
Publisher publication

To ensure that your publication with a publisher (e.g., journal article or book) achieves the highest possible visibility and impact, please follow the instructions below.

  • Name the University of Kassel correctly. Affiliation statement
  • Use the ORCID iD to clearly link your publications to you.
  • Make sure that your publication has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) or an ISBN (International Standard Book Number). Persistent identifiers are not a quality attribute and do not have a content statement, but they do ensure the accessibility of the resource.
  • Consider your open access options. The university encourages open access and supports it in several ways.
  • License your publication with an open license to allow reuse of your research.
  • Have the University Library look up your options for self-archiving. With a copy of your publication on the publication server KOBRA, you ensure the unrestricted accessibility of your publication (e.g. for researchers in institutions that cannot afford subscription fees) as well as the long-term availability independent of the publisher's platform.

Publishing via the library

The University Library provides its own non-commercial publication infrastructure for text and data.

In the interest of all readers with impaired vision, you should make every effort to make your document as accessible as possible. Detailed information and instructions, e.g. on the use, adaptation and creation of format templates, can be found in the guide to the creation of barrier-free documents (German).


KOBRA is the university's publication server ("repository"). Primary publications such as dissertations, working papers, project reports, posters etc. as well as secondary publications of works already published by publishers can be made here.

All publications receive a DOI, are indexed and are thus permanently addressable, available in the long term and can be found via catalogs and common academic and popular search engines. Secondary publications are also linked to their primary publications via unpaywall .

When publishing on KOBRA, the exclusive rights of use remain with the authors. Via the license conditions , you grant KOBRA only simple rights of use and confirm that you have all the necessary rights for the provision via KOBRA and that no rights of third parties are infringed.

KOBRA has the right to keep publications permanently addressable and available. It is therefore not intended to delete published content; in special cases - especially in the event of legal problems - it may be possible to withdraw the publication.

KOBRA is open to various types of publication, some of which have special requirements:

  • In the case of secondary publications of previously published works, it is essential to clarify the legal situation. The University Library will be happy to assist you with this.
  • If a publication may only be republished after a certain deadline, the publication can be embargoed. The publication will then be released automatically after this period has expired.
  • Grey literature refers to documents that have been published independently of the commercial publishing industry and are not available in bookshops. This includes posters and presentations as well as working papers, project reports and other independent publication projects, as they exist in many Faculties. The DFG has recently expressly recommended the publication of final reports in repositories.
  • In addition, the university also produces academic or non-academic publications that have value and interest beyond the campus, such as annual reports, practical manuals or information material. This type of publication, as well as academic gray literature, benefits in particular from the functions of the publication server.

kassel university press (kup)

kup is the University of Kassel's own publishing house. Quality-tested scientific publications by Kassel researchers are published here. Monographs (including dissertations), edited volumes, conference proceedings etc. can appear here in series or as independent publications.
In addition to the online publication, which is made freely accessible worldwide via our publication server KOBRA (Open Access), these are also made available as print-on-demand prints.

The publishing program as well as details on costs, the publication process and format specifications can be found on the publisher's website.

Further information can be found in this information sheet on dissertations at kup.


DaKS is the institutional repository of the University of Kassel for research data. DaKS offers the structured storage of research data with their description (metadata), long-term archiving for at least 10 years and - if desired - publication with a DOI (data publication).

Own publication channels

In addition to the structures mentioned above, there are various other ways to make your own works publicly accessible, for example via your own blog, your own homepage or the website of your institution, or printed without a publisher. There are both obligations and distribution channels to consider:

  • According to the legal regulations on mandatory delivery, copies of all media works, both printed and electronic, must be delivered to the relevant mandatory copy library. If you publish a work yourself, you are responsible for the mandatory submission. The publication must also contain an imprint.
    If you publish via the library's infrastructure, the electronic mandatory submission is carried out automatically. The University Library can also handle the submission of any existing print copies for you.
  • Publishers and other publication infrastructures (such as repositories) support the visibility of your publication through various measures, including persistent identifiers, indexing in search engines and ensuring complete metadata. If you publish yourself, it is advisable to take these aspects into account in order to achieve the best possible visibility for your publication.