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Prof. Dr. Sandra Drumm

Fachgebietsleitung »Deutsch als Zweitsprache«

Kurt-Wolters-Straße 5
34125 Kassel
Consultation Hours

mittwochs 13-14 Uhr (nur nach Anmeldung per Mail!)

Since August 2022W2 professorship German as a second language at the University of Kassel
September 2021 - July 2022Research assistant (E14) at the Department of DaZ/DaF and Multilingualism at Paderborn University with autonomous tasks
April 2020 - September 2021Representation of the W2 professorship German as a second and foreign language at Paderborn University, head of the writing meeting for international students
May 2019Erasmus guest lecturer at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
March 2017 - April 2020Research assistant at the Department of DaZ/DaF and Multilingualism at Paderborn University
October 2016 - March 2017Substitute for the W2 professorship for multilingualism in schools at the University of Wuppertal
March 2016Erasmus guest lecturer at the Åbo Akademi Turku, Finland
August 2014 - March 2016Head of the WritingCenter at the Language Center of the Technical University of Darmstadt
April 2014 - August 2014Research assistant at the Department of German as a Second Language at Paderborn University (position as a substitute for a junior professorship)
August 2010 - April 2014Research assistant and doctoral candidate at the Department of Multilingualism Research at the Technical University of Darmstadt
August 2008 - August 2010Graduate research assistant at the Departments of German Linguistics, General Education and Philosophy at the Technical University of Darmstadt

Language education in subject teaching

Writing and writing advice in schools and universities

Multilingualism in writing consultation

Multilingualism in teacher training

Digitality in university teaching


2016Language education in biology lessons. DaZ research series. Berlin: DeGruyter.
2013  with Sandra Ballweg, Britta Hufeisen, Johanna Klippel, Lina Pilypaityte: Deutsch Lehren Lernen (DLL) Volume 2: How do you learn German as a foreign language? Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Sprachen.
2010 xml-ph-0000@deepl.internal The language awareness of school science teachers. An empirical study of the language and responsibility awareness of science teachers. available online at urn:nbn:de:tuda-tuprints-30857.



with Lena Heine & Mirka Mainzer-Murrenhoff: Language theories in second and foreign language research. Basis for empirical work between subject and language learning. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Hohengehren.

2018with Roche, Jörg: Professional, technical and academic languages. Compendium DaF/DaZ, vol. 8, Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.

Articles and contributions


Engagement factors in asynchronous learning path environments. Computers & Education Open. (reviewed).

The development of professional role models in migration-related multilingual student teachers. In: JERO (in print).

Characteristics of non-fiction texts in middle school biology. In: Blumberg, Eva; Niederhaus, Constanze & Mischendahl, Anne (ed.): Mehrsprachigkeit in der Schule. Language education in and through subject lessons. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 231-249.

Language education in biology lessons. In Efing, Christian & Kalkavan-Aydin, Zeynep (ed.): Berufs- und Fachsprache Deutsch. A handbook from a DaF and DaZ perspective. Berlin: De Gruyter, 373-382.

