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Hillebrand, T. (2024). Professionalization processes in the teaching-learning laboratory of physical education. An empirical study with prospective physical education teachers. Dissertation, University of Kassel (February 2024).(
Heussner, F., Scheid, V. & Albert, A. (2023). Basic techniques in target shooting games - recording the performance level of primary school children in the ballstars project. In S. Greve, J. Süßenbach & S. Schiemann (Eds.), Diversity in sports games (Symposium of the dvs Commission on Sports Games, Lüneburg 2022) (pp. 89-104). Hamburg: Feldhaus.
Limmeroth, J., Jebram, L., Heussner, F., Hagemann, N. & Scheid, V. (2023). The digital sports program "Get Up - Stand Up - Move Up" during the Covid-19 pandemic: an interview study with participating primary school children. Forum Kinder- und Jugendsport, 4 (1), 32-44 (Published online: April 18, 2023;
Pögl, B. (2022). Inclusion in physical education teacher training. An empirical study on competence development in prospective physical education teachers (Schulsportforschung, Vol. 17). Berlin: Logos Verlag (Dissertation, University of Kassel, May 2021).
Scheid, V. & Prohl, R. (Eds.). (2022). Sport didactics. Basics, forms of mediation, fields of movement (3rd, revised and corrected ed.). Wiebelsheim: Limpert.
Balz, E., Reuker, S., Scheid, V. & Sygusch, R. (Eds.). (2022). Sport pedagogy. A foundation. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
Albert, A., Scheid, V. & Hillebrand, T. (2022). Reflection in sports studies - research-based learning in the teaching-learning laboratory of sports education. In J. Klusmeyer & D. Bosse (Eds.), Concepts of reflective practice studies in teacher education (pp. 17-48). Springer VS. (
Scheid, V., Albert, A. & Hillebrand, T. (2021). Teaching-learning laboratory in physical education - structure, conception and application. In D. Bosse, R. Wodzinski & C. Griesel (Eds.), Teaching-learning laboratories at the University of Kassel. Research-based linking of theory and practice under the aspect of cognitive activation (pp. 66-77). Kassel: kassel university press. (
Heussner, F., Albert, A. & Scheid, V. (2021). Integrative sports game teaching at primary school age - The "ballstars" project. SportPraxis - Special issue 2021 "Sport at primary school age", 26-30.
Limmeroth, J., Hagemann, N., Heussner, F. & Scheid, V. (2021). Success conditions of a digital sports program. Presentation of the project. Forum Kinder- und Jugendsport, 2 (1), 59-65. (Published online:June 10, 2021;
Scheid, V., Julius, P. & Albert, A. (2020). ballstars - teaching target shooting games at primary school age in an integrative way (Körperbildung & Sport series, Volume 23). Schorndorf: Hofmann.
Julius, P. (2020). Integrative teaching of sports games at primary school age - Development and testing of a method for assessing the general playing ability of primary school children. Dissertation, University of Kassel (July 2020).
Pögl, B. & Scheid, V. (2020). Experiential education in the training of primary school teachers. Evaluation of the advanced training program "stark bewegt". Physical education, 69 (5), 194-199.
Scheid, V., Julius, P. & Albert, A. (2020). ballstars - teaching target shooting games at primary school age in an integrative way (Körperbildung & Sport series, vol. 23). Schorndorf: Hofmann.
Albert, A., Julius, P. & Scheid, V. (2020). Teaching target shooting games integratively - conception and empirical testing of the Kassel model. In E. Balz & P. Neumann (Eds.), Primary school sport: empirical insights and pedagogical recommendations (Edition Schulsport, Vol. 41) (pp. 224-240). Aachen: Meyer & Meyer.
Thissen, A. (2019). Reflection skills in teacher training - an empirical study in the context of school internships in physical education. Dissertation, University of Kassel (August 2019).
