Study Workshop

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Bible in conversation (BiG)

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The BiG ("Bible in Conversation") study workshop in our institute (room 1127, Henschelstraße 2) offers space for encounters and conversations and can be used as a workplace for your (university) assignments.
You will find many materials on topics ranging from biblical studies, dogmatics and religious education to specific teaching materials on various topics, which you are welcome to take a look at!

The room can be used by students on request - even during the lecture-free period - as long as there is no course taking place. The key can be borrowed from the secretary's office.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact:

In cooperation with the Kassel Center for Teacher Education, we are setting up the BiG(Bible in Conversation) learning and study workshop. The name is a program and at the same time a bracket: On the one hand, the workshop is to initiate concrete dialogue between people, i.e. students, teachers in the preparatory service, experienced teachers and all interested parties. To this end, seminars, workshops and further training courses are offered. The BiG can also be used by students for professional advice, as a creative workspace and library.

On the other hand, the study workshop pursues the goal of bringing different topics, disciplines and methods into conversation with each other. At the center of these processes is the Bible in a media network: texts, images, figures, music, etc. Of course, the dialogue is not always centered on the biblical texts and media, but it can happen next to them and also apart from them.

In the track of the learning environment H.A.G.A.R (on the homepage of the IKTh you will find more information about this under Projects - P34 ), power, violence, gender and sexuality will initially set the thematic agenda, which will materialize in the equipment, i.e. in the teaching-learning material of the BiG.

In addition, we will focus on interreligious competence in our study workshop (you will find more information on this topic on our homepage under Projects - P35 ). Here, the focus is particularly on interreligious learning and interreligious dialogue in the context of the three monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) with their holy scriptures.

Based on these focal points, users of the Studienwerkstatt can access a wide range of subject-specific literature:
The various theological subject areas are supplemented in an interdisciplinary manner by holdings from pedagogy, cultural studies, literature and social sciences. In addition to specialist literature, you will also find a differentiated selection of children's Bibles.
The BiG wants to open new spaces for thinking, especially for thematic, didactic and interdisciplinary questions. Handicraft materials, flipchart, moderation case, PC and printer, but also different seating and working places stimulate different channels of communication. The background is an inclusive pedagogical-didactic approach in the mode of diversity.

Opening hours of the study workshop: on request

Study workshop of the Institute for Catholic Theology
University of Kassel

Henschelstraße 2, Room 1127

Contact person: Katharina Barth, Contact: by e-mail