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Summer semester 2026
- Dramas of the Sturm und Drang
- Classics in the radio play
- Classical dramas in the German classroom
- Radio play adaptations in German lessons
- Culture, gender and species in children's literature
- Didactics of children's and young adult literature
- SPS accompanying seminar
winter semester 2025/26
- Literature after 1945: Ilse Aichinger
- Elfriede Jelinek
- Children|Literature|History in the German classroom
- Anne Frank - culture of remembrance in the media network
- National Socialism and the Holocaust in children's literature
- Didactics of children's and youth literature
- SPS accompanying seminar
Summer semester 2025
- Civil tragedy and classical drama
- READ! The 20th century
- Political dimensions in children's books
- Intercultural didactics of literature
- Media networks in German lessons: From Emil and the Detectives to The Three?
- Didactics of children's and young adult literature
- SPS accompanying seminar
winter semester 2024/25
- Franz Kafka
- Michael Ende
- Culture, gender and species in children's books
- Kafka in the literature classroom
- Adaptations of classics in children's books
- Didactics of children's and young adult literature
- SPS accompanying seminar
Summer semester 2024
- Radio plays of the post-war period
- 100 years of radio plays
- National Socialism and the Holocaust in children's and youth literature
- Radio plays in German lessons
- Children's literature from a narrative-theoretical and didactic perspective
- Didactics of children's and young adult literature
- SPS accompanying seminar
winter semester 2023/24
- Erich Kästner
- Theater after 1945
- Culture - Gender - Species: Perspectives on the didactics of literature in cultural studies
- The three ??? from a media didactic perspective
- Racism in children's books: Intercultural learning in German lessons
- Didactics of children's and young adult literature
- SPS accompanying seminar
Summer semester 2023
- Viennese Modernism
- READ! The 20th century
- Paul Maar: Perspectives on literature and media didactics
- Intercultural didactics of literature
- Radio play didactics
- Didactics of children's and youth literature
- SPS accompanying seminar
winter semester 2022/23
Drama analysis
City, country, world - novels of the 21st century
Media network didactics
National Socialism and the Holocaust in children's literature
Didactics of children's and youth literature
Faust - Tell - Nathan: adaptations of classics for children
SPS accompanying seminar
Summer semester 2022
Theater text and staging
- Kafka
- Intercultural learning in German lessons
- "Effi Briest" in the media network
- Radio play didactics
- Didactics of children's and young adult literature
- SPS accompanying seminar
Winter semester 2021/22
- The radio play in post-war Germany
- Fontane in the radio play
- Media networks in the German classroom
- Children's literature in the 21st century
- Münchhausen in the media network
- Didactics of children's and youth literature
- SPS accompanying seminar
Summer semester 2021
- Aristotle - Lessing - Brecht: Introduction to drama theory
- E.T.A. Hoffmann
- Adaptations of classics for children
- Intercultural learning in literature lessons
- Radio play didactics
- Didactics of children's and youth literature
- SPS accompanying seminar
winter semester 2020/21
- Narratives of the Romantic period: E.T.A. Hoffmann
- Radio drama: historical and analytical perspectives
- Current children's and young adult literature
- National Socialism and the Holocaust in children's literature
- Faust in children's and youth literature. Adaptations of classics from a didactic perspective
- Didactics of children's and young adult literature
- SPS accompanying seminar
Summer semester 2020
- Arthur Schnitzler
- Political theater
- Animals in children's literature: human-animal studies and literary didactics
- Andreas Steinhöfel: Children's literature from a didactic perspective
- Faust - Tell - Nathan: classics for children
- Didactics of children's and young adult literature
- SPS accompanying seminar
winter semester 2019/20
- Georg Büchner
- Radio plays in the 21st century
- Children's radio plays in German lessons
- Paul Maar: Children's literature from a didactic perspective
- National Socialism and the Holocaust in children's literature
- Didactics of children's and youth literature
- SPS accompanying seminar
Summer semester 2019
- Literature of the 20th century
- Classics on the stage - text and staging
- Racism in children's books? Aspects of intercultural didactics
- Crime novels from a literary and media didactic perspective
- Effi Briest as a novel, film and radio play - a didactically and medially broad field...
- Introduction to the didactics of children's and young adult literature
- SPS accompanying seminar
winter semester 2018/19
- Bourgeois tragedy
- Intertextuality in contemporary theater texts
- Animals in children's literature - aspects of cultural studies didactics
- Children's radio plays in German lessons
- Current children's and young adult literature in German lessons
- Didactics of children's and young adult literature
- SPS accompanying seminar
Summer semester 2018
- Narratives of classical modernism
- The myth of 1968
- Anarchy in children's books
- Illness and death in children's literature
- Media networks in German lessons
- Introduction to the didactics of children's and young adult literature
- SPS accompanying seminar
Winter semester 2017/18
- Political literature around 1968
- Theater: text and staging
- Paul Maar at school
- Novellas and stories in German lessons
- Children's radio plays in German lessons
- Didactics of children's and youth literature
- SPS accompanying seminar
Summer semester 2017
- The radio plays of the 1950s
- Literature of the 20th century
- Audio media didactics
- Current children's and youth literature in German lessons: Finn-Ole Heinrich
- Drama didactics
- Accompanying seminar for the practical semester
- SPS accompanying seminar
Winter semester 2016/17
- Transformed "Verwandlung": Franz Kafka's story and its adaptations
- Current trends in theater: plays, productions, concepts
- "So that I can hear you better": radio plays in the classroom
- Intertextual readings in German lessons
- Didactics of children's and young adult literature
- Two SPS accompanying seminars
Summer semester 2016
- Act 5 - Death scenes in drama
- Literature of the 20th century
- Children's radio plays from a cultural studies and humanities perspective
- Dogs in children's and young adult literature
- "Mr. Lehmann" in the classroom - novel, radio play, film, graphic novel
- Two SPS accompanying seminars
winter semester 2015/16
- Arthur Schnitzler
- Radio plays
- Andreas Steinhöfel in the German classroom
- Children's radio plays - creating a wiki
- Didactics of children's and youth literature
- Children's literature and media in German lessons (accompanying seminar)
- SPS accompanying seminar
Summer semester 2015
- Literature of the 20th century
- Children's and young adult literature from a narratological perspective
- Paul Maar in the German classroom
- Children's radio plays
- Contemporary theater texts in the classroom
- Two SPS accompanying seminars
Winter semester 2014/15
- Introduction to drama theory
- Marriage and theater from Ibsen to Jelinek
- Didactics of children's and youth literature
- Novellas in German lessons at secondary level
- Children's thrillers in literature lessons
- Büchner's "Woyzeck" in the classroom
- SPS accompanying seminar
Summer semester 2014
- Franz Kafka
- Music in literature
- Intertextuality and intermediality in the classroom
- Theater for children and young people
- From "Bibi Blocksberg" to "TKKG" - children's radio plays from a social and cultural studies perspective
- Two SPS accompanying seminars
Winter semester 2013/2014
- Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
- Intertextuality in contemporary drama
- Current children's and young adult literature: Paul Maar
- Family in children's literature and film
- Poetry in the classroom
- Two SPS accompanying seminars
Summer semester 2013
- Georg Büchner
- Literature and culture of Viennese modernism
- Didactics of drama
- Crime novels for children
- Children's literature and anarchy
- Two SPS accompanying seminars
Winter semester 2012/2013
- Narratives around 1900
- Büchner on the stage
- Current children's and youth literature: Andreas Steinhöfel
- Grimm's fairy tales in project lessons - university and school in dialog
- School in literature
- Two SPS accompanying seminars
Summer semester 2012
- E.T.A. Hoffmann
- Theater in the 21st century
- Classroom discussions about short stories
- Current children's and young adult literature: Uwe Timm
- Intertextuality in children's and young adult literature
- Two SPS accompanying seminars
Winter semester 2011/2012
- Bourgeois tragedy
- Artistic novellas
- Theater and school - staging analysis in the classroom
- Ernst Jandl in the classroom
- Fairy tales in the classroom
- Two SPS accompanying seminars
Summer semester 2011
- Arthur Schnitzler
- "The Whole is the Untrue" - Fragment and Decay in Contemporary Literature
- Anarchy in children's and youth literature
- Ballads in the classroom
- Goethe in the classroom at lower secondary level
- Two SPS accompanying seminars
Winter semester 2010/2011
- Goethe's "Faust I"
- Novellas and novella theory in the 19th century
- Dramas and their staging
- Short prose in the classroom
- Paul Maar in the classroom
- Two SPS accompanying seminars
Summer semester 2010
- Franz Kafka
- Theater around 1800
- School and newspaper
- Children's and youth literature in the classroom
- E. T. A. Hoffmann in the upper school classroom
- Two SPS accompanying seminars
winter semester 2009/2010
- Novellas
- Contemporary theater
- "Fairytale-like?" - "Fantastic!" Narrative texts by E. T. A. Hoffmann, Paul Maar and the Brothers Grimm
- Erich Kästner at school
- Expressionism in the classroom at upper secondary level
- Two SPS accompanying seminars
Summer semester 2009
- "I think sonnets are so fucked up" - history and interpretation of a lyrical genre
- Nietzsche and literature
- Literature and music
- Literature in post-war Germany
- Poetry in the classroom
- Two SPS accompanying seminars
Winter semester 2008/2009
- Drama theory
- Viennese Modernism
- Classics of children's and youth literature
- Loriot at school
- Kassel literary history
- Two SPS accompanying seminars
Summer semester 2008
- Contemporary literature
- "Married and yet happy" - Marriage in 19th and 20th century literature
- Fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm
- Georg Büchner's "Woyzeck" - conception of a series of lessons for upper secondary level
- Ernst Jandl: Poetry and life - theory and death
- Two SPS accompanying seminars