Lecture Series

Regular lectures on Wednesdays from 1:30 to 3:00 pm in Room 2298 or via Zoom (zoom link on moodle or contact multiscale.clocks[at]uni-kassel.de).


Date Speaker Inviting PI Associated Project Title
21.05.2025   Prof. Dr. Thomas Fuhrmann-Lieker   Fundamentals of Data Science: Time Series Analysis
19.02.2025 Moritz Strube Prof. Dr. Monika Stengl   Artificial Intelligence
05.02.2025 Prof. Dr. Milos Filipovic - Universität Dortmund Prof. Dr. Raffael Schaffrath 2 Timing protein persulfidation to control cellular function in health and disease
29.01.2025 Dr. Stefan Müller - Universität Wien Prof. Dr. Georg Regensburger   (Chemical) reaction networks with (generalized) mass-action kinetics
22.01.2025   Prof. Dr. Thomas Fuhrmann-Lieker 1 Breaking Symmetry: a chamber play for 3 actors
11.12.2024 Dr. Birthe Cordes Prof. Dr. Monika Stengl   Preservation of Dissertation Research Data
27.11.2024 Dr. Martin Böhnert, Universität Kassel, Institut für Philosophie Prof. Dr. Monika Stengl Ethics lecture Is There an Ethics of Knowledge? Undertstanding Epistemic Responsibilities in Scientific Knowledge Production
20.11.2024 Review of Teaching Programme (Interdissciplinary) Prof. D. Monika Stengl    
13.11.2024 Prof. Dr. Thomas Fuhrmann-Lieker     Dialogue "Between stress and self-motivation: The life of a PhD student" in Raum AVZ 3106A (!)
06.11.2024 CINSaT      
23.10.2024 Prof. Dr. HongYing Wei Prof. Dr. Monika Stengl   Analysis of neural mechanisms for motion-defined objects perception in Drosophila
11.10.2024 retreat   all  
09.10.2024 Deepika Bais PD Dr. Susanne Neupert 5  
02.10.2024 Huleg Zolmon Prof. Dr. Monika Stengl 7  
  Tabea Trummel Prof. Dr. Olaf Stursberg 12  
25.09.2024 Ranja Saad Prof. Dr. Arno Müller, Dr. Katja Kapp 3  
  Benedikt Drebes Prof. Dr. Arno Müller, Dr. Katja Kapp 3  
04.09.2024 Aditi Vijayan Prof. Dr. Monika Stengl 7  
  Yajun Chang Prof. Dr. Monika Stengl 7  
28.08.2024 Katharina Görlitz Prof. Dr. Raffael Schaffrath/ Dr. Roland Klassen 2  
  David Scherf Prof. Dr. Raffael Schaffrath/ Dr. Roland Klassen 2  
21.08.2024 Meskerem Abeaw Mebratie Prof. Dr. Werner Seiler 11  
07.08.2024 Prof. Dr. Farzan Nadim Dr. Anna Schneider    
24.07.2024 Jan Bröckel Prof. Dr. Fritz Herberg 8  
  Mauro Forlino Prof. Dr. Martin Garcia 10  
17.07.2024 Prof. Dr. Fritz Herberg   8  
19.06.2024 Rezvaneh Ghasemitabesh Prof. Dr. Cyril Popov 6  
29.05.2024 Tanja Böhme Prof. Dr. Monika Stengl 7 und 13 A relationship with nature - How art and biology gaze at life
15.05.2024 Anna Elms, Pauline Böhnert Prof. Schaffrath, Dr. Klassen 2 Project data and progress
08.05.2024 Prof. Schaffrath, Dr. Klassen   2 Project background, concepts and perspectives
24.04.2024 Python-Programmierkurs apl. Prof. Dr. Thomas Fuhrmann-Lieker 1  
17.04.2024 Python-Programmierkurs apl. Prof. Dr. Thomas Fuhrmann-Lieker 1  
03.04.2024 Baris Can Ülkü Prof. Dr. Georg Mayer 4 Rhythmicity of locomotion, feeding and molting in the water bear Hypsibius exemplaris (Tardigrada)
27.03.2024 Soumi Dutta Prof. Dr. Georg Mayer 4  
20.03.2024 Team P1 apl. Prof. Dr. Thomas Fuhrmann-Lieker 1 Intercellular communication waves in slime moulds, plants and algae
13.03.2024 Wim Vyverman, Ghent University apl. Prof. Dr. Thomas Fuhrmann-Lieker 1 Exploring the workings of the diatom sex clock: from the field to the lab and back
05.-06.03.2024 Diversity Conference      
22.02.2024 (17:15) Jurjen Duintjer Tebbens Prof. Dr. Monika Stengl biolog. Kolloquium Mathematical models for some of the (circadian) clocks found in nuclear receptor activity.
