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  • Schüler, Lis (i.V.): Narrative Patterns. Written Narrative in the Context of Word and Image. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
  • Dehn, Mechthild/Merklinger, Daniela/Schüler, Lis (2011): Texts and contexts. Writing as a cultural activity in elementary school. Seelze: Klett Kallmeyer. [New version and substantial expansion of Dehn, Mechthild 1999].

Editorships and moderations

  • Schüler, Lis/Dehn, Mechthild (i.V.): Elementare Schriftkultur. The elementary school magazine 317.
  • Schüler, Lis/Babbe, Karin (since June 2017): Co-moderation of the section "Working with reading". In: The Elementary School Journal.
  • Schüler, Lis/Dehn, Mechthild/Merklinger, Daniela (since 2017): Co-moderator of the "Insights into Research" rubric. In: Die Grundschulzeitschrift.
  • Schüler, Lis/Dehn, Mechthild/Merklinger, Daniela (since 2017): Co-host of the "Scenes from School" section. In: Die Grundschulzeitschrift.
  • Schüler, Lis (2015): Narrative. Scope for pattern formation. Die Grundschulzeitschrift 282.
  • Dehn, Mechthild/Pupil, Lis (2015): Writing: From idea to text. The elementary school journal anthology Writing. Seelze: Friedrich.
  • Dehn, Mechthild/Schüler, Lis (2013): Word and image. Visual literacy and imagination. Die Grundschulzeitschrift 262/263 (with materials booklet).
  • Dehn, Mechthild/Schüler, Lis (2012): Working on the text. Bringing the successful into view. The elementary school journal 258/259 (with materials booklet).
  • Dehn, Mechthild/Schüler, Lis (2010): From writing idea to text. Die Grundschulzeitschrift 231.

Book contributions

  • Schüler, Lis/Dehn, Mechthild (2018): Primary school children's perspectives on "special words" in their stories. In: Bär, Christina/Uhl, Benjamin (eds.): Texte schreiben in der Grundschule - Zugänge zu kindlichen Perspektiven. Stuttgart: Fillibach bei Klett, pp. 41-61.
  • Schüler, Lis (2017): Word and image - narrative in teacher education. In: Hübsch, Nikola/Wardetzky, Kristin (eds.): Time for Stories. Narrative in cultural education. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider, pp. 142-150.
  • Schüler, Lis (2016): Written storytelling to painting. Inscribing oneself in narrative patterns. In: Lieber, Gabriele/Uhlig, Bettina (eds.): Narration. Transdisciplinary paths to art didactics. Munich: kopaed, pp. 149-165.
  • Schüler, Lis (2015): Scenic storytelling in the preschool classroom. Children draw and dictate to the fairy tale "Why the lion roars". In: Dehn, Mechthild/Merklinger, Daniela (eds.): Erzählen - Vorlesen - zum Schmökern anregen. Frankfurt am Main: Grundschulverband, pp. 26-36.
  • Schüler, Lis/Klenz, Stefanie (2015): In the context of multilingualism: mothers telling stories in school. In: Dehn, Mechthild/Merklinger, Daniela (eds.): Erzählen - Vorlesen - zum Schmökern anregen. Frankfurt am Main: Grundschulverband, pp. 57-67.
  • Schüler, Lis (2015): Preparing a scenic narrative. In: Dehn, Mechthild/Merklinger, Daniela (eds.): Erzählen - Vorlesen - zum Schmökern anregen. Elementary School Association. Frankfurt am Main: Grundschulverband, pp. 81-84.
  • Dehn, Mechthild/Schüler, Lis (2014): On the function of divergence and ambiguity.  Aesthetic potentials of the task as a learning opportunity for text writing. In: Kruse, Norbert et al. (Eds.): Unconventionality in learner texts. On the function of divergence and ambiguity in text writing. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, pp. 153-172.
  • Dehn, Mechthild/Merklinger, Daniela/Schüler, Lis (2014): Narrative Acquisition in Educational Research and Didactics. In: Hühn, Peter et al. (eds.): Handbook of Narratology, 2nd edition. Berlin: de Gruyter, pp. 489-506 (also as German translation version "Erzählerwerb in Erziehungswissenschaft und Didaktik"  with kind permission of the publisher.
  • Schüler, Lis/Dehn, Mechthild (2013): ErzählBilder. Narrative as an impetus for imagination and transformation. In: Zybatow, Tatjana/Harendarski, Ulf (eds.): Speaking, Thinking and Feeling. Berlin/Münster: Lit-Verlag, pp. 17-35.
  • Dehn, Mechthild/Andersen, Angela/Schnelle, Irmtraud /Schüler, Lis (2013): Aesthetic modes of access and their potentials for literacy - writing on the painting "Die Netzflickerinnen". In: Lieber, Gabriele (ed.): Teaching and Learning with Pictures. 2nd ed. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider, pp. 225-235. 

