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Dream and Narrative in Literature, Film and Art. Paderborn: Fink 2014 [also available as an e-book].

Literary fantasy in the postmodern age. Klaus Hoffer's methods of confusion. Heidelberg: Winter 2007 (= Frankfurter Beiträge zur Germanistik 45).

Collected volumes/journals

(ed.): Classics of Austrian Literature. A 'literary history' in individual text analyses (19th-21st century). Paderborn: Fink 2024 [in preparation].

(ed.): Johannes Schmid. Kasseler Grimm-Poetikprofessor 2024. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2025 (= Grimm-Poetikprofessur 6). [in preparation]  

(ed.): Feridun Zaimoglu. Kasseler Grimm-Poetikprofessor 2023. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2024 (= Grimm-Poetikprofessur 5).  

(ed.): Doris Dörrie. Kassel Grimm Poetry Professor 2022. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2023 (= Grimm Poetry Professorship 4). 

(ed.): Terézia Mora. Kassel Grimm Poetry Professor 2021, with the collaboration of Caroline Frank. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2022 (= Grimm Poetry Professorship 3).

(ed.): FilmZeit - Time dimensions of film. Marburg: Schüren 2021.

(ed.): Felicitas Hoppe. Kassel Grimm Poetry Professor 2019, with the collaboration of Caroline Frank. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2020 (= Grimm Poetry Professorship 2).

(ed.): Klaus Hoffer. Kasseler Grimm-Poetikprofessor 2018. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2020 (= Grimm-Poetikprofessur 1).

together with Uwe Durst (ed.): Das Wunderbare. Dimensions of a Phenomenon in Art and Culture. With the collaboration of Caroline Frank. Paderborn: Fink 2018 (= Dream - Research - Narrative 3).

(ed.): Experiments in the Arts. Transmedial explorations in literature, theater, film, music and the visual arts. Bielefeld: Transcript 2012 (= Cultural and Media Theory). [also available as an e-book]

Der Deutschunterricht 60 (2008) H. 2: Science Fiction. Edited by Stefanie Kreuzer, Peter Schlobinski and Oliver Siebold.

Der Deutschunterricht 59 (2007) H. 6: Realism. Edited by Stefanie Kreuzer and Helmut Scheuer.

together with Maren Bonacker (ed.): From Middle-earth to the far reaches of space. Fantasy and Science Fiction in Literature and Film. Wetzlar: Phantastische Bibliothek 2006.[]

together with Alexander Karschnia, Oliver Kohns and Christian Spies (eds.): Zum Zeitvertreib. Strategies - Institutions - Readings - Images. Bielefeld: Aisthesis 2005.


Ilse Aichinger's story Spiegelgeschichte (1949). In: Stefanie Kreuzer (ed.): Klassiker österreichischer Literatur. A 'literary history' in individual text analyses (19th-21st century). Paderborn: Fink 2024 [in preparation].

Marlen Haushofer's novel Die Wand (1963). In: Kreuzer (ed.): Classics of Austrian Literature. [in print]

Klaus Hoffer's two-part novel Bei den Bieresch (1979/83). In: Kreuzer (ed.): Classics of Austrian Literature. [in preparation]

Introduction. In: Kreuzer (ed.): Klassiker österreichischer Literatur. [in preparation]

Poet (madness) and the hereafter (world) reflected cinematographically: Jean Cocteau's Orphée  (F 1950). In: Kirsten von Hagen (ed.): Forms of Madness in the Fantastic - Literature, Film, Art. Munich: AVM 2024. [in print]    

"Je ne suis pas dans le jeu." - Constructions of the ironic in Max Ophüls La Ronde (F 1950). In: Jörg Schweinitz and Selina Hangartner (eds.): Filmische Ironie - Ironie des Films. Marburg: Schüren 2024 (= Zurich Film Studies 37). [in print]

Terézia Mora and/in They always say Terézia Mora (D 2021). In: Cinema Altera. The film-artistic portrait work of Thomas Henke and the joint work of Peggy and Thomas Henke. Berlin: Hatje Cantz 2023. p. 373-389.  

Mrs. Dörrie and the ghosts (D 2022): Filmic interventions with bag and ghost. In: Kreuzer (ed.): Doris Dörrie. S. 131-149.

