Research Projects

Project “Health risks and prevention potential among social workers in Germany (Healthy Social Work)”

Funding from the Employer's Liability Insurance Association for Health Services and Welfare Care (BGW)
Project period: from 01.06.2025 to 31.05.2026

Social workers are confronted with increasing demands regarding flexibility and increased mental stress. This occupational group has a high risk of burnout and a high sickness rate. It is not yet clear to what extent the changed working conditions have an impact on mental stress and the consequences of stress among social workers. The COVID-19 pandemic and the increasing shortage of skilled workers have exacerbated the situation. The main aim of the study is to systematically record and analyze the work-related mental stress and stress consequences of social workers in Germany and to derive implications for action. The aim is to obtain comprehensive data that will enable a detailed analysis of work-related mental stress and its consequences as well as a comparison with other professions and occupational groups. In addition to providing insight into the specific stress factors and the associated health consequences, the results will serve as a basis for the development of prevention and health promotion measures. These can contribute to the improvement of working conditions in social work. An explanatory study is being conducted using quantitative empirical methods: Using an online questionnaire, the psychological stress and consequences of stress among social workers in Germany are surveyed via several access points. The use of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ) enables comparisons with reference data for social work/social pedagogy and all other professions from the COPSOQ database. The COPSOQ is designed as a screening instrument for recording psychological stress and the consequences of stress in the workplace. Furthermore, an additional COSPOQ module on sexual harassment in the workplace and items on workplace health promotion measures are integrated into the questionnaire. The following evaluation methods are used to analyze the data: Exploration, descriptive statistics, and inferential statistics (here in particular correlation and difference tests). Mean comparisons are made between the generated sample of social workers in Germany and other reference groups (social services in hospitals and preventive or rehabilitation facilities, social work/social pedagogy, and other professions). The results can provide indications of the potential for prevention. In addition to the scientific findings, implications for practice and policy are derived.

Project “Health, illness and disability of students, drop-outs and doctoral students in Germany (GesundStudiPro)” (BMBF FKZ: 16RBM1001)

Project period: 01.01.2025 to 31.12.2027

In Germany, there is a lack of information and research on health, illness, and disability of students and doctoral candidates. Health is a prerequisite for employability and academic success. The health of students deteriorated during the COVID-19 pandemic. There is no systematic health monitoring in Germany, and students are not included in national health surveys. The existing study landscape is fragmented. One untapped source of data is the microcensus, Germany’s “small census” and largest household survey. Recently, the microcensus has integrated the European Community Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC), which includes health-related questions. The research project aims to generate new scientific insights through secondary analyses of the 2021 and 2022 microcensus data. A unique feature of the microcensus is its ability to analyze health differences between 1. students and non-students of the same age, 2. students who drop out of university, which provides insights into correlations between health and academic success or dropout, and 3. doctoral candidates, for whom health data is particularly scarce.
The comparative analyses will focus on:
a) health conditions,
b) disabilities,
c) illnesses,
d) utilization of health care services,
e) health expenditures, and
f) health behaviors, while accounting for demographic and socioeconomic characteristics.

The secondary analyses will employ descriptive statistics, correlation analyses, and multivariate regression analyses. The study will not only identify correlations but also generate population representative prevalence rates and (severe) disability rates. Disparities revealed by the findings will indicate areas for potential prevention. Beyond generating new scientific knowledge, the project will derive implications for universities, practical applications, and policymaking.

Project „Health Risks and Prevention Potentials in the Social Services of Hospitals and Inpatient Preventive Facilities or Rehabilitation Facilities in Germany (Healthy Social Services)"

(Funded by the Employer’s Liability Insurance Association for Health Services and Welfare (BGW))
Project period: from August 1, 2023 to May 31, 2025

Little is known about the changed working conditions during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and the associated psychological stress and strain consequences for social workers in the social services of hospitals and preventive facilities or rehabilitation facilities. The research project "Healthy Social Services" aims to analyze possible relations between working conditions in the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and the health of social workers in the social services of hospitals and preventive facilities or rehabilitation facilities in Germany. Of particular interest in this project is the psychological stress and strain consequences among social workers in the social services of hospitals and preventive facilities or rehabilitation facilities. The psychological stress and strain consequences will be explored in comparison to all other occupational groups. The data basis of this study is the directory of hospitals and preventive facilities or rehabilitation facilities of the Federal Statistical Office (2020). On this basis, two online surveys will be conducted among all social services of hospitals and preventive facilities or rehabilitation facilities in Germany. The aim of the research project is to identify optimization potentials for the reduction of occupational stress for social workers in the social services of hospitals and preventive facilities or rehabilitation facilities and to derive recommendations for action on the basis of the findings generated. In particular, this should contribute to reducing the current sharp increase in burnout diagnoses among social workers.

