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1. monographs

  • 2020     Authors' Rounds - Children Develop Literary Competencies. An interdisciplinary theory-building study on conversations about own texts in elementary school. Waxmann-Verlag Münster 2020 (dissertation).
  • 2018     Individual learning paths in writing and spelling. A handbook for teaching German.
  • 2016     Part I: Grades 1 and 2 (3rd ed. 2018, first published 2007), Part IIA: Grades 3 to 6, Subvolume A: Developing writing skills based on individually meaningful texts. (2nd ed. 2016, first publication 2013), Part II B: Developing spelling competence in the context of writing (2nd ed. 2016, first publication 2013), Verlag der Agentur Dieck, Heinsberg.
  • 1998     Writing and Spelling. A practice book for individual spelling training. Dieck Agency Publishing House, Heinsberg.
  • 1996      (with Gaschk, Andrea) Unterwegs im Zauberland der Sprache, der Farben und Formen. Variations on linguistic and aesthetic education from 1st to 6th grade. Published by Dieck Agency, Heinsberg.

2. contributions to anthologies

  • 2020     Artifacts in Conversations about Textual Qualities. Literary Practices in Authors' Rounds. In: Kruse, Norbert/Reichardt, Anke/Riegeler, Susanne (eds.): Materialität des Schrifterwerbs. Erich Schmidt Publishers Berlin. (forthcoming).
  • 2020     "Ich wäre nichts ohne Schreiben" - Anverwandlung durch Schreiben und Gespräche über eigene Texte in Autorenrunden. In: Beisbart, Ortwin/Bismarck, Kristina (eds.): Teaching German - Building World Relations. Theory and practice of resonance-based German teaching. Beltz Verlag Weinheim/ Basel, pp. 38 - 55.
  • 2018     Conversations about own texts in author circles - Anbahnung literaler Identität innerhalb einer Schreibergemeinschaft. In: Bär, Christina/Uhl, Benjamin (eds.): Textwriting from a child's perspective. Fillibach, pp. 143 - 166.
  • 2016     Spelling in the House of Learning. In: Kruse, Norbert/Reichardt, Anke (eds.): How much spelling do primary school pupils need? Positions and perspectives on spelling instruction in elementary school. PP. 22 - 37, PP. 135 - 143, PP. 191 - 193.
  • 2016      Becoming at home in language, writing and class. In: Markmann, Gesa/Oswald, Claudia (Eds.): Kinder und Jugendliche mit Fluchterfahrungen in der Schule. Impulses for an inclusive practice. Hohengehren: Schneider Verlag, pp. 126-131.
  • 2015     Vocabulary work - meaningful and structure-oriented. In: Brinkmann, Erika (ed.): Spelling in discussion. Literacy acquisition and spelling instruction. Beiträge zur Reform der Grundschule 140. Grundschulverband, Frankfurt a. M., pp. 244 - 250.
  • 2015     Meaningful Writing - Own Texts as a Basis for Individual Competence Development. In: Blechschmidt, Anja/Schräpler, Ute (eds.): Oral and written texts in speech therapy and teaching. Basel: Schwabe-Verlag, pp. 81 - 94.
  • 2014     " Schreibzeit" - Von der Praxis zur Konzeption inklusiven Unterricht. In: Ritter, Michael/Hennies, Johannes: German didactics in inclusion. Fillibach/Klett, pp. 169 - 182.
  • 2014     Reflecting on and developing textual procedures in the context of own texts. In: Bachmann, Thomas/Feilke, Helmuth (Eds.): Tools of Writing - Contributions to a Didactics of Textual Procedures. Stuttgart: Fillibach/Klett, pp. 85 - 110.
  • 2012     Learning to revise in authentic writing contexts - with the text hand. Basics - observations - guidelines for teaching. In: Hüttis-Graff, Petra/Jantzen, Christoph (eds.), Learning to revise - revising as learning. Fillibach/Klett Freiburg/Br. 2012, pp. 289 - 305.
  • 2011     Writing conferences - going on "your own ways". A text about writing conferences - and its      development. In: Spitta, Gudrun, Let children show what they can do. Newly published contributions to a democratic didactics of German. Edited by Sven Nickel. Norderstedt
  • 2010     Individually Meaningful Writing as the Basis of Writing Competence Development. In: Jantzen, Christoph/Merklinger, Daniela (Eds.): Reading and Writing: Lernerperspektiven und Könnens-     erfahrungen, Fillibach Freiburg/Br. 2010, pp. 81 - 113.
  • 2000     Strengthening Personality. On the training and support of teachers. In: Büttner, Chr./Schwichtenberg, E. (Eds.), Brutal and Uncontrolled. Schülergewalt und Interventionsmöglichkeiten      in der Grundschule, Beltz Verlag Weinheim/Basel, pp. 148 - 166.