Thissen, A., Albert, A. & Scheid, V. (2019). Promoting reflection skills through (video) case work in physical education. In M. Hartmann, M., R. Laging & C. Schein-ert (Eds.), Professionalization in physical education teacher education. Concepts and research in the context of the "Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung" (Series Bewegungspädagogik, vol. 13) (pp. 165-175). Baltmannsweiler: Schneider.
Thissen, A., Scheid, V. & Albert, A. (2019). Teaching reflection and video case work. A study on the reflective ability of physical education students in school internships. sportunterricht, 68 (5), 207-213.
Pögl, B. & Scheid, V. (2018). The experiential education teacher training course "stark bewegt" - an evaluation study among primary school teachers. In E. Balz & D. Kuhlmann (Eds.), Sportwissenschaft in pädagogischem Interesse (Annual conference of the dvs section Sportpädagogik, Hannover 2017) (pp. 89-91). Hamburg: Feldhaus.
Thissen, A., Albert, A. & Scheid, V. (2018). On the development of reflection skills through video casework. In E. Balz & D. Kuhlmann (Eds.), Sportwissenschaft in pädagogischem Interesse (Annual conference of the dvs section Sportpädagogik, Hannover 2017) (pp. 128-130). Hamburg: Feldhaus.
Albert, A., Julius, P. & Scheid, V. (2018). The Kassel model - teaching target shooting games in an integrative way. Elementary school sport, No. 17, 30-31.
Julius, P., Scheid, V. & Albert, A. (2018). The "ballstars" ball sports groups at elementary school. Empirical examination of an integrative teaching concept. In E. Balz & D. Kuhlmann (Eds.), Sportwissenschaft in pädagogischem Interesse (Annual conference of the dvs section Sportpädagogik, Hannover 2017) (pp. 92-94). Hamburg: Feldhaus.
Scheid, V. & Prohl, R. (Eds.). (2017). Sport didactics. Basics - forms of teaching - fields of movement (2nd, newly revised edition). Wiebelsheim: Limpert publishing house.
Friedrich G., Gräfe S., Pögl B. & Scheid V. (2017). Teacher training for inclusive physical education - concept development taking empirical findings into account. Journal for sport pedagogical research, 5 (2), 5-24.
Scheid, V. & Prohl, R. (Eds.). (2017). Course book Sport 3: Bewegungslehre (10th completely revised ed.). Wiebelsheim: Limpert.
Scheid, V. (2017). How does human movement develop in childhood and adolescence? In V. Scheid & R. Prohl, R. (Eds.), Kursbuch Sport 3: Bewegungslehre (pp. 81-121) (10th completely revised ed.) Wiebelsheim: Limpert.
Scheid, V. & Prohl, R. (Eds.). (2017). Sports course book 2: Training theory (12th revised edition). Wiebelsheim: Limpert.
Albert, A., Scheid, V. & Julius, P. (2016). Reflection in school-based practical training in sports studies. An empirical study on the influence of videography on classroom assessment. Journal for Research in Physical Education, 4 (2), 61-83.
Pögl, B. & Dietrich, A. (2016). Didactics and methodology for heterogeneous groups. In Ambulante Hilfen im Alltag - aha e.V. (Ed.), Der Sportverein für Alle - Sport- und Bewegungsangebote für Menschen mit und ohne Beeinträchtigung - Curriculum für eine Fortbildung zum Thema Inklusion im organisierten Freizeitsport (pp. 46-69). Accessed on 10.05.2016 at
Reuker, S., Rischke, A., Kämpfe, A., Schmitz, B., Teubert, H., Thissen, A. & Wiethäuper, H. (2016). Inclusion in physical education - An overview of international research findings from 2005 to 2014. Sportwissenschaft, 46 (2), 88-101. doi: 10.1007/s12662-016-0402-7
Knauf, J. (2015). On the interdependence of the development of motor and social competence in early childhood. Accessed on 10.05.2016 at
Heyer, T. (2015). eLearning in sports studies. A comparative analysis of face-to-face teaching using the example of the integrative teaching concept of one-contact rebound games. University of Kassel. Accessed on 10.05.2016 at
Scheid, V. & Friedrich, G. (Ed.). (2015). Inclusive physical education. Developing, planning, implementing (published by the Hessian Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs). Wiesbaden.