Project “Unemployment and disability in consideration of the Covid-19 pandemic and its management (AloBehindCOVID)”

(Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs within the framework of the funding network Interdisciplinary Social Policy Research/FIS.03.00077.21)

Project period: December 1, 2021 to January 31, 2025

Partner: Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)

This research project addresses the question of possible effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the employment status of people with disabilities. On the one hand, it will be investigated whether a particularly pronounced increase in job losses can be observed in the especially vulnerable group of employees with disabilities after the onset of the pandemic compared to the non-disabled labour force, and which factors influence the probability of job loss. Second, we analyse the changes in the re-employment among unemployed persons with disabilities as well as their protective and risk factors. Demographic and employment-related characteristics (such as migration status, education level, level of qualification, and gender) and social factors are examined as possible moderating factors. In addition, three possible pandemic-related effects on the labour market situation of people with disabilities are analysed in more detail, namely COVID-19-related worries and fears, self-efficacy expectations, and social support. The analyses take into account the severity of (officially recognized) disabilities, the self-reported subjective health status, and specified disease groups. The data basis for the research project is the de facto anonymised data of the Panel Labour Market and Social Security (PASS).


Paul, K.I.; Hollederer, A. (2024). Arbeitsplatzverluste bei Menschen mit Schwerbehinderung während der Covid-19-Pandemie. WSI Mitteilungen, 77. JG., 3/2024, S. 201-209. doI: 10.5771 / 0342-300X-2024-3-201 

Paul, K.I.; Hollederer, A. (2023). Unemployment and Job Search Behavior among People with Disabilities during the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 20, 6036.

Paul, K.I.; Hollederer, A. (2023). Arbeitslosigkeit und Stellensuchverhalten bei Menschen mit Behinderung im 1. Jahr der Coronapandemie. DIFIS-Impuls 23/7. Open Access:

Project “Work and health in social and health care professions in Germany” (funded by the Hans Böckler Foundation)

Project period: October 1, 2021 to November 15, 2023

The research project aims to empirically describe the specific work requirements and conditions for the employed in the social and health professions in Germany and to analyse the health burdens according to socio-demographic characteristics and working conditions. The project examines whether social and health care professions are disproportionately burdened by their occupational activities. The focus is on key workplace issues such as main activities, job demands, job strain and satisfaction, etc., and the associations with health status and sick leave. The stress and health impairments for the social and educational professions are explored in comparison to all other occupational groups. However, the analysis is not only aimed at risk factors, but also at identifying protective factors, such as social support, scope of action, or working atmosphere. The data basis for the study is the 2018 BIBB/BAuA survey of employed persons in Germany. Relatively little is known about health and the frequency of psychosomatic complaints in the social and educational professions. Among these, analyses focus on social work occupations and educators. Among the health professions, the focus is on the professions in nursing and geriatric care. Implications for science, policy and practice are derived on the basis of the analyses.


Hollederer, A.; Mayer, D. (2024). Arbeitsbedingungen, Gesundheit und Erschöpfung bei Fachkräften der Heilerziehungspflege und Heilpädagogik – Ergebnisse der repräsentativen BIBB/BAuA-Erwerbstätigenbefragung 2018. HeilberufeScience (efirst)

Hollederer, A.; Mayer, D. (2024). Arbeitsbedingungen, Gesundheit und Erschöpfung bei Krankenpflegekräften in Deutschland. WSI Mitteilungen, 77. JG., 3/2024, S. 219-227. doI: 10.5771 / 0342-300X-2024-3-219

Hollederer, A. (2022). Working conditions, health and exhaustion among social workers in Germany. European Journal of Social Work, Ahead-of-print, pp. 1-12.

Hollederer, A. (2023). Wer leidet in der Sozialen Arbeit an Erschöpfung? Ergebnisse einer Repräsentativerhebung. Soz Passagen (2023).

Mayer, D.; Hollederer, A. (2024). Arbeitszufriedenheit in Sozial- und Gesundheitsberufen. Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (Hg.), Working Paper Nr. 319, Düsseldorf, (53 Seiten).