3. editorships

  • 2020     Moderation of the thematic issue "Literary Practices". DIE GRUNDSCHULZEITSCHRIFT Issue 322. Friedrich-Verlag Velber.
  • 2018     (with Wietzke, Frauke/IQSH - Institute for Quality Development in Schleswig-Holstein) Leitfaden zu den Fachanforderungen Deutsch Grundschule/Primarstufe. Kiel.
  • 2002      My God, My God... Using Psalm Words to Develop Biblical Topics. A practical book for school and congregation. Neukirchener-Verlag, Neukirchen-Vluyn.

4. contributions to journals

  • 2020     Essay adé! And now what? Acquiring and reviewing writing skills. In: Grundschule Deutsch 67, pp. 12 - 15.
  • 2020     Literary Practices in School. School language action as social and cultural action. In: Die GRUNDSCHULZEITSCHRIFT 322, pp. 6 - 11. (Basic article).
  • 2020     with Gronwald, Romina/Sell, Silke/Theurich, Silke: Fibel, Anlauttabelle oder Arbeitsheft? The influence of materials on literacy acquisition practices. In: Die GRUNDSCHULZEITSCHRIFT 322, pp. 12 - 15.
  • 2020     with Morek, Miriam: "How Does the Text Affect You?" Developing Conversation and Writing Skills in      Author Rounds. In: The PRINCIPAL SCHOLARSHIP 322, pp. 25 - 30.
  • 2020     Revising texts can be learned. Initiating and optimizing work in writing conferences. In: Grundschulunterricht Deutsch Heft 2, pp. 10 - 15.
  • 2019     Learning to spell - individualized and collaborative. In: "unterrichtspraxis". Supplement to "bildung und wissenschaft" of Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft Baden-Württemberg, 52nd volume, issue no. 6 (8 pages).
  • 2019     WORD-BUILDING-STONE-E. Discoveries in open work phases and in joint spelling conversations. In: German differentiated 2-2019, pp. 42 - 45.
  • 2019     Reflecting on handwriting. In: Grundschulunterricht Deutsch 1/2019, pp. 37 - 45.
  • 2018     Spelling chart and spelling from the beginning! Questions and answers about "writing by listening" or "writing by ear". In: MONTESSORI. Journal of Montessori Education. 56th volume, issue 2, pp. 29 - 39.
  • 2018     with Schröder, Nadine: "Nimm mich wahr!" - Inclusive literary learning. The book "Hallo, ich bin auch      noch da" in the elementary school classroom. In: Praxis Deutsch 272, pp. 58 - 60.
  • 2018     Insights into Research. Learning in dialogue. Beate Leßmann in conversation with Peter Gallin and Urs Ruf. In: The GRUNDSCHOLZEITSCHRIFT 311, pp. 46-49.
  • 2018     Free Writing and Text Types. Example: narrative texts. In: Elementary School German 59, pp. 24-30.
  • 2017      Learning to write correctly. Between orthography, child, and teaching. Basic article spelling. In: Grundschulmagazin 4-2017, pp. 7 - 13.
  • 2017     Spelling Works. Reviewing and assessing spelling performance. In: Elementary School Magazine 4-2017, pp. 34 - 39.
  • 2016     Leßmann, Beate, Zehn Grundsätze des Förderns im Deutschunterricht. In: Die Grundschule /Grundschule Extra pp. 11 - 14.
  • 2014      " It has been an honor to write with you...." Writing your own texts as a fundamental resource for individual and group learning. In: Elementary School News, Journal of the Elementary School Association 126, pp. 21 - 24.
  • 2014      Individual and group learning paths in spelling - Linking individual and group potentials. In: the elementary school journal 271/2014, pp. 44 - 48.
  • 2014     Of doubt and emergency words. Looking up words in the dictionary as an occasion for language reflection. In: Grundschule Deutsch 41/2014, pp. 40 - 42 (plus material on CD).
  • 2014     "Sick" words come to the clinic. Learning to write words correctly in a systematic and individualized way. In: Deutsch Differenziert 4/2014, pp. 2 - 5 (plus material).
  • 2013      Learning to take responsibility for one's own text - Self-evaluation and feedback with the text hand in author rounds. In: Fördermagazin Sekundarstufe 4/2013, pp. 9 - 13.
  • 2013    Developing text competencies through authoring rounds. In: Praxis Deutsch 239, pp. 13 - 15.
  • 2013     Spelling Competence on Individual Learning Paths - Suggestions for Integrative Inclusive Teaching. In: Grundschule aktuell, Zeitschrift des Grundschulverbandes 124/2013, pp. 20 - 23.
  • 2013     Who writes, describes. Starting from the children's ability. In: Grundschule Deutsch 37/2013, pp. 25 - 28.
  • 2012     Author rounds: Discovering text qualities together. In: Die GRUNDSCHULZEITSCHRIFT 258/259, pp. 52 - 55.