Foreword to the Grimm Poetics Professorship (pp. 7-10) | Doris Dörrie - an introduction (pp. 11-14) | Introduction by Doris Dörrie and laudatory speech (pp. 17-37) | Introduction to Doris Dörrie's reading: Writing, Life, Films (pp. 75-77) | (Photo) note on socializing after the reading (pp. 119 f.) | Notes on the poetry seminar "Why be in the world?" (p. 121 f.). In: Kreuzer (ed.): Doris Dörrie.

together with Doris Dörrie: Public reading from Die Heldin reist (2022) with film excerpts: Why be on the road? In: Kreuzer (ed.): Doris Dörrie. S. 79-118.

Terézia Mora and/or They always say Terézia Mora (D 2021). In: Kreuzer (ed.): Terézia Mora. S. 101-124. 

Foreword to the Grimm Poetics Professorship (pp. 7-11) | Terézia Mora - an (exemplary) introduction (pp. 13-21) | Introduction to Terézia Mora's poetry lecture (pp. 25-27) | Web conference with Terézia Mora: laudation, award ceremony, film trailer (pp. 57-69)| Notes on the poetics seminar (pp. 71 f.) | On the tradition of the Grimm Poetics Professorship (p. 165) | On Doris Dörrie (pp. 166 f.). In: Kreuzer (ed.): Terézia Mora.   

Terézia Mora and/or in They always say Terézia Mora (D 2021; dir.: Thomas Henke). In: Biographical miniatures. A tribute to Helmut Scheuer. Leipzig: Leipziger Uni-versitätsverlag 2022. p. 87-96.

Filmische Achronie: Entwurf einer Typologie - Before the Rain (MK/F/GB 1994), Reconstruction (DK 2003), Mulholland Dr. (USA/F 2001) and Stay (USA 2005). In: Kreuzer (ed.): FilmZeit - Zeitdimensionen des Film. S. 245-308.

Preliminary remarks on time for and around FilmZeit (pp. 11-14) | Introduction: FilmZeit- Zeitdimensionen des Films (pp. 15-38. In: Kreuzer (ed.): FilmZeit - Zeitdimensionen des Films.

A filmic author(s) on the threshold. Steven Soderbergh's  Kafka (F/USA 1991) between fictionality and factuality, text and film world, film noir and science fiction. In: Torsten Hoffmann and Doren Wohlleben (eds.): Filmed authorship. Appearances of writers in documentaries and biopics. Bielefeld: Transcript 2020. p. 129-150.

Foreword to the Grimm Poetics Professorship (pp. 7-10) | Introduction (pp. 11-15) | Opening of the Grimm Poetics Professorship 2019 and introduction by Felicitas Hoppe (pp. 19-32) | Foreword to the Poetics Seminar (pp. 57-60) | Felicitas Hoppe,  Hoppe (2012) and Felicitas Hoppe says (D/CH 2017) (pp. 85-93). In: Kreuzer (ed.) Felicitas Hoppe.   

Cinematic achrony as/versus real time? An exemplary analysis of Marc Forster's Stay. In: Stephan Brössel and Susanne Kaul (eds.): Echtzeit im Film. Concepts - Effects - Contexts. Paderborn: Fink 2020. p. 89-110.

Cinematic fictions of authenticity and real time. In: Brössel and Kaul (eds.): Echtzeit im Film. S. 245-268.

On the omnipresent context of textualization: Conversations with Klaus Hoffer. In: Stefanie Kreuzer (ed.): Klaus Hoffer. Kasseler Grimm-Poetikprofessor 2018. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2020 (= Grimm-Poetikprofessur 1). S. 195-229.

Foreword to the Grimm Poetry Professorship (pp.  7-9) | Introduction (pp. 11-14) | Opening of the Grimm Poetry Professorship 2018 and laudatory speech for Klaus Hoffer (pp.  17-26) | Foreword to the poetry seminar (pp. 47-50) | Brief introduction to the novel Bei den Bieresch(1979/83) (pp. 67-70) | On the person of Klaus Hoffer (pp. 231-233) | (Selected) bibliography (pp. 241-248). In: Kreuzer (ed.): Klaus Hoffer.