Scheid, V. & Friedrich, G. (2015). Approaches to inclusive lesson development. In S. Meier & S. Ruin (Eds.), Inclusion as a challenge, task and opportunity for school sport (pp. 35-51). Berlin: Logos Verlag.
Wegner, M., Scheid, V. & Knoll, M. (Eds.). (2015). Handbook of disability and sport. Schorndorf: Hofmann.
Scheid, V. & Friederich, G. (2015). Teaching in inclusive groups. In M. Wegner, V. Scheid & M. Knoll (Eds.), Handbook of disability and sport (pp. 341-351). Schorndorf: Hofmann.
Mutschall, F. & Scheid, V. (2015). Gender competencies in sports students - Social construction of gender in the movement field "Fighting with and against partners". In A. Marquardt & P. Kuhn (Eds.), Vom Kämpfern und Kämpferinnen - Kampfkunst und Kampfsport aus der Genderperspektive - Kampfkunst und Kampfsport in Forschung und Lehre 2014 (pp. 100-111). Hamburg: Feldhaus.
Volk, A., Wegner, M. & Scheid, V. (2014). Team development in physical education. An experimental study on the effectiveness of an experiential learning arrangement (Schulsportforschung Band 3). Berlin: Logos Verlag.
Creutzburg, S. (2014). School development through sports profiling. An evaluation study of quality development at the Hessian partner schools of competitive sports. Accessed on 10.05.2016 at
Creutzburg, S. & Scheid, V. (2014). Quality development at partner schools of competitive sports. Evaluation study on the state program "Talent Search - Talent Development" in Hesse (Series "Sport", Volume 27). Schorndorf: Hofmann.
Scheid, V. & Prohl, R. (Eds.). (2014). Kursbuch Sport 1: Sportbiologie (8th revised and corrected edition). Wiebelsheim: Limpert.
Scheid, V., Albert, A., Heyer, T. & Blömeke-Rumpf, G. (2013). eLearning content "Integrative Rückschlagspielvermittlung" (4 modules). HeLPS - Hessian eLearning projects in sports science. University of Kassel.
Scheid, V. & Prohl, R. (Eds.). (2012). Sport didactics. Basics, forms of mediation, fields of movement. Wiebelsheim: Limpert.
Scheid, V., Wegner, M., Creutzburg, S. & Pochstein, F. (Eds.). (2012). Paths to a moving future. Positions, projects, perspectives (publication series "aktiv dabei", Volume 20). Aachen: Meyer & Meyer.
Scheid, V. & Prohl, R. (Eds.). (2012). Kursbuch Sport 4: Sport und Gesellschaft (7th completely revised edition). Wiebelsheim: Limpert.
Prohl, R. & Scheid, V. (2012). The social significance of sport in the past and present. In V. Scheid & R. Prohl (Eds.), Kursbuch Sport 4: Sport und Gesellschaft (pp. 11-69) (7th, completely revised ed.). Wiebelsheim: Limpert.
Albert, A., Scheid, V. & Adolph, H. (2011). The performance development of athletic talents in the Hessian state program "Talent Search - Talent Development". In B. Gröben, Kastrup, V. & Müller, A. (Eds.), Sport pedagogy as an empirical science (pp. 252-256). Hamburg: Feldhaus.
Creutzburg, S., Scheid, V. & Albert, A. (2011). Quality development at the partner schools of competitive sports in the Hessian state program "Talent Search - Talent Development". In B. Gröben, Kastrup, V. & Müller, A. (Eds.), Sport pedagogy as an empirical science (pp. 381-383). Hamburg: Feldhaus.
Albert, A. (2011). Retention and dropout in junior competitive sport - An empirical study of D-squad athletes in Baden-Württemberg. University of Kassel. Accessed on 10.05.2016 at
Scheid, V. (2010). Evaluation of the initiative "More exercise in kindergarten". Kindergarten and sports club in cooperation (Series Anstöße, Volume 14). Frankfurt am Main: Sportjugend Hessen.
