Fellowship for Master students
The University of Kassel establishes the interdisciplinary Research Training Group (RTG) “Biological Clocks on Multiple Time Scales”, which is funded by the German Research foundation from April 2022 on. The RTG aims at investigating the principles of timekeeping in living organisms, enabling to orchestrate periodic processes with very different frequencies ranging from infradian over circadian to ultradian rhythms. The unique approach is to combine the expertise of biologists, physicists, chemists, mathematicians, and engineers to advance the understanding of biological clocks.
Highly qualified candidates can apply for the RTG program’s fellowship without the need to finish their Master first, according to the regulations of respective doctoral programs of the different disciplines. The doctoral candidate will be paid with a qualifying fellowship (992 euros/month) and attempts to finish Master requirement within one year, parallel to the start of the doctorate. Interested students must be studying within the standard period of study and, apart from the Master's thesis, have already completed the majority of the Master's program when starting into the PhD program of the RTG after three semesters of Master studies. As the RTG supports directed education before the scholarship begins, the application should be submitted soon after the start of the master's program.
The following documents need to be included in the application:
- Application Form (see above)
- Curriculum Vitae
- Recommendation letter of the first PI of your favorite project
- Graduation Certificates (school, bachelor)
- Transcript of Records
Send your application to multiscale.clocks[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

Concept curriculum qualifying fellowship