Filmische Traumdarstellungen im Wandel der kinematographischen Möglichkeiten (1895-1950). In: Marie Guthmüller and Hans-Walter Schmidt-Hannisa (eds.): Das nächtliche Selbst. Dream Knowledge and Dream Art in the Century of Psychology. Vol. II: 1900-1950. Göttingen: Wallstein 2020. p. 256-283.

"Realism in the unreal is a trap at every moment." - 
Jean Cocteau's Orphée (F 1950). In: Stefanie Kreuzer and Uwe Durst (eds.): Das Wunderbare. Dimensions of a Phenomenon in Art and Culture. With the collaboration of Caroline Frank. Paderborn: Fink 2018 (= Dream -  Research - Narrative 3). S. 81-97.

together with Uwe Durst and Caroline Frank: Introduction: Varieties of the marvelous in art and culture. In: Stefanie Kreuzer and Uwe Durst (eds.): Das Wunderbare. Dimensions of a Phenomenon in Art and Culture. With the collaboration of Caroline Frank. Paderborn: Fink 2018. p. 7-26.

Simple(ish) food in movies? Edwards' "Breakfast at Tiffany's" (1961) and Ozu's "The Flavor of Green Tea Over Rice" (1952). In: Andreas Becker (ed.): Yasujiro Ozu and the aesthetics of his time. Darmstadt: Büchner 2018. pp. 153-166.

Film narratology. Who actually narrates the 'view' through the snow globe? In: Oliver Jahraus and Tanja Prokić (eds.): Orson Welles' "Citizen Kane" and film theory. 16 model analyses. Stuttgart: Reclam 2017. p. 83-103.

Narrated dream knowledge in literature and film. In: Patricia Oster and Janett Reinstädler (eds.): Traumwelten. Interferences between text, image, music, film and science. Paderborn: Fink 2017 (= Dream - Research - Narrative 1). S.  47-77.

"And looked deeper and deeper - / Until deep, in the bottom of the sea". On the dreamy 'immersion' in Heinrich Heine's Seegespenst. In: Bernard Dieterle and Hans-Walter Schmidt-Hannisa (eds.): Der Traum im Gedicht. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2017. pp. 111-125.

[Russian translation of "Erzähltes Traumwissen in Literatur und Film" (see  above):]
'Повествование знания о сне' в литературе и фильме. Франц Кафка Сон (нем.: A dream; 1917) и Пeн-Eк Ратанаруанг Уловка (англ.: Ploy, Т 2008). In: Kommentarii 29/30 (2017).( PP. 348-377.

Goethe and Spiegel(ing) and Murnau's Faust (D 1926). In: Manfred Leber and Sikander Singh (eds.): Goethe and ... Saarbrücken: universaar 2016 (= Saarbrücker literaturwissenschaftliche Ringvorlesungen 5).( P. 191-208.

Düsseldorf - Palermo - Heaven: Representations of Italy in the films of Wim Wenders and Tom Tykwer. In: Alessandra Lombardi, Lucia Mor and Nikola Roßbach (eds.): Reiseziel Italien. Modern constructions of cultural knowledge in literature - language - film. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 2014 (= MeLiS Medien - Literaturen - Sprachen in Anglistik/Amerikanistik, Germanistik und Romanistik 16). S. 223-238.

Fantastic delimitations between dreaming and waking: Pen-ek RatanaruangsPloy (Thailand 2008) and Thomas Mann's Der Kleiderschrank (1903). In: Christine Lötscher, Petra Schrackmann, Ingrid Tomkowiak and Aleta-Amirée von Holzen (eds.): Übergänge und Entgrenzungen in der Fantastik. Vienna: Lit 2014 (= Fantastikforschung / Research in the Fantastic 1). S. 201-216.

Reflections as illusionary prospects of the unexpected in visual art, literature and film. From Furtenagel's vanitas mirror motif (1529) to Hofmannsthal's "Reitergeschichte" (1899) and Fincher's Fight Club (USA/D 1999). In: Scenography in Exhibitions and Museums VI: Interspaces - Change and Transitions. Prospects - on the opening of the unexpected. Edited by Gerhard Kilger. Essen: Klartext 2014. p. 184-195.

