DaZ in Teacher Education (PRONET²)

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Sensitizing teachers to the linguistic preconditions and difficulties of children and adolescents with a migration background or from families with low cultural capital is necessary to redirect in the field of teacher education and to develop "inclusive" pedagogical concepts. Thus, the project aims to contribute to the testing and implementation of inclusive didactics in the field of raising awareness of the unequal linguistic abilities of students, thus enabling the design and implementation of student-centered and differentiated teaching.

In the already completed first funding phase ("DaZ in der Lehrer/innenausbildung" PRONET 2015-2018), a DaZ basic module of 4 SWS was developed, tested and evaluated, which prepares future teachers for a qualified handling of linguistic heterogeneity. Information about the first funding phase of the overall PRONET project can be found here.

In the second funding phase ("DaZ and subject-integrated language education" PRONET2 2019-2023), a blended learning offer for future and current teachers will be developed based on the already developed basic module (4 SWS). The new learning environment complements and expands the content of the previous classroom courses, especially in the subject areas of 'language-sensitive teaching' and 'language level diagnosis'. In cooperation with partners from the field of empirical educational research and selected subject didactics, diagnostic competence and the ability to develop language didactic materials are to be trained and strengthened. In this way, teachers will be sensitized to the linguistic prerequisites of children and adolescents with a migration background ( ) and will be enabled to plan and implement language-sensitive subject teaching. Link to the project homepage.

The project "German as a Second Language (DaZ) in Teacher Education" is carried out within the framework of the nationwide initiative "Quality Offensive Teacher Education" of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. It is part of a joint concept of the Center for Teacher Education (ZLB) and the Center for Empirical Research on Teaching/Learning (ZELL) at the University of Kassel and aims at "Professionalization through Networking" (PRONET). Further information on the "Quality Offensive Teacher Education" can be found here.

PRONET² - Overall project

Expert Colloquium 2018

Symposium/training 2018