Magazine articles

  • Lis Schüler (i.V.): Inscribing oneself in narrative patterns for imagined experience. Written narrative in the context of words and images. In: Reading SpacesResults (Peer Review).
  • Klenz, Stefanie/Schüler, Lis (2018): Nicodemus and the mouse miracle. Ideas for the classroom. In: The Elementary School Journal 311, pp. 50/51 and reading guide (16 pages).
  • Hüttis-Graff, Petra/Schüler, Lis (2018): Connecting writing and spelling. In: Elementary School 06, pp. 16-19.
  • Schüler, Lis/Dehn, Mechthild/Merklinger, Daniela (2017-ongoing): Scenes from school. In: The primary school magazine.
    1. Thinking in possibilities. Field report by Daniela Merklinger. In: Die Grundschulzeitschrift 312 (2018), pp. 46/47.
    2. "Simple." Observation by Stefanie Klenz. In: The Elementary School Journal 311 (2018), p. 45.
    3. "I can't read Arabic." Memory transcript by Anna-Lena Siehoff. In: The Elementary School Journal 310 (2018), pp. 44/45.
    4. The Ancestor of Robber. Scene and commentary by Barbara Geist. In: The Elementary School Journal 309 (2018), p. 43.
    5. Where is the Lö:? Observation by Stefanie Klenz. In: The Elementary School Journal 308 (2018), pp. 42/43.
    6. "I can never be class president!" Observation and commentary by Linya Coers. In: The Elementary School Journal 307 (2018), p. 42.
    7. "And..." at the beginning of a sentence? Field report and commentary by Dagmar Moraw. In: The Elementary School Journal 306 (2017), p. 42.
    8. 6 languages in 10 minutes. Field report by Timm Christensen. In: Die Grundschulzeitschrift 305 (2017), p. 47.
    9. No one saw it. Field report by Daniela Merklinger. In: Die Grundschulzeitschrift 304 (2017), p. 42.
    10. A real challenge. Field report by Angela Andersen. In: The Elementary School Journal 303 (2017), pp. 46/47.
    11. "Hitting is normal after all!" Observation and commentary by Petra Matthies. In: The Elementary School Journal 302 (2017), p. 44.
    12. "Do you paint everything red?" Observation by Annette Möller. In: The Elementary School Journal 301 (2017), pp. 42/43.
  • Pupil, Lis (2017): Values from the very beginning. In: The Elementary School Journal 301, pp. 14-17.
  • Lis Schüler and Daniela Merklinger in conversation with the principal of the Ostseeschule Flensburg Ulrich Dehn (2016): Freedom and responsibility. In: The primary school magazine 300, pp. 14-15.
  • Hüttis-Graff, Petra/Schüler, Lis (2016): Our letters and words - principles and possibilities for working with anlaut tables. In: Grundschulunterricht Deutsch 03, pp. 8-12.
  • Schüler, Lis (2015): Narration - scope for pattern formation. In: The Elementary School Journal 282, pp. 24-29.
  • Schüler, Lis (2015): Special words in stories. In: The Elementary School Journal 282, p. 31.
  • Schüler, Lis (2015): From story to story (interview with storyteller Susanne Tiggemann). In: The Elementary School Journal 282, pp. 45-47.
  • Schüler, Lis (2015): The wild duck, the fox, and the raven. In: The Elementary School Journal 282, pp. 48-49.
  • Klenz, Stefanie/Schüler, Lis (2015): "It must always be balance". In: The Elementary School Journal 282, pp. 50/51.
  • Schüler, Lis/Dehn, Mechthild (2015): Overview: narrative pattern formation. In: The Elementary School Journal 282, pp. 52/53.
  • Schüler, Lis/Andersen, Angela/Feindt, Andreas (2014): Small forms in the teaching of German. In: The Primary School Journal 271, pp. 49-51.
