6th Religious Education Theological Study Day on 03.12.2021

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"And..., where is your Sacred Space? Unlocking Potential."
6th Religious Education Theological Study Day of the Institute of Catholic Theology.

Welcome by Annegret Reese-SchnitkerImage: Martin Richwien
Welcome by Prof. Dr. Annegret Reese-Schnitker

After the 6th Religious Education Theological Study Day had to be postponed several times due to the pandemic situation, it could finally take place again on December 3, 2021 in Presence - in compliance with the currently valid Corona protection regulations.

This year, the motto for the nearly 40 participants was "And..., where is your sacred space? Opening up potentials" was on the program. The significance of (sacred) spaces for theology and religious learning was to be reflected upon. Once again, the topic was examined from two theological disciplines and debated in an interdisciplinary way.

Unlike in previous years, the workshops with a practical teaching orientation took place at the beginning of the event. The following topics were on offer this time:

Workshop "A religious space for all? Reflections on the design of interreligious celebrations and prayer spaces in the school context"(Prof. Dr. Angela Kaupp)

Prof. Kaupp during the lectureImage: Martin Richwien
Egbert Ballhorn in the workshopImage: Martin Richwien

Biblical Theological Workshop on "Narrative-topographical Bible Didactics: Space in the Bible - Space for the Bible"(Prof. Dr. Egbert Ballhorn)

Workshop "Moses - Story: Take off your shoes, you are treading on holy ground. Religious education productions with Godly Play" (Diane Wrede Ebel)

Diane Wrede-Ebel and Johannes ThueneImage: Martin Richwien
Dagmar Kuhle in the workshopImage: Martin Richwien

Workshop "The cemetery as sacred space - explorations with school classes"(Dagmar Kuhle)

The participants of the study day had the possibility to get a first, very practical access to sacred spaces through different topics and focuses.

After a short break, the first keynote lecture by Prof.in Dr.in Angela Kaupp (religious educator at the University of Koblenz) began with the topic "What spaces does religion need? On the importance of places and spaces for religious learning processes".

After a longer break, Prof. Dr. Egbert Ballhorn (Old Testament scholar at the University of Dortmund) gave a biblical scientific response, lively and interesting, and gave insight into the meaning of spatiality in biblical texts.

Despite strict corona rules, there was an opportunity for lively exchange in small groups during the break and after the event - fortified by snacks and drinks.

As in previous years, the Religious Education Theological Study Day was an event that will be remembered for its interesting interdisciplinary program and gave all participants new insights and perspectives on a topic that is less often at the center of theological discourse. (Sacred) spaces are relevant and hold special challenges and opportunities for theology as well as for religious learning at school.