21.02.2024 Mariya Ptashnyk, Hariott Watt University Edinburgh Schottland Prof. Dr. Elfriede Friedmann 9 Multiscale modelling and analysis of intra- and intercellular signalling processes in biological tissues
14.02.2024 Prof. Dr. Elfriede Friedmann (PI)   9 Introduction to multiscale analysis
07.02.2024 no lecture - FBR      
31.01.2024 Prof. Dr. Arno Müller/Dr. Katja Kapp   3 Vortrag: Basics of Drosophila, cell biology and mitosis
24.01.2024 Prof. Dr. Annegret Wilde Prof. Dr. Monika Stengl   Diversity of circadian clock systems in cyanobacteria
17.01.2024 PI-Meeting      
10.01.2024 Review with Prof. Dr. Stengl - short lecture      
03.01.2024 no lecture      
27.12.2023 no lecture      
20.12.2023 no lecture      
13.12.2023 Prof. Dr. Arno Müller/ Dr. Katja Kapp   3 Seminar: Basics of Drosophila, cell biology and mitosis
06.12.2023 no lecture      
29.11.2023 no lecture - FBR      
22.11.2023 no lecture - Python course      
15.11.2023 Alejandro Villaverde (University of Vigo; Spain) Prof. Werner Seiler 11 Studying Biosystems Robustness, Uncertainty, and Other Properties Through Symmetry Analysis
08.11.2023 Prof. Werner Seiler (PI)   11 Systems Theory, Structural Identifiability and Symmetry Theory - An Introduction
01.11.2023 no lecture - CINSaT      
25.10.2023 no lecture - FBR      
18.10.2023 Prof. Dr. Martin Garcia/Prof. Dr. Elfriede Friedmann/ Prof. Dr. Friedrich Herberg Prof. Martin Garcia   Good scientific practice
20.09.2023 Prof. Keram Pfeiffer (University of Würzburg) Prof. Monika Stengl   Navigation in small insect brains
02.08. - 13.09.2023 no lecture - DZG      
26.07.2023 Prof. Andreas Draguhn (University of Heidelberg) Prof. Monika Stengl   Neuronal networks - basic principles and implications for behavior and cognition
19.07.2023 Dr. Axel Brockmann (NCBS Bangalore; India) PD Dr. Susanne Neupert 5 Honey bee foraging and time-space memory
12.07.2023 Prof. Bjørn Melhus (Kunsthochschule Kassel) Prof. Monika Stengl   PLAY! Artistic Research and Practice
05.07.2023 Dr. Debora Fusca (University of Cologne) Prof. Monika Stengl/ PD Dr. Susanne Neupert   Basic Lecture Calcium Imaging
14.06.2023 Prof. Russel Foster (University of Oxford; UK)     Vertebrate Circadian Photoentrainment: Photopigments to Behaviour
31.05.2023 Prof. Monika Stengl     title will follow
10.05.2023 PD Dr. Susanne Neupert   5 Hunting for coupling factors controlling multiscale behavioral rhythms in Drosophila melanogaster
26.04.2023 no lecture - PI meeting      
19.04.2023 no lecture - Python course      
12.04.2023 no lecture - Python course      
29.03.2023 Prof. Olaf Stursberg   12 Synchronization of oscillators
08.03.2023 Prof. Thomas Fuhrmann-Lieker   1 Chemical Clocks - An Introduction
01.03.2023 Prof. Philippe Bergonzo (University College London; UK) Prof. Cyril Popov 6 CVD Diamond as a sparkling material for the fabrication of innovative bio-devices
15.02.2023 Dr. Abhishek Chaterjee (Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences of Paris; France) Prof. Monika Stengl 13 Peptidergic signaling reorganizes the clock neuronal network over daily and seasonal timescales
25.01.2023 no lecture - Doctoral candidates meeting      
18.01.2023 no lecture - PI meeting      