Project “Disadvantage Compensation, Counseling, Health Promotion, and Inclusion as Measures to promote Academic Success of Ill and Disabled Students (ErfolgInklusiv)” (BMBF/DLR FKZ: 01PX210

Project period: September 1, 2021 to August 31, 2024

Project Management: Prof. Dr. Alfons Hollederer, Section "Theory and Empirics of Health"

Subproject Management: Prof. Dr. Felix Welti, Section “Social Law and Healthcare, Rehabilitation and Disability Law”

Subproject Management: Dr. Shweta Mishra, International Centre for Higher Education Research (INCHER-Kassel)

The aim of the project is to explore the success in higher education among students with chronic illnesses and disabilities at the University of Kassel. The focus of this research is to analyse the effects of testing accommodations, psychosocial counseling, health promotion, disability-related social-welfare benefits, and social networks on the academic success and the intent to persist at or drop-out from the university. The study utilises a mixed-methods-design and contains three modules.

The first module is based on quantitative-empirical methods. All approximately 25.000 students of the University of Kassel are surveyed on health and academic success, disadvantage compensation, study-related and psychosocial counseling, health promotion, and inclusion at two measurement time points.

Module 2 uses qualitative-empirical methods by using grounded theory for the analysis. Focus is on the impacts of compensation of disadvantages, social-welfare benefits, and social networks on academic success of students with disabilities.

Module 3 analyses German and Hessian law in the context of higher education for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses and its applications. The results of the legal analysis will be contrasted with the results of module 1 and 2.

The study integrates both quantifiable factors as well as subjective assessments of the students and their perceptions of social support and networks. Another distinctive feature of this research is the interdisciplinarity and the cooperation between Health Sciences, Higher Education Research as well as Rehabilitation and Disability Law. Our findings will result in best-practice recommendations concerning disadvantage compensation and social services to promote sustainable academic success in college students with disabilities and illnesses.


Hollederer, A.; Dieckmännken, I. (2024). Health and health literacy among social work students in Germany: A cross-sectional health survey. Social Work in Public Health, 1–17.

Hollederer, A; Dieckmännken, I. (2024). Entstigmatisierung von psychischen Störungen in der Hochschullehre. Public Health Forum, 32(2), 93-97.

Arnold, J.; Hollederer, A. (2024). Präventionsbedarfe von Studierenden nach dem Gesundheitsstatus. Public Health Forum, 32 (2), 113-119.

Hollederer, A. (2023). Gesundheit und Studienpensum von Studierenden: Ergebnisse eines Gesundheitssurveys an der Universität Kassel. Präv Gesundheitsf.

Römhild, A.; Hollederer, A. (2023). Effects of disability-related services, accommodations, and integration on academic success of students with disabilities in higher education. A scoping review. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 1-24.

Hollederer, A.; Römhild, A.; Welti, F. (2022). Teilhabeförderung im Studium: Ergebnisse einer Studierendenbefragung. RP Reha 4/2022, 46-53.

Janßen, C. (2022). Studieren mit gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigungen und Behinderungen: Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen und ausgewählte Rechtsprobleme. RP Reha 4/2022, 5-14.

Arnold, J.; Hollederer, A. (2023). Psychische Gesundheit der Studierenden aus Sicht der Akteure – Experteninterviews an der Universität Kassel. Public Health Forum, Vol. 31, No. 3, 2023, 196-201.

Project “Medical Abortion Care Provided at the Hospital Sector in Germany (MedVersKH)” (funded by the German Federal Ministry of Health (BMG), BVA-Funding No. 2520FS­B112)

Project period: November 1, 2020 to October 31, 2023

Project Management: Prof. Dr. Alfons Hollederer, Section "Theory and Empirics of Health"

The research project „MedVersKH“ aims to reduce the lack of information on the medical care provided at hospitals in Germany, and to achieve transparency regarding medical care data. To fulfil the project goals a situation analysis was performed regarding the abortions conducted in hospitals in 2019. With this purpose, an abortion care database was built with information of hospital quality reports from over 2,000 hospitals. A quality report informs on the organizational infrastructure of a hospital, its health care services and treatments. Statistical analyses performed focused on the assessment of the abortion care provided ambulatory and stationary in hospitals in Germany, as well as on the examination of the qualifications of the hospital health workers. Additionally, in order to uncover abortion health care differences within the country, correlation analyses will be performed to identify variations between the German states (Bundesländer), and between the states of the former East Germany and the states of the early West Germany. Regional differences by hospital funding type, hospital size (number of beds), and health worker characteristics will be also assessed. Moreover, a triangulation will be performed employing the database, the official information on abortion, and a data set of abortion statistics. The set was constructed by the German Federal Statistical Office with the assistance of the University of Kassel. This set, which was especially built for the project “MedVersKH”, contains more in detail data on hospital-based abortion care. Recommendations to improve the availability and access of abortion care data will be also made.