Scheid, V. & Creutzburg, S. (2010). Talent development at school. In N. Fessler, A. Hummel & G. Stibbe (Eds.), Handbuch Schulsport (pp. 402-415). Schorndorf: Hofmann.
Albert, A., Scheid, V. & Adolph, H. (2010). eLearning in physical education teacher training - conception and application of a content for teaching sports games. In P. Frei & S. Körner (Eds.), Ungewissheit - Sportpädagogische Felder im Wandel (Annual conference of the dvs section Sportpädagogik, Hildesheim 2009) (pp. 320-323). Hamburg: Czwalina.
Scheid, V., Albert, A. & Adolph, H. (2010). Teaching sports games integratively - good-practice methods of educational physical education. In J. Wiemeyer & J. Hansen (Eds.), Hessische E-Learning.Projekte in der Sportwissenschaft. The joint project "HeLPS" (pp. 61-82) (Series Sport-Medien-Gesellschaft, Vol. 10). Cologne: Sportverlag Strauß.
Scheid, V., Albert, A. & Adolph, H. (2009). eLearning content "Integrative Sports Game Teaching" (4 modules with 12 learning courses). HeLPS - Hessian eLearning projects in sports science. University of Kassel.
Scheid, V. (2009). Motor development in early childhood (Chapter 4.2). In J. Baur, K. Bös, A. Conzelmann & R. Singer (Eds.), Handbuch Motorische Entwicklung (pp.281-300) (2nd completely revised ed.). Schorndorf: Hofmann.
Bös, K. & Scheid, V. (2009). Motor development diagnostics (Chapter 5.1). In J. Baur, K. Bös, A. Conzelmann & R. Singer (Eds.), Handbuch Motorische Entwicklung (pp.351-370) (2nd completely revised ed.). Schorndorf: Hofmann.
Großarth, D. (2009). Familial movement socialization. The influence of the family of origin on the movement socialization of primary school children. University of Kassel. Accessed on 10.05.2016 at
Scheid, V., Albert, A. & Adolph, H. (2008). Talent search and talent development in Hesse - On the performance level of primary school children in talent development groups. In V. Oesterhelt, J. Hofmann, M. Schimanski, M. Scholz & H. Altenberger (Eds.), Sportpädagogik im Spannungsfeld gesellschaftlicher Erwartungen, wissenschaftlicher Ansprüche und empirischer Befunde (Annual conference of the dvs section Sportpädagogik, Augsburg 2007) (pp. 303-305). Hamburg: Czwalina.
Albert, A. & Scheid, V. (2008). Talent development groups in Hesse - On the influence of social and personal characteristics on the performance development of primary school children. In S. Nagel, T. Schlesinger, Y. Weigelt-Schlesinger & R. Roschmann (Eds.), Socialization and Sport in the Life Course (Annual Conference of the dvs Section Sports Sociology in Cooperation with the dvs Section Sports Pedagogy, Chemnitz 2008) (pp. 98-99). Hamburg: Czwalina.
Scheid, V. (2008). "Disabled people helping non-disabled people" - an unusual initiative with a considerable impact. In F. Fediuk (ed.), Inklusion als bewegungspädagogische Aufgabe. People with and without disabilities in sport (Series Bewegungspädagogik Vol. 4) (pp. 143-158). Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag.
Scheid, V. (Ed.). (2007). Sport und Bewegung vermitteln (Annual conference of the dvs section on physical education, Kassel 2006). Hamburg: Czwalina.
Scheid, V. & Albert, A. (2007). The Hessian state program "Talent Search - Talent Development". An evaluation study from a systems theory perspective. In V. Scheid (Ed.), Sport und Bewegung vermitteln (Annual Conference of the dvs Section for Sport Pedagogy, Kassel 2006) (pp. 347-349). Hamburg: Czwalina.
