Research of the department "Metallic Materials"
The research activities carried out at the Institute of Materials Engineering - Metallic Materials can be summarized under the topic of processing-microstructure-properties relationships. There are seven working groups being closely networked with the following main research areas. >>more
Research of the department "Plastics Engineering"
The department combines the main research areas of materials technology, plastics process technology, joining technology and material composites. The focus is on a holistic approach. >>more
Research of the department "Mechanical Behavior of Metals"
Understanding deformation mechanisms at the micro to nanometre scale is crucial to predicting the lifetime of engineering systems, as their failure is usually initiated from microscopic weak points >>more
Research of the department "Extreme Light for Nanostructures"
In the Extreme Light for Nanostructures group at the University of Kassel, we strive to fade the lines between Physics and Engineering. We implement ultrashort laser pulses to modify properties of materials for practical applications. >>more
Research of the department "Granularity of Structural Information in Materials Engineering"
Our research focuses on the development of sustainable, high-performance metallic materials using multiscale characterization techniques and nanotechnology approaches to achieve tailored material properties. >>more
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