Completed projects

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Propaedeutic Course "My Start of Studies in Germany

An offer for refugees and international first-year students who want to study.
In connection with the HMWK-funded research project "Pronunciation Competence - Social Acceptance and Age Factor", the project Propädeutikum "My Start of Studies in Germany" was developed.

Propaedeutic Course "My Start of Studies in Germany: Read More

DaZ and language-aware teaching in teacher training - PRONET²

The project "German as a Second Language (DaZ) in Teacher Education" aims to sensitize both prospective and current teachers to the specifics of knowledge and competence acquisition in German as a second language and to support them in building up competencies for planning and implementing DaZ lessons.

DaZ and language-aware teaching in teacher training - PRONET²: More Infos

Language-sensitive subject teaching - concepts

Development and evaluation of a training concept for language-sensitive subject teaching (Sek. I) for trainers in the state education offices and for teachers at public schools.

Language-sensitive subject teaching - concepts: More Infos


Subject communication and cultural mediation

The InterKomFach project is financially supported by the DAAD within the framework of the Program for the Promotion of Integration of Foreign Students (PROFIN). Different trainings are offered to promote  intercultural and subject communication competences among international students and university staff.       

InterKomFach: Read More


Formulations for oral university communication

As part of its funding initiative "University of the Future", the Volkswagen Foundation is supporting the research project "Multilingualism and Multiculturalism in Higher Education", or "MuMiS" for short. As part of the project, a German-language online formulation dictionary is being created that covers three communicative areas of university communication: Formulations for office hour conversations, oral presentations and participation in courses.

MuMiS: Read More


General German language of science for study

The project KoDeWiS - Kompetenzbereich Deutsche Wissenschaftssprache (formerly KoDeS) is primarily aimed at all first-year students, i.e. both native speakers of German and second language speakers with a first or second generation migration background.

In addition to regularly held events (grammar workout, Schreibtreff, etc.) and individual writing advice to support writing processes, the project also offers support in oral university communication (office hour discussions, participation in courses, formulations for papers and e-mail communication).

KoDeWiS: Read More


Since 2015, the DaZ-UMF research project has been dealing with the second language acquisition of unaccompanied refugee minors who do not start learning German until adolescence. As part of the DaZ-UMF project, lectures and workshops are regularly organized with other researchers interested in similar issues.

DaZ-UMF: Read More