Literature References

Hollederer, A. (2024). Die Versorgungssituation zur Durchführung eines Schwangerschaftsabbruchs im Krankenhaussektor in Deutschland. In: begr. von Neander, Meyer, Friesacher. Handbuch der Intensivpflege. Ein Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch für Mitarbeiter auf Intensivstationen. 93. Ergänzungslieferung 8/2024. ecomed MEDIZIN, Landsberg. III–7.6, S. 1–9.

Hollederer, A. (2024). Die Versorgungssituation zur Durchführung eines Schwangerschaftsabbruchs im Krankenhaussektor in Deutschland. J. Gostomzyk & A. Hollederer (Hg.). Angewandte Sozialmedizin. Erg.Lfg. 03/2024. ecomed MEDIZIN, Landsberg. XI–2, S. 1–12.

Escamilla Loredo MI, Hollederer A. (2023). „Regionale Versorgungsunterschiede bei der Durchführung ambulanter oder stationärer Schwangerschaftsabbrüche in Krankenhäusern in Deutschland“. Zentralinstitut für die kassenärztliche Versorgung in Deutschland (Zi). Versorgungsatlas-Bericht Nr. 23/02. Berlin.

Escamilla Loredo MI, Hollederer A. (2022). „Regionale Unterschiede bei der stationären Durchführung eines Schwangerschaftsabbruchs in Deutschland“. Kongress-Abstrakt. 21. Deutscher Kongress für Versorgungsforschung (DKVF). German Medical Science GMS Publishing House 2022;

Escamilla Loredo MI, Hollederer A. (2022). „Barriers to and Enablers of Abortion Care in the Hospital Sector: A Scoping Review“. [eingereicht].

Project “The effectiveness of health promotion and prevention interventions for the unemployed – a meta-analysis” (BMBF/DLR FKZ: 01EL2037a)

Project period: September 1, 2020 until December 31, 2021

The aim of the meta-analysis is to quantify the effectiveness of prevention and health promotion interventions for the unemployed people. There is a particularly high need for prevention for the unemployed, as they exhibit increased risks for illness and premature mortality as well as less favourable health behavior compared to employed persons. A quantitative meta-analysis of such health-related interventions has yet to be conducted, although more than 50 corresponding studies can now be identified. In addition to calculating an average meta-analytic effect size that maps the effectiveness of such interventions, moderator analyses will be used to determine,

(1) which theoretical approaches on which the interventions are based are associated with greater or lesser effectiveness;

(2) which characteristics of the implementation of the interventions (e.g., lifeworld approach, health promotion settings, individual vs. group settings, size of intervention in hours, etc.) influence effectiveness; and

(3) which sociodemographic characteristics of the sample influence effectiveness (e.g., age and gender, but especially aspects of current life situation such as duration of unemployment, placement barriers, etc.).

This meta-analysis will allow the development of recommendations for science and practice to identify the most effective access routes and setting approaches for health promotion and research as well as for health-related interventions for the unemployed and potentially other socially disadvantaged groups.


Paul, K.I.; Hollederer, A. (2023). The Effectiveness of Health-Oriented Interventions and Health Promotion for Unemployed People—A Meta-Analysis. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 20, 6028.

„JOBS Program Germany on health promotion among the unemployed in the community setting with participation of employment promotion institutions”, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF/DLR FKZ: 01EL2001)

Project period: February 1, 2020 to September 30, 2023

The prevention program "dovetailing work and health promotion in the community setting" of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds, the Federal Employment Agency, the German Association of District Councils and the German Association of Cities and Towns aims to systematically improve the health of the unemployed. The Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) coordinates the concerted activities on national level. In doing so, it transfers the multimodal intervention called "JOBS Program" developed by the Michigan Prevention Research Center (MPRC). Among other things, the intervention contains elements of social learning and self-efficacy and integrates them into 20-hours training sessions (conducted within one or max. two weeks). Conceptual training of trainers is provided by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. For the initial scientific project, significant positive health effects and improved chances for labor market integration have been demonstrated among unemployed people in controlled intervention studies in the USA and Finland. However, it should be noted in the international comparison that health promotion among the unemployed is strongly linked to health and social security systems as well as labor market structures. This confirmatory study tests (1) whether the JOBS Program approach can be transferred to German conditions and (2) whether the positive effects can also be found among unemployed participants in Germany. Under "real world conditions" a randomized controlled trial (RCT) is planned with a total of about 1,400 unemployed participants divided into intervention and waiting control groups. Computer assisted telephone interviews (CATI) will be conducted at three measurement time points, namely before (T0), short after (T1) and six months after (T2) the intervention. For the formative evaluation, semi-standardized questionnaires will be administered to trainers and organizers during the process.