11.01.2023 Prof. Ovidiu Radulescu (University of Montpellier; France) Prof. Werner Seiler 11 Multiscale transcriptional bursting in fly embryos and in HIV infected human cells: one mechanism, two models
14.12.2022 Prof. Friedrich Herberg   8 Molecular mechanisms of signal transduction
07.12.2022 (at 3:30-5:00 pm) Prof. Oreste Piro (University of the Balearic Islands, Mallorca; Spain) Prof. Martin Garcia 10 Chaotic Clocks. Neurons that fire erratically but deterministically
30.11.2022 Pablo Rojas (Associated Researcher) Prof. Martin Garcia 10 A simple view of attractors, limit cycles, Goodwin models and embeddings: how to overcome your fear of differential equations
23.11.2022 (at 2:15-3:45 pm; boathouse retreat) Prof. Sigrun Korsching (External advisor) Prof. Monika Stengl   Uncoupling of evolutionary origin and function for olfactory receptors
09.11.2022 Prof. Georg Regensburger (Associated Researcher) Prof. Werner Seiler 11 Elementary vectors of subspaces and applications to reaction networks
02.11.2022 (at 2:05-2:45 pm; room 282!) Prof. Norman Sieroka (University of Bremen) Prof. Monika Stengl   Multiple temporal orderings and the philosophy of time
19.10.2022 Soumi Dutta (Associated Researcher) Prof. Georg Mayer 4 Pigment-dispersing factor neuropeptides and their receptor in tardigrades (water bears)
05.10.2022 PD Dr. Sebastian Glatt (Jagiellonian university in Krakow; Poland) Prof. Raffael Schaffrath/ Dr. Roland Klassen 2 tRNAslation control of eukaryotic gene expression
28.09.2022 Dr. Daniel Merker (Associated Researcher) Prof. Cyril Popov 6 Diamond-based platforms for biochemical measurements of timeresolved clock cell signaling in response to external Zeitgebers and coupling factors
21.09.2022 no lecture - PI meeting      
14.09.2022 Prof. James Wakefield (University of Exeter; UK) Prof. Arno Müller/ Dr. Katja Kapp 3 Cell cycle oscillations and mitotic spindle formation in the Drosophila early embryo: from molecules to processes, and back again
07.09.2022 Dr. Xitong Liang (Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt) Prof. Monika Stengl 7 Neural mechanism for diverse circadian rhythms in Drosophila
13.07.2022 (at 4:00-5:30 pm!) Prof. Thomas Hillen (University of Alberta, Canada) Prof. Elfriede Friedmann 9 Navigating the Flow: The homing of sea turtles.
06.07.2022 Prof. Stefanie Kaiser (Goethe University Frankfurt) Prof. Raffael Schaffrath/ Dr. Roland Klassen 2 NAIL-MS allows insights into human nucleic acid methylation dynamics in vivo
04.07.2022 (Monday at 5 pm!) Prof. Susan S. Taylor (University of California, San Diego, USA) Prof. Friedrich Herberg 8 New Frontiers in PKA Signaling
29.06.2022 Prof. Monika Stengl (PI) instead of Xitong Liang (POSTPONED)   7 Olfactory receptor neurons of the hawkmoth: how they smell...
22.06.2022 no lecture - PI meeting Prof. Thomas Fuhrmann-Lieker   coordination of the basic module
18.05.2022 Prof. Raffael Schaffrath/ Dr. Roland Klassen (PIs)   2 Impact of tRNA modifications on multiscale clocks in budding yeast
04.05.2022 Jonas Ziebarth (Associated Researcher) Prof. Thomas Fuhrmann-Lieker 1 Life Cycles, the Diatom Clock and Everything - an Introduction
13.04.2022 Prof. Monika Stengl (spokesperson)     Introduction Basics in Chronobiology