  • 2011     From red thread to text fabric. Learning to consider, revise, and plan one's own texts with the "text hand". In: Grundschulunterricht Deutsch 3/2011, pp. 25 - 29.
  • 2009     Spelling - for the sake of the texts. In: Grundschule Deutsch 22/2009, pp. 7 - 11.
  • 2008     "Discovering and exploring writing secrets" in texts. In Grundschule Deutsch 20/2008, pp. 14 - 17.
  • 2008     Writing - creative and cooperative. Suggestions for different contexts. In Grundschulunterricht Deutsch 2/2008, pp. 1 - 24.
  • 2008     Writing down in a methodical way. In: DIE GRUNDSCHULZEITSCHRIFT 211, pp. 46 - 49.
  • 2006     Reading diary or reading journal? - Suggestions for open reading times. In: Elementary Education 7-8, pp. 39 - 44.
  • 2005     Hope Crossing Death. Telling the Passion and Easter with pictures. In: Elementary School Religion 10/2005, pp. 6 - 8.
  • 2004     Dictates - without end? Steps towards the final farewell of the traditional dictation. In: Elementary School Teaching 4/2004, pp. 33 - 39.
  • 2004     Parent Day in 1st Grade. Using portfolios to present individual learning achievements. In: Elementary School Journal 17/2004, pp. 51 - 53.
  • 2004     " Writing in the diary is fun" - Regular individual writing as a basis for writing and spelling learning processes. In: Elementary School Teaching 9/2004, pp. 23 - 45.
  • 2004     Remembering instead of forgetting!!! The topic "Persecution of the Jews" in elementary school! - discussed using the example of a teaching proposal for November 9. In: Kaiser, A./Pech, D. (Eds.): Basiswissen Sachunterricht (6 Vol.), Schneider-Verlag Baltmannsweiler 2004, pp. 208 - 216.
  • 2004     Children's Bibles - the agony of choice?! In: Grundschule Religion 7/2004, pp. 30 - 32.
  • 2003     Insights into US school reality - prospects for PISA consequences in Germany? Part 1: Example "Reading Literacy" In: Grundschulunterricht 1/2003, p. 55 - 59. Part 2: Directions or Warning?! Performance Standards In: Grundschulunterricht 9/2003, pp. 45 - 49. Part 3: More Success through All-Day Schools and Earlier Enrollment? In: Grundschulunterricht 10/2003, pp. 42 - 44.
  • 2003     " You are sun and warm me!" - Finding comfort and hope in images of the Psalms. In: Elementary School Religion 4/2003, pp. 20 - 23.
  • 2002     " But I find that..." Conversational culture: strengthening personality! In: Elementary School Teaching I/2002, pp. 20 - 24.
  • 2001     Alternative practice requires alternative materials. The development of an error-oriented spelling index. In: DIE GRUNDSCHULZEITSCHRIFT 144, pp. 44 - 47.
  • 2001     Learning to Spell from Your Own Texts. In: DIE GRUNDSCHULZEITSCHRIFT 144, pp. 18 - 20.
  • 2000     How children's words become practice words. In: THE PRINCIPAL SCHOOL JOURNAL 137, pp. 20 - 23.
  • 2000     Leßmann, Beate, When leaves fall.... Thinking about death and mourning with children. In: Elementary School Teaching 9/2000, pp. 33 - 37.
  • 2000     Bartnitzky, Horst/Brinkmann, Erika/Leßmann, Beate, Wörter erforschen - Wörter üben. In: DIE GRUNDSCHULZEITSCHRIFT 137 (material part).
  • 1997     With all senses - perception of nature in sensory, interdisciplinary lessons. In: Elementary School Teaching 2/1997, pp. 13 - 17.
  • 1995     Roots give support. Draft lesson plan on the symbol "roots" in the 4th school year. In: Pädagogisch-Theologisches Institut Kassel (ed.), forum religion 1/1995, pp. 3 - 10.
  • 1994     Geborgen in guten Händen. Children encounter the symbol "hand". In: Pädagogisch-Theologisches Institut der Evangelischen Kirche im Rheinland (ed.), Religionsunterricht, Materialien und Entwürfe für den Religionsunterricht in der Primarstufe, Bonn/Bad Godesberg 1994.
  • 1993     The Winter Bird. A shared fantasy journey as a trigger for individual writing. In: DIE GRUNDSCHULZEITSCHRIFT 61 (theme issue writing conferences"), pp. 27 - 29.
  • 1993     Remembering Instead of Forgetting. Suggestions for teaching in remembrance of the progrom of November 9, 1938. in: DIE GRUNDSCHULZEITSCHRIFT 64/1993, pp.26 - 29.
  • 1990     (with Barnikol, Horst-Martin) Skapelsens Människa Som Guds Avbild. Om grundstrukturen i John Wesleysteologiska antropologi, in: TRO & LIV Nr. 1(1990), Jahrgang 49, S. 23 - 36. (Excerpts of the Schriftliche Hausarbeit im Rahmen der Ersten Staatsprüfung für das Lehramt für die Primarstufe, Fachbereich Evangelische Theologie: "Der Mensch als Bild Gottes in der Theologie John Wesleys", translated into      Swedish by Rune Larsson).

