transformation von Universitäten in Wettbewerbsakteure. In: Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung (3-4), S. 10–29. Volltext
Krücken, Georg (2017): Gemeinsam unterschiedlich. Zum Nutzen von Perspektivendifferenz. In: Wissenschaftsmanagement (3), S. 23–27.
Steinhardt, Isabel (2017): Zusammenhang zwischen Diversität von Studierenden und Nutzung digitaler Medien und offener Bildung im Studium. In: JFMH: Offenheit in Lehre & Forschung (06), S. 12–13. Volltext
Steinhardt, Isabel; Schneijderberg, Christian; Götze, Nicolai; Baumann, Janosch & Krücken, Georg (2017): Mapping the Quality Assurance of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: the Emergence of a Specialty? In: Higher Education 74 (2), S. 221–237. Volltext
Teichler, Ulrich (2017): Internationalisation Trends in Higher Education and the Changing Role of Student Mobility. In: Journal of International Mobility (5), S. 177–216. Volltext
Teichler, Ulrich (2017): Internationally Mobile Academics. Concepts and Findings in Europe. In: European Journal of Higher Education 7 (1), S. 15–28.
Whitchurch, Celia; Schneijderberg, Christian (2017): Changing Professional and Academic Identities. In: Oxford Bibliographies in Education. Abstract
Benderoth, Katharina & Müller, Lars (2016): Herkunft als Studienhandicap? Das Potential des Peer-Netzwerkes für Studieninteressierte und Hochschulen. In: Das Hochschulwesen, 64. Jg., H.1/2 2016, S. 37–41.
Jungblut, Jens (2016): Re-distribution and public governance – the politics of higher education in Western Europe. In: European Politics and Society, S. 1–22. (DOI: 10.1080/23745118.2016.1140395). Abstract
Krücken, Georg & Serrano-Velarde, Kathia (2016): Der Berater als Fremder. Eine soziologische Studie zur Managementberatung in Universitäten. In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, H. 68, S. 29–51 (DOI 10.1007/s11577-015-0351-4) Abstract
Steinhardt, Isabel (2016): Habitussensibilisierung durch Videoanalysen von Lehramtsstudierenden. In: Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung 11 (1), S. 225–237. Volltext
Badillo, Rosalba; Buendía-Espinosa, Angélica; Krücken, Georg (2015): La conducción de las instituciones de educación superior frente a la “tercera misión de la universidad”: visiones globales, miradas locales. (The leadership of rectors in universities' "third mission": Global visions, local views). In: Revista Mexicana de Investigación Educativa 65 (XX), S. 393–417.
Braun, Edith; Brachem, Julia-Carolin (2015): Requirements higher education graduates meet on the labour market. In: Peabody Journal of Education, S. 574–595. DOI: 10.1080/0161956X.2015.1068086.
Cavalli, Alessandro; Teichler, Ulrich (2015): Preface. In: European Review 23 (1, Supplement), S. 1–5.
Höhle, Ester Ava (2015): From apprentice to agenda-setter: comparative analysis of the influence of contract conditions on roles in the scientific community. In: Studies in Higher Education, S. 1–15. DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2015.1060704. Abstract
Kosmützky, Anna; Krücken, Georg (2015): Sameness and Difference. In: International Studies of Management & Organization 45 (2), S. 137–149. DOI: 10.1080/00208825.2015.1006013.
Schneijderberg, Christian; Beit-Yaghoub, Desire; Gossmann, Nina; Heyde, Julian; Kornke, Nicole; Kuznetsova, Maria et al. (2015): Viele Daten - wenig Information für Studieninteressierte? : Eine Untersuchung der Internetseiten von Soziologieinstituten. In: Soziologie 44 (1), S. 78–98.
Steinhardt, Isabel (2015): Evaluationsprofessionalisierung und Methodenkenntnis – ein untrennbares Paar in Hochschulen? In: Qualität in der Wissenschaft 9 (1), S. 9–15.
Teichler, Ulrich (2015): Academic Mobility and Migration. What We Know and What we Do Not Know. In: European Review 23 (Supplement, 1), S. 6–37.
Teichler, Ulrich (2015): Es irreversible la declinacíon en la credibilidad de las universidades? In: International Higher Education (Boston colleges Center for International Higher Education) 67, S. 22–23.
Teichler, Ulrich (2015): Is the Decline of the Universities’ Credibility Irreversible? In: International Higher Education (Boston colleges Center for International Higher Education) 80, S. 18–19.
Teichler, Ulrich (2015): Mehr oder weniger. Differenzierung im internationalen Vergleich. In: Forschung & Lehre 22 (1), S. 20–22.
Teichler, Ulrich (2015): Mnogoobrazie I diversifikatsiya vysshego obrazovaniya: tendentsii, vyzowy I varianty politiki. Diversity and Diversification of Higher Edudation: Trends, Challenges and Policies. In: Educational Studies Moscow (1), S. 14–38. Online verfügbar unter
Teichler, Ulrich (2015): Mozhuo li ostanovit’ padenie avtoriteta vuzov? Is the Decline of the Universities’ Credibility Irreversible? In: International Higher Education 80, S. 25–26.
