Research projects
Diversity-reflective play materials. App-supported practical support in daycare centers (DiSiKit)
BMBF project in cooperation with the University of Hildesheim (Prof. Dr. Peter Cloos & Dr. Isabell Krähnert), ifib Bremen (Dr. Stefan Welling, Dr. Svenja Garbade & Hendrik Lücking) and Paritätischer Hamburg (Tom Töpfer, Simon Starz & Frederike Feldmann)
The joint project DiSiKit addresses the question of diversity-reflective professionalization by means of play materials in daycare centres. The aim of the joint project of the University of Hildesheim, the HAWK Hildesheim, the Institute for Information Management Bremen GmbH and the Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband Hamburg e.V. is to promote the development of reflective competencies of pedagogical professionals for dealing with diversity-reflective play materials through tandem process support with a supporting app. Insights into the successful pedagogical handling of diversity are gained, combined with previous findings on diversity reflexivity from qualitative educational research and transferred into practice. On the basis of a tandem process support of 10 daycare centers flanked by research, the findings are transferred into the development of a transferable practical support and training concept with app support. This focuses on case- and material-based learning and combines it profitably with digitalization. This provides daycare centres with targeted support in the implementation of diversity-reflective play materials and systematically promotes diversity-related quality development in the organization and among professionals.
The "DiSiKit" project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the European Union via the European Social Fund Plus (ESF Plus) as part of the "Integration through Education" program.
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Evaluation of daycare social work in the city of Kassel (duration 05.2024-02.2025)
Together with Prof. Dr. Leonie Wagner I HAWK Hildesheim and the ITES (Institute for Theory and Empiricism of Social )
The city of Kassel has commissioned ITES to evaluate the concept and practice of social work in daycare centers in order to check whether the objectives set out in the concept are being achieved. In a modularized offer, the field of action of daycare social work is examined from multiple perspectives in an empirical-reconstructive manner using guided interviews, group discussions and network map interviews. In addition to the empirical investigation of the current situation and the recommendations derived from this, optional modules for self-evaluation are also included. The guiding idea is to enable the professionals themselves to carry out future evaluations independently. The complete modularized offer makes it possible to take a multi-perspective look at the levels of the daycare center social workers, the daycare center management, the addressees and the cooperation in the social space.
The study includes both qualitative and quantitative components and simultaneously develops and accompanies autoethnographic self-evaluation procedures in dialogical processes.
Childhood (& social pedagogy) university didactics network
How can reflexivity and the development of a secure professional-habitual profile be supported in childhood and social education degree programs? Which approaches and methods can be used to qualify students for later professional practice? What higher education didactic foundations should this build on? And how can higher education didactic frameworks and teaching/learning processes in childhood and social pedagogy degree programs be empirically investigated? The NetKiD network of researchers, teachers and students from different university locations and research institutes, founded in 2022, is dedicated to these questions.
It aims to make a sustainable contribution to both the development of the discipline and the quality assurance of teaching and learning processes at colleges and universities with childhood education degree courses and specializations. By networking teachers, researchers and students, a theory-practice transfer is to be stimulated.
In cooperation with
Prof. Dr. Peter Cloos I University of Hildesheim
Dr. Svenja Garbade I University of Hildesheim
Christoph Kairies I University of Hildesheim
Prof. Dr. Barbara Lochner I University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
Prof. Dr. Melanie Kubandt I University of Osnabrück
Prof. Dr. Edita Jung I Emden/Leer University of Applied Sciences
Prof. Dr. Katja Zehbe I Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences
Expertise “Strengths and weaknesses of the triad ‘education, upbringing and care’ Scientific surveys on educational requirements in child day care
In collaboration with Stephanie Simon, Prof. Dr. Peter Cloos and Prof. Dr. Werner Thole
Hardly any other area of education has changed as rapidly over the past two decades as the system of child day care. Child day care facilities are described as an institutionalized socialization field of education, care and upbringing with a complex, multifunctional mandate. Attending a child day care facility is now a natural part of a child's upbringing. Overall, society's expectations of early childhood education and care services are increasing, leading to a differentiation of services.
Against the backdrop of changing social and structural-organizational conditions, the aim of this report is to theoretically and empirically balance the conceptual triad of upbringing - education - care. With regard to the triad, the expertise will focus in particular on the fact that all three terms refer to practices and situations that can be distinguished from one another and which, in addition to their everyday presence in different lifeworld contexts, also attempt to describe concrete pedagogical approaches in institutionalized contexts. The theoretical analyses are also supplemented and interlinked by a document analysis of the implementing laws of the federal states.