Systemic design
Research and work focus
Error management & accident analysis
Identification of causal factors and correlations using well-founded and cross-industry procedures (CAHR); identify design potential: personal training and sensitization, organizational design measures, possible uses of technology and automation, dissemination of lessons learned, conformity with guidelines (VDI 4006)
Human reliability
Quantitative determination of human error probabilities, systemic analyses of performance-influencing factors - inclusion of organizational, technical and personal causal factors, determination and evaluation of behavioural variability
Risk modeling
Risk assessments, quantitative assessment of human reliability in complex workplaces (e.g. process industry, aviation, railroads) and for production activities; interface with quality assurance
Age-appropriate work design
Adaptation of workplaces to demographic change, development of changed requirement profiles, ergonomic optimization, decision-making and perception-supporting systems, determination of optimal, sustainable physical and mental stress at the workplace, use of modern measurement methods and interaction concepts (motion capturing, brain activity, eye tracking)