Asynchronous learning paths in German as a second language teacher training. In: Information on German as a foreign language 50(5), 462-474.
with Sänger, Brenda: Self-directed online learning of teacher trainees in German as a second language. Vöing, Nerea; Schmidt, Rebekka  & Neiske, Iris (ed.): Aktive Teilhabe fördern: ICM and student engagement in higher education teaching, Visual Ink Publishing, 103-120.
2022Does it click? An analysis of grammar explanation videos on the Internet. Journal of Intercultural Foreign Language Teaching 27: 2, 249-265.
2021with Müller, Mareike, & Stenzel, Nadja. Giving and taking digital spaces: Classroom interaction in DSH courses during the COVID-19 pandemic. InfoDaF, 48(5), 496-515.
2020Functional-pragmatic analysis of teaching texts in biology. In: Mainzer-Murrenhoff, Mirka; Heine, Lena & Drumm, Sandra (eds.): Language theories in second and foreign language research. Basis for empirical work between subject and language learning. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Hohengehren, 85-100.
2019  with Stenzel, Nadja: Scaffolding elements for language promotion in textile lessons. In: ProDaZ, available at
with Dohmann, Olga & Niederhaus, Constanze: Integriertes Fach- und Sprachlernen in der beruflichen Bildung mittels Schreibwerkstatt für neu zugewanderte Lernende. In: Terrasi-Haufe, Elisabetta et al. (eds.): Berichte zur beruflichen Bildung AG BFN, 22. Bielefeld: Bertelsmann, 2018, 40-56.
Analyzing teaching texts in the subject of biology. In: ZiF 1/2019, 61-72.
with Mischendahl, Anne: Discovering grammar in biology lessons. Understanding the function of attributes. In: DaZ Sekundarstufe issue 1/2019, Integrative grammar teaching, 17-20.
Dealing with non-fiction texts in biology in the context of the intensive German class. In: Thonhauser, Ingo; Studer, Thomas; Peyer, Elisabeth & Ruf, Barbara (ed.): Proceedings of the International German Teachers' Conference (IDT) 2017, vol. 2. Berlin: Erich Schmidt, 80-97.
with Denzer, Vera; Didier, Andrea; Hambach, Dennis; Kaplinska-Zajontz, Marta; Noeke, Josef; Settinieri, Julia; Xi, Lin & Zhu, Hongyu: Integration of language and subject learning in the context of Chinese-German cooperative study programs using the example of mechanical engineering studies at the Chinese-German Technical Faculty (CDTF, Qingdao/Paderborn). In: InfoDaF special issue: "German as a foreign language in China" 46(1), 178-199.
2018 xml-ph-0000@deepl.internal Basics of research on specialized languages. In: Roche, Jörg; Drumm, Sandra (eds.): Professional, technical and academic languages. Tübingen: Narr, Francke, Attempto, 17-52.
Educational language. In: Roche, Jörg; Drumm, Sandra (eds.): Berufs-, Fach- und Wissenschaftssprachen. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto, 132-143.
with Brüning, Dominik; Hahne, Eva-Marie & Hoffschlag Sophia: "Stadtluft macht frei." - Freedom for all? Promoting reading about city life in the Middle Ages. In: Learning history: Special issue on language-sensitive history teaching 2018 (1), 23-28.
with Hertweck, Lisa; Hunsrucker, Verena & Klamm, Christopher: Schreibunterstützung bei der Bachelorarbeit: Fachspezifisch und/oder fachübergreifend? Practical report. In: Merkelbach, Chris & Sablonty, Manfred (ed.): Darmstädter Vielfalt in der Linguistik - 10 Jahre Fachgebiet Sprachwissenschaft - Mehrsprachigkeit, 225-238.
2017Learning to understand mixed sign complexes: working with non-fiction texts in biology. In: Ahrenholz, Bernt; Hövelbrinks, Britta & Schmellentin, Claudia (ed.): Subject teaching and language in school teaching/learning processes. Tübingen: Narr, 37-54.
with Hunsrucker, Verena & Kimmerle, Lea Luise: In, with and through language - the representation of a university writing center. In: Alagöz-Bakan, Özlem; Knorr, Dagmar & Krüsemann, Kerstin (eds.): Akademisches Schreiben. Language for writing - for thinking - for advising. Hamburg: University of Hamburg, 95-101.
with Hertweck, Lisa, Kimmerle, Lea & Kuhn Carmen: Writing Fellows. Theory and practice of existing programs and their implementation at the TU Darmstadt. In: Ballweg, Sandra (ed.): Schreibberatung und Schreibförderung: Impulse aus Theorie, Empirie und Praxis. Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang, 297-314.
with Henning, Ute: Educational and technical language as a goal and challenge for the education of migrants. In: Fremdsprache Deutsch, special issue 2016: German lessons for learners with a migration background, 10-14.
2015with Henning, Ute: German as a second language: desiderata and perspectives. In: Babylonia 3/2015, 9-17.
Technical language as a subject of foreign language teaching. In: Stolarczyk, Barbara & Merkelbach, Chris (ed.): Fachsprachenunterricht. Expectations and reality. Aachen: Shaker, 8-26.
with Mehler, Stefanie: E-portfolio use in the classroom. Why digital when you can do it on paper? In: Fremdsprache Deutsch 2015/53, Teaching with digital media, 46-51.
with Hunsrucker, Verena; Korus, Dennis & Spengler, Mathias: SchreibberaterInnen als PeertutorInnen in der interdisziplinaren Lehre - Erfahrungsberichte aus der Veranstaltung Ingenieure und Ingenieurinnen in der Gesellschaft. In: Journal der Schreibberatung (JoSch) 9, 64-70.
with Kuhn, Carmen; Kühl, Frank; Kimmerle, Lea; Hertweck, Lisa; Hampe, Manfred & Schabel, Samuel: Wie können Studierende an die universitäre Textproduktion im Bachelor-Studium Maschinenbau herangeführt werden? In: Lichtlein, Michael & Graßmann, Regina (ed.): Akademisches Schreiben in den Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften. Coburger Reihe, Coburg, 54-71.
Language education in biology lessons. A qualitative study on teachers' perceptions of the subject and its language. In: Technical language 1-2 /2015, 104-107.
Illustrations, photos and graphics of biological factual texts as a learning opportunity. In: Merkelbach, Chris (ed.): Teaching more language - learning more language. Aachen: Shaker, 37-56.
2014    Lexicon articles "Bildungssprache", "CALP", "Umgangssprache",    "Zweitsprache", "zweitsprachlicher Unterricht". In: Kilian, Jörg; Rymarczyk, Jutta (eds.): Sprachdidaktik: Erstsprache, Zweitsprache, Fremdsprache. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter (Dictionaries of Linguistics and Communication Studies Online).
2013       Preprogrammed obstacles to learning? Cohesion and coherence of textbook texts in biology. In: InfoDaF 4, 388-406.
with Siebenhaar, Stefanie: Podcasts in the didactics of German. Linking subject-specific content with web 2.0 tools. In: Hamburger eLearning Magazin 10, 31-33.

Society for Applied Linguistics e.V. (GAL)

Association for German as a Foreign and Second Language (FaDaF)

Society for Writing Didactics and Writing Research e.V. (GefSuS)

European Writing Centers Association (EWCA)