Lecture Series: Interdisciplinary perspectives on agricultural and food system transformations

Interdisciplinary perspectives on agricultural and food system transformations
In this lecture series we want to explore different perspectives on agriculture and the food system. With curiosity and creativity we want to ask ourselves which puzzle pieces are necessary to build a fair socio-ecological agri-food puzzle.
We will look at actual trends like the digitalization in agriculture and critically follow questions of just transitions. Thereby we consider perspectives from different sections of the University of Kassel that are all embedded in the new master program “Agriculture, Ecology and Societies”.
The lecture series started with a powerful movie of the ecofeminist activist Vandana Shiva who stands up against corporations of industrial agriculture and fights for an organic and biodiverse farm system. A special highlight will be a kick-off event of a 3-day workshop with the farmer and activist Morgan Ody who is one of the leads of the Via Campesina movement in France at the end of June. One part of the event will take place in the Gießhaus at main campus of the University of Kassel.
The lecture series is funded by the Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre (Project Agrartrans) and organized ) and organized by the section “International Agricultural Policy and Environmental Governance” of the Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences, University of Kassel.
The events take place Wednesdays, 18:00 at the campus of Witzenhausen and Kassel and are open for everyone.
For further contact: ages[at]uni-kassel[dot]de
Information related to the Master Program “Agriculture, Ecology and Societies“: