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  • Beyond Lust. On the Problem of Marriage in the Literature of Viennese Modernism. Siegen: Böschen 2000.


  • Children's and youth literature - using the potential for irritation. Issue of the journal "Praxis Deutschunterricht" 6/2023 [with Ina Henke, Eva Pertzel and Sebastian Bernhardt].

  • Heard stories. Phenomena of the auditory. Berlin: de Gruyter 2022 [with Ina Schenker and Nils Lehnert].

  • Paul Maar. Studies in children's and youth literature. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2017 [with Nikola Roßbach].

  • From "Bibi Blocksberg" to "TKKG". Children's radio plays from a social and cultural studies perspective. Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Budrich 2016 [with Oliver Emde and Lukas Möller].

  • Literature and music. Thematic issue of the journal "Der Deutschunterricht" 3/2011.

  • Kassel music history. Gudensberg-Gleichen: Wartberg 2004.

  • Schriften der Richard-von-Schaukal-Gesellschaft: Vol. 1: Richard Schaukal: Mimi Lynx. The singer. Novellas. Siegen 1999, vol. 2: Richard Schaukal: Meine Gärten. Lonely Verses. Siegen: Böschen 2002 [with Ingo Warnke].

  • Eros Thanatos. Yearbook of the Richard-von-Schaukal-Society: 1 (1997), 2 (1998), 3/4 (1999/2000), 5/6 (2001/2002) [with Ingo Warnke].


  • "They learned to be normal". Frank Cottrell Boyce's The Unforgotten Coat between Fear and Magic. In: Rediscovering interculturality: academic and didactic perspectives on children's and young adult literature. Edited by Ines Heiser, Jana Mikota and Andy Sudermann. Weinheim: Juventa 2024. p. 90-101.

  • Literary audio walks. Audio walks from the perspective of German didactics. In: Literary walks in the German classroom. Objects, arrangements, meeting spaces. Edited by Katrin Geneuss and Christian Hoiß. Darmstadt: wbg 2023. p. 133-144.

  • "Once you've read this, there's no going back". The role of readers in Simon van der Geest's novel Krasshüpfer. In: Praxis Deutschunterricht (2023) 6. p. 21-27.

  • [with Sebastian Bernhardt, Ina Henke and Eva Pertzel] Irritating narration in children's and young adult literature. In: Praxis Deutschunterricht (2023) 6. p. 4-9.

  • "The Ring of the Nibelung" in the children's radio play. In: Richard Wagner's "Der Ring des Nibelungen"- for children. Adaptations, mediation, references. Edited by Karla Müller and Mirjam Dick. Münster/New York: Waxmann 2023. pp. 53-71.

  • "A hairdresser must tell better stories than a radio". Rafik Schami's A Hand Full of Stars as a Radio Play and Graphic Novel. In: Praxis Deutsch (2023) 301. p. 32-37.

  • William Tell in adaptations for children. In: Guillaume Tell, mythe politique et icône culturelle. Edited by Jean-François Candoni, Isabelle Ruiz and Alexis Tautou. Strasbourg: Presses Universitaires 2023. pp. 235-249.

  • Metalepses in children's radio plays. Didactic potentials using the example of Thilo Reffert's Münchhausen adaptationHerr der Lügen. In: Narrative theory(s) and literature teaching. Negotiating a difficult relationship. Edited by Sebastian Bernhardt and Ina Henke. Stuttgart: Metzler 2023. p. 239-253.

  • [with Ina Schenker and Nils Lehnert] Listening to stories. Phenomena and formats of the auditory. In: SOZIOkultur (2023) 2. p. 9-11.

  • [with Nils Lehnert] Comedy at the abyss. Tragicomedy as an epochal signature in current children's novels by Andreas Steinhöfels, Finn-Ole Heinrichs and Kirsten Boies. In: What else is there to laugh about? Comedy in texts and media of contemporary culture from a literary-didactic perspective. Edited by Nicola König and Jan Standke. Trier: WVT 2023. p. 91-106.

  • Everything is rhyme to rhymes. In: Beautiful are words that are simple. Poems by Paul Maar. Edited by Nils Mohl, Claudia Maria Pecher and Maximilian Mihatsch. Munich: Verlag Sankt Michaelsbund 2023. pp. 115-116.

  • Fifty years of Saturdays - Paul Maar's "Sams" novels. Scientific Internet portal for children's media and youth media. 2023. URL:

  • "... replaced by increased suspense ...". Unterm Birnbaum and the reception of Fontane in (crime) radio plays of the 1950s. In: Treibhaus. Yearbook for the Literature of the Fifties 18 (2022). S. 161-183.

  • Narrative instances. Narrative diversity in the radio play of the 1950s. In: Heard stories. Phenomena of the auditory. Edited by Nils Lehnert, Ina Schenker and Andreas Wicke. Berlin: de Gruyter 2022. p. 155-168.

  • Intertextuality and theories of intertextuality in the German classroom. In: Interpretation methods in German literature didactics and didactic reference concepts. Edited by Sebastian Bernhardt and Thomas Hardtke. Berlin: Frank & Timme 2022. pp. 95-113.

  • Adaptations of classics for children: between cultural education and literary learning. Jürg Schubiger's The Story of William Tell in the German Classroom. In: ide. informationen zur deutschdidaktik (2022) 1. p. 34-43.

  • "A man traveled to Vienna". On the image of Beethoven in Kurt David's "Encounter with Immortality". In: Biographical miniatures. A tribute to Helmut Scheuer. Edited by Michael Grisko and Peter Seibert. Leipzig: Universitätsverlag 2022. p. 149-155.

  • F.A.u.s.T. and Faustinchen. Intertextuality and memory in children's media Faust adaptations. In: Memory reloaded? (Re-)stagings of cultural memory in children's and youth media. Edited by Gabriele von Glasenapp, Andre Kagelmann and Ingrid Tomkowiak. Stuttgart: Metzler 2021. p. 3-15.

  • From Mozart books for young people to Little Amadeus. The image of Mozart in children's literature and media. In: Yearbook of the Society for Children's and Youth Literature Research (2021) (Topic: Sounds). S. 66-78.

  • Radio play music. Henrik Albrecht's orchestral story The Canterville Ghost (2006). In: Soundscapes for children and young people. Hörmedien in ästhetischer, didaktischer und historischer Perspektive (= kjl&m 21.extra). Edited by Petra Josting and Matthias Preis. Munich: kopaed 2021. p. 153-164.

  • "In a thriller or scary movie, all this would be shown in great detail". Andreas Steinhöfel's Rico, Oskar und die Tieferschatten in the media network. In: Andreas Steinhöfel. Texte - Analysen - didaktische Potenziale. Edited by Jan Standke and Dieter Wrobel. Trier: WVT 2021. p. 111-126.

  • "Narrative break" │ "Slow-motion panic" │ "Silent scene". Didactic reflections on the stage directions in Paul Maar's and Christian Schidlowsky's  F.A.u.s.T. In: Vom Sprachmeertauchen und Wunschpunkterfinden. Beiträge zu kinderliterarischen Erzählwelten von Josef Guggenmos und Paul Maar. Edited by Gabriele von Glasenapp, Claudia Maria Pecher and Martin Anker. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider 2021. p. 129-143.

  • Beethoven in children's books. In: JuLit (2020) 4. pp. 58-64.

  • Audiobooks and radio plays. In: Handbook of children's and youth literature. Edited by Tobias Kurwinkel and Philipp Schmerheim. Berlin: J. B. Metzler 2020. p. 277-282.

  • "The tone is familiar, the content horrible". Politics and pop in Milo Rau's radio play  HateRadio (2013). In: Pop radio plays. Interdisciplinary individual analyses. Edited by Stefan Greif and Nils Lehnert. Munich: edition text + kritik 2020. p. 223-234.

  • Understanding suspense. Die drei ??? radio plays from a suspense-analytical and didactic perspective. In: Variants of popular culture for children and young people. Didactic and aesthetic perspectives. Edited by Lea Grimm and Cornelia Rosebrock. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider 2020. p. 211-228.

  • "Narrative instance yes, narrator reluctantly". Narratological experiments in Thilo Reffert's children's radio plays. In: libri liberorum 20 (2019) 52/53. pp. 95-104.

  • "Rage sheet, painted with sickness thought varnish". Illness and perspective in Finn-Ole Heinrich's Die erstaunlichen Abenteuer der Maulina Schmitt. In: Telling illness. Texts of contemporary literature and perspectives for teaching literature. Edited by Jan Standke and Dieter Wrobel. Trier: WVT 2019. pp. 69-84. [Reprinted from: Literatur im Unterricht 18 (2017) 2. pp. 123-138].

  • Radio play didactics. Scientific internet portal for children's media and youth media. 2019.

  • "... you could only hear their quiet giggles and laughter". Theodor Fontane's Effi Briest as a radio play. In: Praxis Deutsch (2019) 277. p. 46-52.

  • Who is to blame for the bad wolf? Grimm's fairy tales in material-based literature lessons. In: Praxis Deutsch (2019) 273. p. 26-32.

  • Animal ethics and literary didactic potential in Paul Maar's Wiedersehen mit Herrn Bello. In: Animal ethics transdisciplinary. Literature - Culture - Didactics. Edited by Björn Hayer and Klarissa Schröder. Bielefeld: transcript 2018. p. 391-402.

  • Intertextuality in literature lessons. Scientific internet portal for children's media and youth media. 2018.

  • "The comparison with Sherlock Holmes is obvious". Intertextuality and suspense in the radio play "Die drei ??? - Botschaft aus der Unterwelt". In: Komparatistik und Didaktik. Edited by Michael Eggers and Christof Hamann. Bielefeld: Aisthesis 2018. p. 259-276.

  • "Happy, those of us who can still say 'Back then' with a sigh". Richard Schaukal's ways out of modernism. In: Tradition in the Literature of Viennese Modernism. Edited by Wilhelm Hemecker, Cornelius Mitterer and David Österle. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter 2017. pp. 53-67.

  • Finn-Ole Heinrich. Scientific internet portal for children's media and youth media. 2017.

  • "Being a monkey is good," said Mr. Bello. "But being a dog is good too."Human-animal perspectives in Paul Maar's Mr. Bello trilogy. In: Paul Maar. Studies in children's and youth literature. Edited by Andreas Wicke and Nikola Roßbach. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2017. p. 121-138.

  • Elfriede Jelinek: Die Schutzbefohlenen (2013). A lament between topicality and antiquity. In: Escape literature. Texts for the classroom. Edited by Dieter Wrobel and Jana Mikota. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider 2017. vol. 2. p. 179-185.

  • Intertextuality in contemporary theater texts. Ewald Palmetshofer's faust hat hunger und verschluckt sich an einer grete and Elfriede Jelinek's Winterreise from a didactic perspective. In: New forms of the poetic: Didactic potentials of contemporary literature. Edited by Irene Pieper and Tobias Stark. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang 2016. p. 139-156.

  • Between RAF and Romanticism. Paul Maar's "A week full of Saturdays". In: From "Bibi Blocksberg" to "TKKG". Kinderhörspiele aus gesellschafts- und kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Edited by Oliver Emde, Lukas Möller and Andreas Wicke. Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Budrich 2016. pp. 161-174.

  • "... thrown from cliff to cliff ...". Elfriede Jelinek's Die Schutzbefohlenen between aesthetic content and political relevance. In: Praxis Deutsch (2016) 257. p. 43-51.

  • Children's radio play. Scientific internet portal for children's media and youth media. 2016.

  • Youth without a plot. Adolescence and disorientation in Arthur Schnitzler's drama cycle Anatol. In: Adolescence in media contexts. Literature reception, media effects and youth media protection. Edited by Christine Ansari. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang 2016. pp. 87-104.

  • "Because of the so-called popolare they care nothing". On the image of Mozart in the animated series Little Amadeus. In: Pop culture and television. Historical and aesthetic points of contact. Edited by Stefan Greif, Nils Lehnert and Anna-Carina Meywirth. Bielefeld: transcript 2015. p. 211-223.

  • [with Imke Meyerdierks] Art. Paul Maar. Scientific Internet portal for children's and youth media. 2015.

  • The three ??? and the missing meaning. In: Understanding literature - why actually? 55 answers. Edited by Nikola Roßbach. Hamburg: Igel 2014. p. 275-280.

  • With the golden ticket from Neverland to Oz. Intertextuality and fantasy in Andreas Steinhöfel's The Mechanical Prince. In: Praxis Deutsch (2014) 247. p. 26-32.

  • Intertextuality. In: Children's and youth literature. A lexicon. Edited by Kurt Franz, Günter Lange and Franz-Josef Payrhuber. 52nd ed. Meitingen: Corian 2014. pp. 1-24. [A revised and abridged version is available online at].

  • Music and noise in children's radio plays. Audio-aesthetic considerations on Andreas Steinhöfel's "Rico, Oskar und die Tieferschatten". In: Primary school teaching German (2014) 3. p. 8-13.

  • "... that Mr. Mozart's face kept changing". On the image of Mozart in children's literature and media. In: interjuli 6 (2014) 1. p. 6-26.

  • Irritation through music. Didactic considerations on the intermedial reading of the musical text in Arthur Schnitzler's "Fräulein Else". In: Materiality and mediality of writing and text. Edited by Achim Barsch and Olaf Gätje. Munich: kopaed 2013. p. 159-171.

  • Between "Krähwinkel" and "at least Berlin". Music and theater in Kassel. In: Kassel in the modern age. Studies and research on the city's history. Edited by Jens Flemming and Dietfried Krause-Vilmar. Marburg: Schüren 2013. p. 723-738.

  • "I didn't like Sherlock Holmes as much as Miss Marple for a long time". Intertextual traces in Andreas Steinhöfel's Rico, Oskar ...-Krimis. In: Volkacher Bote (2013) 98. p. 19-30.

  •  "Acumen and playfulness". Intertextual literature lessons using the example of Paul Maar's Eine Woche voller Samstage. In: Literatur im Unterricht 14 (2013) 1. pp. 1-14.

  • "An adventure for the reader every time". Parodistic reduction and a poetological new beginning in Ernst Jandl's sonnets. In: literature for readers 35 (2012) 1. pp. 43-54.

  • "Times change, people change, opinions change". Family in Andreas Steinhöfel'sRico, Oskar ... trilogy. In: interjuli 4 (2012) 2. p. 39-58.

  • Andreas Steinhöfel. Scientific Internet portal for children's and youth media. 2012.

  • "And the world begins to sing, if you only hit the magic word". On the relationship between literature and music. In: Der Deutschunterricht 63 (2011) 3. p. 2-7.

  • "Where the heavenly magic of sound dwells". Music in E. T. A. Hoffmann's story "Don Juan". In: Der Deutschunterricht 63 (2011) 3. p. 20-31.

  • "A new side of human nature". Paul Heyse's novella "L'Arrabbiata". In: Der Deutschunterricht. 63 (2011) 4. P. 32-42.

  • "Roaring sound, hyper-clear". Rainald Goetz's techno narrative "Rave". In: Text + Critique 190 (2011). S. 41-51.

  • "The vague is the young". Aestheticism and the search for identity in narratives of Viennese modernism. In: Der Deutschunterricht 60 (2008) 6. p. 40-51.

  • Zapping, intoxication and higher dyslexia. Reader constructions in Rainald Goetz, Peter Bichsel and Botho Strauß. In: Intermediality in the German classroom. Edited by Marion Bönnighausen and Heidi Rösch. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider 2004. p. 83-94.

  • "Married and still happy". On the Change of the Marriage Discourse in the Literature of Viennese Modernism. In: Proceedings of the X. International Congress of Germanists Vienna 2000 "Zeitenwende - Die Germanistik auf dem Weg vom 20. ins 21. Jahrhundert". Edited by Peter Wiesinger. Vol. 6. Bern et al: Peter Lang 2002. pp. 489-494.

  • Night and discourse. Novalis'  Hymnenan die Nacht (1800) and Rainald Goetz' nightlife narrative  Rave (1998). In: Der Deutschunterricht 54 (2002) 5. p. 75-79.

  • "The words have lied the world to us". On Richard Schaukal's volume of poetry Meine Gärten. In: Richard Schaukal: My gardens. Lonely Verses. Edited by Andreas Wicke and Ingo Warnke. Siegen: Böschen 2002. p. 113-131.

  • The paradoxical dandy. Richard Schaukal's life and opinions of Mr. Andreas von Balthesser. In: Literature and Life. Anthropological Aspects in the Culture of Modernity. Ed. by Günter Helmes et al. Tübingen: Narr 2002. p. 147-160.

  • [with Ingo Warnke] "Wenn es so würde, wie ich es mir denke, wird es so GEIL". Literary and linguistic perspectives on Rainald Goetz' internet publication Abfall für alle. In: Lectures of the Erlangen Germanists' Day. Edited by Hartmut Kugler. Bielefeld: Aisthesis 2002. vol. 1. p. 567-578.

  • Richard Schaukal and the lyric theory of the turn of the century. In: Modern Austrian Literature 34 (2001) 3/4. p. 79-93. 

  • Richard Schaukal's poem Mondnacht as a reflection on Joseph von Eichendorff. In: Eros Thanatos. Yearbook of the Richard von Schaukal Society. 3/4 (1999/2000). S. 125-140.

  • "Love and marriage are two quite different things". Arthur Schnitzler's play Family. In: Love, lust and suffering. On Emotional Culture around 1900. ed. by Helmut Scheuer and Michael Grisko. Kassel: Kassel University Press 1999. p. 195-214.

  • Couples, paradigms. Aspects of a mythological concept of couples in Botho Strauß' play  Ithaka. In: Usus Linguae. Der Text im Fokus sprach- und literaturwissenschaftlicher Perspektiven. Ed. by Ingo Warnke and Britta Hufeisen. Hildesheim/Zurich/New York: Olms 1999. p. 255-270.

  • Richard Schaukal's novella  MimiLynx. Between 'embarrassingly tight naturalism' and 'violent symbolism'. In: Eros Thanatos. Yearbook of the Richard von Schaukal Society 2 (1998). S. 93-117.

  • "Schaukal is a curious oddball". On Thomas Mann's relationship to Richard Schaukal. In: Eros Thanatos. Yearbook of the Richard von Schaukal Society 1 (1997). S. 105-113.

  • The birth of the novella from the spirit of myth. On the Eros-Thanatos motif in Richard Schaukal's novella  Eros. In: Eros Thanatos. Yearbook of the Richard von Schaukal Society 1 (1997). S. 89-104.

In addition, numerous academic reviews, radio contributions on Kassel's cultural history and current culture, encyclopedia articles, lectures, theater reviews, teaching materials, and texts on children's literature at