W01 Diversity and justice in the classroom: gender-sensitive approaches in religious education
Prof.in Dr.in Ulrike Ernst-Auga (University of Hamburg)
W02 " It's called 'the god'. So God is a man." (Julian, 8) Reflecting on students' statements on religion and gender
Dr. EvaStögbauer-Elsner (University of Regensburg)
W03 Queer and Catholic? Addressing the diversity of sexual orientations and gender identity in teaching
Tina Krasenbrink (Research Associate at the University of Kassel)
W04 More than Adam and Eve - student teaching suggestions on the topic of gender equality
Jan Becker, Anna-Lena Kiel, Julia Pfeiffer, Josua Ruppel (students at the University of Kassel)
W05 Men and religion - a tense relationship... Gender-sensitive perspectives in religious education work
Martin Rosowski (theologian and managing director of the Protestant Center for Women and Men in Hanover)