Teichler, Ulrich (2015): O declínio de credibilidade das universidades é irreversível? Is the Decline of the Universities’ Credibility Irreversible? In: Revista Enensino Superior 80.
Teichler, Ulrich; CAVALLI, Alessandro (2015): The Diverse Patterns and the Diverse Causes of Migration and Mobility. In: European Review 23 (Supplement, 1), S. 112–126.
Winterhager, Nico; Krücken, Georg (2015): The Local ‘War for Talent’. Recruitment of Recent Tertiary Education Graduates From a Regional Perspective. Some Evidence From the German Case. In: European Journal of Higher Education 5 (2), S. 127–140.
Bönte, Werner; Krabel, Stefan (2014): You can’t always get what you want: gender differences in job satisfaction of university graduates. In: Applied Economics 46 (21), S. 2477–2487.
Kosmützky, Anna (2014): Von der Spitze zum Eisberg – eine konzeptionelle und empirische Analyse zur Selbstbeschreibung der Wissenschaft zwischen Autonomie und Praxis. In: Technikfolgenabschätzung - Theorie und Praxis (TA-TuP) (23), S. 3.
Kosmützky, Anna; Krücken, Georg (2014): Does an Increase in International Higher Education Research Correlate with More Comparative Analysis? In: International Higher Education 76 (Winter Edition).
Kosmützky, Anna; Krücken, Georg (2014): Growth or steady state? A bibliometric focus on international comparative higher education research. In: High Educ 67 (4), S. 457–472. DOI: 10.1007/s10734-013-9694-9. (Abstract)
Kosmützky, Anna; Nokkala, Terhi (2014): Challenges and trends in comparative higher education: an editorial. In: Higher Education 67 (4), S. 369–380. DOI: 10.1007/s10734-013-9693-x.
Krabel, Stefan; Flöther, Choni (2014): Here Today, Gone Tomorrow? Regional Labour Mobility of German University Graduates. In: Regional Studies 48 (410), S. 1609–1627.
Krücken, Georg (2014): Higher Education Reforms and Unintended Consequences: a Research Agenda. In: Studies in Higher Education 39 (8), S. 1439–1450.
Pavlin, Samo; Dezelan, Tomaz; Teichler, Ulrich (2014): Hybrid Roles, Converging Knowledge Needs for Graduates’ Careers? An Insight into Academic and Administrational Perspectives. In: Annales (Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies), Siries Historia et Sociologica 24 (3), S. 383–396.
Plasa, Tim (2014): Der Weg in den Beruf. In: Nachrichten aus Chemie, Technik und Laboratorium 62 (9), S. 942–944.
Plasa, Tim (2014): Studienbedingungen und Berufseinstieg in der Biologie. In: Biologie in unserer Zeit 44 (6), S. 364–366.
Schoen, Anja; Heinisch, Dominik; Bünstorf, Guido (2014): Playing the Name Game to Identify Academic Patents in Germany. In: Scientometrics 101 (1), S. 527–545.
Seeber, Marco; Lepori, Benedetto; Montauti, Martina; Enders, Jürgen; Boer, Harry de; Weyer, Elke et al. (2014): European Universities as Complete Organizations? Understanding Identity, Hierarchy and Rationality in Public Organizations. In: Public Management Review 17 (10), S. 1444–1474. DOI: 10.1080/14719037.2014.943268.
Seeber, Marco; Lepori, Benedetto; Montauti, Martina; Enders, Jürgen; Boer, Harry de; Weyer, Elke et al. (2014): European Universities as Complete Organizations? Understanding Identitiy, Hierarchy and Rationality in Public Organizations. In: Public Management Review, S. 1–31.
Steinhardt, Isabel und Schneijderberg, Christian (2014): Hochschulforschung als Gemischtwarenladen. Karrieremöglichkeiten des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses in einem heterogenen Feld. In: die hochschule. Journal für wissenschaft und bildung 1/2014, S. 63-75 (pdf)
Teichler, Ulrich (2014): Hochschule und Beruf als Gegenstandsbereich der Hochschulforschung. In: die hochschule. Journal für wissenschaft und bildung 1/2014, S. 118-132 (pdf)
Teichler, Ulrich (2014): Boronia kaikaku go doitsu to ôshû shokoku no daigaku no gakushû puroguramu ni ataeta eikyô – boronia purosesu 10 nenkan no kaikaku doryoku no sôkatsu. The Impact of the Bologna Reform Programme on Universities in Germany and Other European Countries: An Account after a Decade of Reform Efforst. In: Daigaku Hyôka Gakuin Kenkyû (Research on Academic Degrees and University Evaluation) (16), S. 1–25.