5. materials for education and training

  • Since 2013    Presentations and materials for multipliers in education and training to strengthen individualizing and collaborative learning paths in German lessons (homepage).
  • 2009     Structuring individual learning paths in open learning phases. In: IQSH (Institute for Quality Development in Schleswig-Holstein) (ed.), Eingangsphase an Grundschulen. Expanding Individual Support in the Classroom. German. Kiel, pp. 80 - 141.
  • 2006     Examples of competence-oriented teaching. In: Lankes, Eva-Maria./Leßmann, Beate/Wietzke, Frauke: Kompetenzorientierter Unterricht. Educational standards in German for the end of primary school. IQSH (Institute for Quality Development in SH)/Kiel, pp. 33 - 50.
  • 2001     Writing and Spelling: Concept for individual spelling training. Guidelines for facilitation in training and further education, Verlag der Agentur Dieck, Heinsberg: Folder 1: Introduction to the concept and materials. Folder 2: Observing, reviewing and evaluating learning and performance development in the area of spelling.

6. materials for teaching (selection)

  • 2009     (with Ostermann, Jana/Rathjen, Nicole) Spelling Box for Secondary Level I. Parts I, II, III, IV, V. Materials for individual spelling training, with accompanying booklet and outline booklet. Dieck Agency Publishing House, Heinsberg.
  • 2009     (with Ostermann, Jana/Rathjen, Nicole) Trainingspaket Rechtschreiben. 38 diagnostic and control tests to support individual, independent learning of spelling with the spelling box for secondary level I. Verlag der Agentur Dieck, Heinsberg.
  • 2007     Vocabulary building - phonetic training - sentence formation. Suggestions for language development for children with German as a first or second language. For language work from kindergarten to secondary school. Published by Dieck Agency, Heinsberg.
  • 2000/1999     Spelling Box I, II, III. Materials for individual spelling training in elementary school. Verlag der Agentur Dieck, Heinsberg (first edition 1999/2000, various new editions of the boxes and the accompanying booklets 1, 2 and 3).

7. film releases

  • 2013     Class Texts! Developing writing skills with the class on their own texts. Insights from      individual and collaborative learning paths in 4th and 6th grade. A film about teaching by and with Beate Leßmann. Published by Dieck Agency, Heinsberg.
  • 2006    Valuing every child! How individual learning paths in writing and spelling make children strong. A film about teaching at elementary schools by and with Beate Leßmann. Published by Dieck Agency, Heinsberg.

8. homepage

  • Since 2013     Digital publications, providing material for teaching, learning and research (case studies, films, short articles, texts by children and adolescents, materials) in the areas of writing/rhetoric, reading, early learning, inclusion,