Cinematic self-reflection as a mirrored cinematic dream: Ingmar Bergman's Persona (S 1966). In: Lars C. Grabbe, Patrick Rupert-Kruse and Norbert M. Schmitz (eds.): Multimodal Images. On the syncretic structure of the cinematic. Darmstadt: Büchner 2013. pp. 188-213.

Dreamlike emotions? (Missing) feelings in fictional dream texts using the example of Franz Kafka's Ein Traum. In: Kristian Donko and Neva Šlibar (eds.): Emotional worlds and emotion discourses in German-language literature. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljana 2012. p. 138-147.

Traumhaftigkeit und Wahnsinn - Tieck's Blonder Eckbert and Lynch's Mulholland Dr.In: Vielheit und Einheit der Germanistik weltweit. Edited by Franciszek Grucza. Proceedings of the XII International Congress of Germanists Warsaw 2010. Vol. 10: Film and Visual Media. Multimedia and transnational communication in the Baroque era. Developments in contemporary German-language literature and media after 1989. Literature-media-culture in the context of German studies. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 2012. p. 365-370.

Constellations of a Postmodern Fantastic. In: Sabine Coelsch-Foisner and Sarah Herbe (eds.): New Directions of the European Fantastic. Heidelberg: Winter 2012. pp. 111-118.

together with Birgit Nübel: "Morgen war Weihnachten" - Zeit (in) der Literatur. In: Uni-Magazin (2012) H. 3/4: Time. Reflections on an enigmatic phenomenon. S. 28-30.

Christopher Nolan's Memento (USA 2002). Narrative experiment between cinematic representation and pathological findings. In: Stefanie Kreuzer (ed.): Experiments in the Arts. Transmedial explorations in literature, theater, film, music and visual arts. Bielefeld: Transcript 2012 (= Cultural and Media Theory). S. 215-252.

Introduction. In: Stefanie Kreuzer (ed.): Experiments in the Arts. Transmedial Explorations in Literature, Theater, Film, Music and Visual Arts. Bielefeld: Transcript 2012 (= Cultural and Media Theory). S. 7-15.

Artistic strategies of authenticity construction - examples from literature, film and visual arts. In: Wolfgang Funk and Lucia Krämer (eds.): Authentizität zwischen Materialität und Konstruktion. Bielefeld: Transcript 2011 (= Kultur- und Medientheorie). S. 179-204.

Intertextuality as Mandatory Collective Creativity? Textual Interconnection in Klaus Hoffer's Novel Bei den Bieresch. In: Gerhard Fischer and Florian Vaßen (eds.): Collective Creativity. Collaborative Work in the Sciences, Literature and the Arts. Amsterdam: Rodopi 2011. p. 267-279.

Shimmering mountain solitude and flickering computer world. On the contrast of the narrated worlds in Christoph Ransmayr's novel Der fliegende Berg (2006) (17. Febr. 2010). In: Trans. Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften 17 (2010). (14. June 2010).

Dream(ing) escapes in science fiction films. Terry Gilliam's Brazil (GB 1985) and Michel Gondry's Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (USA 2004). In: Hans Esselborn (ed.): Cybernetic Order in the Arts. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2008. pp. 113-130.

Artificial humans and human artificiality. E. T. A. Hoffmann's automata in the context of an SF motif complex. In: Der Deutschunterricht 60 (2008) H. 2: Science Fiction. Edited by Stefanie Kreuzer, Peter Schlobinski and Oliver Siebold. S. 28-40.

Filmic images of memory loss. Amnesia and photography in Tom Tykwer's Winterschläfer (D 1997). In: Achim Barsch, Helmut Scheuer and Georg-Michael Schulz (eds.): Literatur-Kunst-Medien. Festschrift for Peter Seibert on his 60th birthday. Munich: Martin Meidenbauer 2008 (= Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Literatur; Kontext 8). S. 350-367.

On the genie-aesthetic 'fragrance' and postmodern 'evaporation' of texts, figures and authors. Intertextual references in Patrick Süskind's novel Das Parfum. In: Andreas Blödorn and Christine Hummel (eds.): Psychogramme der Postmoderne. New studies on the work of Patrick Süskind. Trier: WVT 2008 (= Literature - Culture - Language 5). S. 23-38.

