Philip Julius

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Philip Julius

Phone: +49 (0) 561 ? 804 5246
Fax: +49 (0) 561 ? 804 4340
Room: 1320 (Damaschkestr. 25)
Consultation hours: by appointment by email


University of Kassel
Institute for Sport and Sport Science
Damaschkestr. 25
34121 Kassel


Curriculum vitae

1986 born in Berlin/ Spandau

2005 Abitur at the Martin Buber Comprehensive School

2006-2008 Bachelor Sports Science Humboldt University Berlin, Bachelor Social Studies Freie Universität Berlin.

2008-2014 Studied sports science and politics and economics at the University of Kassel (degree: 1st state examination, Sek. II/I). Examination thesis on "Reflection competence as part of the professionalization process of prospective sports teachers".

2010-2014 Student assistant at the Institute of Sport and Sport Science in the field of education and teaching

Since 2012 Head of handball advanced and elective courses, target shooting games basic handball course

2008-2013 Head of the talent development groups (TAGs) in Melsungen and Guxhagen


Since July 2014 Research assistant at the Institute for Sport and Sport Science at the University of Kassel in the field of education and teaching.