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Report on the symposium/teacher training "Sprachbildung und DaZ-Förderung - Konzepte zur Planung und Umsetzung von sprachbewusstem Fachunterricht in sprachlich heterogenen Klassen" (Language education and promotion of German as a foreign language - concepts for planning and implementing language-conscious subject teaching in linguistically heterogeneous classes)

On 1 December 2018, the specialist conference "Language education and DaZ support - concepts for planning and implementing language-conscious subject teaching in linguistically heterogeneous classes" took place at the CampusCenter of the University of Kassel. The event, accredited by the Hessian Teachers' Academy as a teacher training course, was organized as part of the Kassel project "Professionalization through Networking (PRONET) of the nationwide "Quality Offensive Teacher Training". Further information.

Prof. Dr. Magdalena Michalak (Nuremberg) pleaded in her lecture "'There are too many high-sounding words used that distract from the meaning of the text.' Between Language and Subject Didactics" for a stronger, interdisciplinary cooperation between subject and language didactics. A central question in this context is how subject teachers who do not study a language subject can be sensitized to language.

Prof. Dr. Argyro Panagiotopoulou (Cologne) focused in her presentation "Language Education and Inclusion: Design and Results of an International Comparative Study at German Schools Abroad on Teachers' Views of Multilingualism in the Classroom" on the topic of multilingualism in the school context as a resource.