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Cultural diversity - food without borders: Mensa del Mundo - From leftovers to feasts

Image: Prof. Dr. C. Schlaak / IfR

The students of the seminar "Sustainability and Global Learning in French and Spanish Classes" cordially invite you to our discussion series "Cultural Diversity - Food without Borders" , which will be implemented as part of the project seminar. Together we will create a space for exchange, inspiration and reflection on sustainable and just lifestyles.

What does it mean to act in a globally responsible way? How are our consumer behavior and our food culture linked to global contexts? And how can we strengthen joie de vivre and community in the process? These questions are the focus of our three evenings, where we will discuss social challenges and bring sustainability issues to the plate with creative buffets and exciting cooking activities.

An interview with an expert will provide exciting food for thought on the topic of food waste. Afterwards, we roll up our sleeves and transform leftover food into creative dishes.

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