Personnel and Organizational Development
The University of Kassel promotes the development of its staff through further education and training opportunities. Organizational development supports the implementation of change processes, whether through internal adjustments or organizational restructuring.
Further education and training
Here you will find our training and further education offers.

Overview and registration for events.
The Department of Strategic Human Resources and Organizational Development can assist in the search for a suitable mentor for tenure-track professors.
Managers repeatedly experience situations that are new to them and represent a particular challenge. The University of Kassel would like to support its managers from science and administration individually with the following coaching and consulting services.
The University of Kassel would like to support its newly appointed and tenure-track professors in carrying out these tasks and has set up the TT - Leadership Program for the further development of leadership and management skills. The focus is on the individual development of one's own leadership skills as well as peer-to-peer exchange with other colleagues on selected leadership topics.
The university would like to support its middle management level in science and administration in carrying out these tasks and has set up a management college to further develop leadership and management skills. In addition to specialist input, the focus is on developing leadership skills and exchanging ideas with colleagues from other areas of the university.

Conflict counseling
The university aims to foster a constructive culture of conflict.
Organizational development
Organizational development at the University of Kassel deals with the systematic monitoring of change processes and supports the university in meeting and shaping constantly changing framework conditions as a learning organization. The service is aimed at managers, teams and organizational units.
About us