Jahn, H.J., Mayer, D. & Hollederer, A. Health promotion for the unemployed: the evaluation of the JOBS Program Germany from the trainers’ perspective. Arch Public Health 81, 199 (2023).

Hollederer, A.; Jahn, H.J. (2023). Results from a Nationwide Evaluation Study of Labor Market-Integrative Health Promotion for the Unemployed: Impact of the JOBS Program Germany. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 6835.

Hollederer, A., Frempong, A. H., Jahn, H. J. (2023). Herausforderungen bei der Förderung der Gesundheit von Arbeitslosen am Beispiel JOBS Program Deutschland. Public Health Forum, Vol. 31, No. 3, 2023, 175-180.

Mayer, D.; Hollederer, A. (2022). Gesundheitskompetenzen bei Erwerbslosen – Wie kann Gesundheitskompetenz zur Bewältigung von Erwerbslosigkeit beitragen? Public Health Forum, vol. 30, no. 2, 2022, p. 91–94.

Ivassenko, V.; Macnab, A. J.; Di Emidio, D.; Hollederer, A.; et al. (2022). Engaging with People and Populations in Health Promotion Research: A Snapshot on Participatory Processes. In: Louise Potvin und Didier Jourdan (Hg.). Global Handbook of Health Promotion Research. Springer Nature, p. 93–112. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-97212-7_8.

Jahn, H.J.; Klein, D.; Hollederer, A. (2021). Die Verbesserung der psychischen Gesundheit und der Arbeitsmarktintegration arbeitsloser Menschen durch den „JOBS Program“-Ansatz. In: Hollederer, A. (editor). Gesundheitsförderung bei Arbeitslosen. 1st ed. Frankfurt am Main: Fachhochschulverlag, p. 182–200.

Jahn, H.J.; Klein, D.; Hollederer, A. (2021). Theoretische Grundlagen zum Zusammenhang zwischen Arbeitslosigkeit und psychischer Gesundheit sowie theoretische und methodische Ansätze arbeitsmarktintegrativer Gesundheitsförderung. In: Hollederer, A. (editor). Gesundheitsförderung bei Arbeitslosen. 1st ed. Frankfurt am Main: Fachhochschulverlag, p. 77–102.

Mayer, D.; Hollederer, A. (2021). „Weil ohne Gesundheit auch keine Arbeit“: Bedürfnisse und Erwartungen an die arbeitsmarktintegrative Gesundheitsförderung in der Perspektive von Langzeitarbeitslosen. In: Hollederer, A. (Hg.). Gesundheitsförderung bei Arbeitslosen. 1st ed. Frankfurt am Main: Fachhochschulverlag, p. 396–413.

Mayer, D., Hollederer, A. (2021). What helps the unemployed to stay healthy? A qualitative study of coping with the negative effects of job loss. Journal of Public Health Research.

Hollederer, A.; Jahn, H.J.; Klein, D. (2021). JOBS Program Germany for health promotion among the unemployed in the community setting with institutions for employment promotion (JobsProgramDtl): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health 21, 261.

Jahn, H.J.; Hollederer, A. (2024). The health benefits of the JOBS Program Germany for unemployed people: A 6-month follow-up study. J Public Health.

Project “Asylum seeker benefits and health”

Project period: September 26, 2019 to September 25, 2022

As part of an FDZ research project "Asylum Seeker Benefits and Health" (project no. 3951-2019), research datasets of recipients of standard asylum seeker benefits as well as special asylum seeker benefits are analysed for the reporting year 2018. The secondary data analysis examines associations between asylum seekers' sociodemographic characteristics and granted asylum seekers' regular health care benefits in Germany and by federal states. Of particular interest are outpatient and inpatient assistance for illness, pregnancy, childbirth, and their provision by residence status, duration of benefit receipt, provider, and type of accommodation.


Hollederer, A. (2020). Guarantee of illness assistance for people seeking asylum: Two-tiered medical system in Germany? Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz. efirst am 22.9.2020. DOI