Teichler, Ulrich (2014): Hochschule und Beruf als Gegenstandsbereich der Hochschulforschung. In: die hochschule. journal für wissenschaft und bildung 23 (1), S. 118–132.
Teichler, Ulrich (2014): Hochschulforschung ist ohne Praxisnähe nicht denkbar. In: DUZ Special (1), S. 16–17.
Teichler, Ulrich (2014): The Academic Profession between National Characteristics and International Trends. In: Hungarian Education Research Journal 4 (4), S. 29–42.
Teichler, Ulrich (2014): The Academic Profession between National Characteristics and International Trends. In: Hungarian Education Research Journal 4 (1), S. 29–42.
Yagci, Yasemin (2014): Setting Policy Agenda for the Social Dimension of the Bologna Process. In: Higher Education Policy 27 (4), S. 509–528. DOI: 10.1057/hep.2013.38.
Buenstorf, Guido, Fritsch, Michael & Medrano, Luis F. (2013): “Regional knowledge, organizational capabilities, and the emergence of the West German laser systems industry, 1975–2005”, Regional Studies. DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2012.711947
Buenstorf, Guido & Schacht, Alexander (2013): “We need to talk - or do
we? Geographic distance and the commercialization of technologies from public research”, Research Policy, 42, S. 465– 480.
Engels, Anita; Hüther, Otto; Schäfer, Mike & Held, Hermann (2013): Public climate-change skepticism, energy preferences and political participation. In: Global Environmental Change, 23(5), S. 1018–1027.
Hassr, Raimund & Krücken, Georg (2013): Competition and Actorhood. A Further Expansion of the Neo-institutional Agenda. In: Sociologia Internationalis 51 (2).
Hüther, Otto & Krücken, Georg (2013): Hierarchy and power. A conceptual analysis with particular reference to New Public Management reforms in German universities. In: European Journal of Higher Education Research 3 (4), S. 307–323. DOI: 10.1080/21568235.2013.850920 .
Jüttemeier, Michael & Krücken, Georg (2013): Administratives Hochschulmanagement als Erfolgsfaktor im wissenschaftlichen Wettbewerb? Eine quantitative Analyse der Personalentwicklung an Universitäten der 3. Förderlinie der Exzellenz-Initiative. In: Hochschulmanagement 8 (1), S. 25–32.
Krabel Stefan & Schacht, Alexander (2013): Follow the Leader? How Leadership Behavior Influences Scientists’ Commercialization Behavior (or not). In: Economics of Innovation and New Technology. Online verfügbar unter
Kretek, Peter; Dragsic, Žarko & Kehm, Barbara M. (2013): Transformation of University Governance: on the Role of University Board Members. In: Higher Education 65 (1), S. 39–58. DOI: 10.1007/s10734-012-9580-x
Krücken, Georg; Blümel, Albrecht & Kloke, Katharina (2013): The Managerial Turn in Higher Education? On the Interplay of Organizational and Occupational Change in German Academia. In: Minerva Minerva, 51(4), S. 417-442. DOI: 10.1007/s11024-013-9240-z.
Krücken, Georg: Die Universität – ein rationaler Mythos? In: Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung, 35. Jg., Nr. 4, 2013, S. 82-101.
Perkmann, Markus; Tartari, Valentina Tartari; Mckelvey, Maureen; Autio, Erkko; Bergström, Anders; Deste, Pablo; Fini, Riccardo; Geuna, Aldo; Grimaldi, Rosa; Hughes, Alan; Kitson, M.; Krabel, Stefan; Llerena, Patrick; Lissoni, Francesco; Salter, Ammon Salter & Sobrero, Maurizio (2013): Academic engagement and commercialisation. A review of the literature on university industry relations. In: Research Policy 42 (2), S. 423–442.
Schoen, Anja & Bünstorf, Guido (2013): “When do universities own their patents? An explorative study of patent characteristics and organizational determinants in Germany”, Industry and Innovation, 20, S. 422–437.
Teichler, Ulrich (2013): Academically Ambitious and Relevant Higher Education Research. The Legacy of the Consortium of Higher Education. In: European Journal of Higher Education 3 (3), S. 242–254.
Teichler, Ulrich (2013): Oktatás és kutatás: egy bonyolut kapcsolat (Changes and Options: The Academic Profession). In: Felsöoktatási Mühely (Atelier of Higher Education, Budapest) 2013 (1), S. 39–52.
Teichler, Ulrich (2013): Yôroppa no kôtô kyôiku kenkyû (Higher Education Research in Europe) (Übersetzt von Yuki Inenaga). In: Kôtôkyôikukenkyû (Japanese Journal of Higher Education Research) (Kôtô kyôiku kenkyû no seidoka to kadai tokushû, Special Issue: Higher Education Research: Institutionalization and Its Challenges) (16), S. 123–143.
Zuber, Stephanie und Hüther, Otto (2013): Interdisziplinarität in der Exzellenzinitiative – auch eine Frage des Geschlechts? In: Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung, 35(4), S. 54–81.