On the 'unheard-of' narrative dramaturgy of a realistic novella: Adalbert Stifter's "Brigitta". In: Der Deutschunterricht 59 (2007) H. 6: Realism. Edited by Stefanie Kreuzer and Helmut Scheuer. S. 25-35.

'Märchenhafte Metatexte': Metanarrative forms and functions of fairy tale elements in literature. In: Janine Hauthal, Julijana Nadj, Ansgar Nünning and Henning Peters (eds.): Metaization in literature and other media. Theoretical Foundations - Historical Perspectives - Meta-Genres - Functions. Berlin: de Gruyter 2007 (= spectrum Literaturwissenschaft/spectrum Literature 12). S. 282-302.

Intertextual auto(r)-killing and revival. Hoffer's Bei den Bieresch, Ransmayr's Die letzte Welt and Süskind's Das Parfum (6. Sept. 2006). In: Trans. Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften 16 (2006). (14. June 2010).

Tim Burton's genre satire Big Fish (USA 2003). A postmodern-ironic game with wonderful movie worlds. In: Maren Bonacker and Stefanie Kreuzer (eds.): From Middle-earth to the far reaches of space. Fantasy and science fiction in literature and film. Wetzlar: Phantastische Bibliothek 2006. p. 145-172.

Together with Maren Bonacker: Foreword. On real and fictitious distances and how to overcome them. In: Maren Bonacker and Stefanie Kreuzer (eds.): From Middle-earth to the far reaches of space. Fantasy and Science Fiction in Literature and Film. Wetzlar: Phantastische Bibliothek 2006. p. 7-10.

Six toes, three feet and two trembling hands of the one-armed man ... Narrative irritations in Klaus Hoffer's novel Bei den Bieresch. In: Antje Krause-Wahl, Heike Oehlschlägel and Serjoscha Wiemer (eds.): Affekte. With an introduction by Mieke Bal. Bielefeld: Transcript 2006. p. 74-85.

The uncanny reversal of the fairytale into the fantastic. Ludwig Tieck's art fairy tale Der blonde Eckbert. In: Der Deutschunterricht 58 (2006) H. 3: The uncanny. Edited by Joachim Pfeiffer. S. 21-33.

The traversed time in the photo-text works of Hamish Fulton. In: Alexander Karschnia, Oliver Kohns, Stefanie Kreuzer and Christian Spies (eds.): Zum Zeitvertreib. Strategies - Institutions - Readings - Images. Bielefeld: Aisthesis 2005. pp. 271-284.

Together with Alexander Karschnia, Oliver Kohns and Christian Spies: Zum Zeitvertreib - eine Konferenz, ein Thema, ein Buch. In: Alexander Karschnia, Oliver Kohns, Stefanie Kreuzer and Christian Spies (eds.): Zum Zeitvertreib. Strategies - Institutions - Readings - Images. Bielefeld: Aisthesis 2005. p. 9-16.

Photography : Text. On the early visual-poetic works of Jochen Gerz. In: Der Deutschunterricht 57 (2005) H. 5: Reading visual surfaces. Edited by Ulrich Schmitz and Ursula Renner. S. 25-37. 

Handbook article

The marvelous. In: Metzler Handbook of Fairy Tales. Edited by Lothar Blum and Stefan Neuhaus. Stuttgart: Metzler 2023. p. 21-27.

Fessel, rope, cord. In: Ilse Aichinger Dictionary. Edited by Birgit R. Erdle and Annegret Pelz. Göttingen: Wallstein 2021. pp. 103-107.

together with Maren Bonacker: Deutschsprachige Phantastik [1945 to the present]. In: Metzler Handbook of Fantasy. Edited by Hans Richard Brittnacher and Markus May. Stuttgart: Metzler 2013. p. 170-177.


Film script 

together with Thomas Henke and Terézia Mora:  Filmscript: Sie sagen immer Terézia Mora (D 2021). In: Stefanie Kreuzer (ed.): Terézia Mora. Kassel Grimm Poetry Professor 2021, with the collaboration of Caroline Frank. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2022 (= Grimm Poetry Professorship 3). S. 125-147.