Hanover Day 1

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The volunteers' annual leave has probably already been used up at the German Open in Kassel. And, of course, the semester has started again and the exam period in the schools has begun. 80 volunteers were planned. 50 showed up. Holland in need. (No, we're not going to Eindhoven until July)

What the heck, I thought, I'll volunteer for a change. Wow, what they need to know. Daniel briefed us for an hour, in English, because of the volunteers from the other European countries. Fortunately, I had a rough idea of the Maze. Of course, I wasn't allowed to referee Maze Entry because "Theseus", i.e. Jonas and Samed, were competing. That would be unfair.

But what can I say: it was great fun! After some initial problems, of course. But Richard, my referee companion from Austria, knew how to do it, so it wasn't that difficult after all. Maybe I'll sign up as a volunteer for Eindhoven (in July, right). I'd be an old hand by then.

Actually, "Theseus" can robotize. But, as it is. Somewhere there was a loose connection and then the gyro also jerked loose. I've never experienced that before. Four out of ten runs: Ninth place. Anyway, they soldered on a new switch at our accommodation this evening. Hopefully that was the problem, because it's fixed now.

Have you ever tried to take a selfie with one hand? Wow, I broke one off.