  • Schüler, Lis (2013): Word and image. In: The Primary School Journal 262,263, pp.34-37.
  • Schüler, Lis (2013): "The diver." In: The Elementary School Journal 262.263, pp.52-54, material p. 27.
  • Schüler, Lis (2013): "Who is strong?" Readings - image understanding - transformations. In: The Elementary School Journal 262.263, pp.2-4, material p.6/7.
  • Schüler, Lis/Dehn, Mechthild (2013): "So sternklar war die Nacht" Bilder zu Gedichten - Gedichte zu Bildern. In: The Elementary School Journal 262,263, Material pp. 28-33.
  • Schüler, Lis/Dehn, Mechthild (2012): Working on the text. Focusing on the successful. In: The Elementary School Journal 258,259, pp. 30-35.
  • Schüler, Lis/Dehn, Mechthild (2012): Lies and truth. Clarifying terms. In: The primary school journal 258.259, pp. 38-41.
  • Schüler, Lis (2012): Focusing on what is successful. Teaching scenes. In: The elementary school journal 258.259, pp. 48-51.
  • Schüler, Lis/Dehn, Mechthild (2012): Overview: working with the text. In: The Primary School Journal 258.259, pp. 58/59.
  • Gorschlüter, Sabine/Guth, Daniela/Schüler, Lis/Dehn, Mechthild (2012): Summarizing a story. "The gypsy and the dragon" as a text skeleton. In: The Elementary School Journal 258,259, Material pp. 6-9.
  • Schüler, Lis/Dehn, Mechthild (2012): Writing stories, definitions, comments. Lies and truth; time. In: The elementary school journal 258.259, material pp. 10-17.
  • Maaß, Kerstin/Schüler, Lis (2012): How do I understand the text - How do I tell the child? Analysis and feedback on a children's text. In: The Elementary School Journal 258,259, Material pp. 18-22.
  • Pupil, Lis (2012): The most beautiful sentence. Finding, highlighting, continuing to work with it. In: Die Grundschulzeitschrift 258.259, material p. 22/23.
  • Merklinger, Daniela/Schüler, Lis (2011): The tiger prince. In: Elementary School Magazine 2, pp. 24-28 and material.
  • Dehn, Mechthild/Schüler, Lis (2010): From writing idea to text. In: Elementary School Magazine 231, pp. 24-29.
  • Schüler, Lis/Dehn, Mechthild (2010): The net menders. In: The Elementary School Journal 231, pp. 34 - 37.
  • Schüler, Lis/Dehn, Mechthild (2010): Overview: writing ideas. In: The Elementary School Journal 231, pp. 52-53.
  • Schüler, Lis (2008): It was snowing and the apple tree was not cold. In: The Elementary School Journal 215.216, pp. 40-43.
  • Andersen, Angela/Schüler, Lis (2008): Let there be a word. In: The Elementary School Journal 215.216, pp. 50-54.
  • Andersen, Angela/Dehn, Mechthild/Schüler, Lis (2008): Practicing language forms while thinking about content.In: The Elementary School Journal 211, pp. 38-41.
  • Andersen, Angela/Dehn, Mechthild/Schüler, Lis (2008): Raubvogel steckt raub drin und bei Räuber auch. In: Grundschule Deutsch 18, pp. 8-10 and material.
  • Andersen, Angela/Dehn, Mechthild/Schüler, Lis (2008): Selecting books and justifying the choice. In: Grundschule Deutsch 17, pp. 32/33 and material.
  • Dehn, Mechthild/Schüler, Lis (2004): Tracking the Pied Piper! Developing reading strategies through comparative reading. In: Praxis Deutsch 187, pp. 16-21.
  • Schüler, Lis (2001): Thinking and writing - working with verbs in grade 2. In: The Elementary School Journal 149, pp. 12-15.
  • Schüler, Lis/Andersen, Angela (2001): Auf die Verben - fertig los! Tips and suggestions for dealing with verbs. In: Die Grundschulzeitschrift 149, p. 16/17.
  • Dehn, Mechthild/Schüler, Lis (1998): Lies and truth: clarifying ideas. In: Praxis Deutsch 149, pp. 31-35.