Scheid, V., Eppinger, M. & Adolph, H. (2007). Systematically promoting talent. Analysis of the state program "Talentsuche - Talentförderung" in Hesse (Series "Sport", Volume 15). Schorndorf: Hofmann.
Scheid, V., Eppinger, M. & Adolph, H. (2007). Talent search and promotion in Hesse - a system analysis. Sport Science, 37 (3), 243-258.
Hillebrand, T., Albert, A. & Scheid, V. (2021). Professionalization in the Teaching-Learning-Laboratory Sports Pedagogy. University of Kassel.
(Presentation at the annual conference of the dvs section Sport Pedagogy, Hildesheim 2021).
Heussner, F., Albert, A. & Scheid, V. (2021). Integrative sports game teaching at primary school age - On the acquisition of technical skills in target shooting games. University of Kassel.
(Presentation at the annual conference of the dvs section Sport Pedagogy, Hildesheim 2021).
Albert, A., Heussner, F., Julius, P. & Scheid, V. (2019). Integrative Sportspielvermittlung im Grundschulalter - Konzeption und Erprobung eines Tests zur Erfassung grundlegender Ballfertigkeiten.
(Presentation 24th dvs- Hochschultag, Berlin 2019).
Albert, A., Thissen, A., Scheid, V., Breithaupt, T. & Isermann, K. (2019). Research-based learning in the teaching-learning-laboratory sport.
(Presentation 24th dvs-Hochschultag, Berlin 2019).
Scheid, V., Albert, A., Thissen, A. & Breithaupt, T. (2019). Teaching-Learning-Laboratory Sport - exploratory and research-based learning in physical education teacher education.
(Presentation at the annual conference of the dvs section Sport Pedagogy, Heidelberg 2019).
Julius, P., Scheid, V. & Albert, A. (2018). Playing ability at primary school age - Development and use of an observation sheet for tactical action in target shooting games.
(Presentation 11th dvs-Sportspiel-Symposium, Heidelberg 2018).
Albert, A., Scheid, V. & Thisssen, A. (2018). Video case work in the training of physical education teachers - On the use of the case archive "Unterricht unter der Lupe" in the reflection of quality characteristics in physical education.
(Presentation at the annual conference of the dvs sports education section, Chemnitz 2018).
Julius, P., Scheid, V. & Albert, A. (2017). Ball sports groups at elementary school - Empirical examination of an integrative sports game mediation concept.
(Presentation at the annual conference of the dvs sports education section, Hanover 2018).
Mutschall, F. & Scheid, V. (2017). On the influence of gender as a knowledge category in physical education studies and school sports.
(Presentation 23rd dvs-Hochschultag, Munich 2017).
Mutschall, F. & Scheid, V. (2017). Gender as a structural category in physical education studies and school sports - teaching gender competence in teacher training.
(Presentation GDF conference, Freiburg 2017).
Julius, P., Albert, A. & Scheid, V. (2016). A cooperation project with elementary school for the integrative teaching of target shooting games.
(Presentation dvs-Sportspiel-Symposium, Cologne 2016).
Volk, A., Pögl, B. & Scheid, V. (2016). The experiential educational measure "stark bewegt" - Effects on the social and learning behavior of primary school children. University of Kassel.
(Presentation at the annual conference of the dvs sports education section, Frankfurt a.M. 2016)
Thissen, A., Albert, A. & Scheid, V. (2016). PRONET - Development of the reflective competence of sports students in the context of practical school studies University of Kassel.
(Presentation at the annual conference of the dvs sports education section, Frankfurt a.M. 2016)
Julius, P. Scheid, V. & Albert, A. (2015). Promotion of physical activity through ball sports groups at elementary school - conception and scientific monitoring of a ball sports center. University of Kassel.
(Presentation 22nd dvs university conference, Mainz 2015)
Scheid, V., Julius, P. & Albert, A. (2015). Schools, sports clubs and professional associations in cooperation - structural features and quality development in the promotion of young talent in Hesse. University of Kassel.
(Presentation at the annual conference of the dvs sports education section, Bochum 2015)
Julius, P., Scheid, V. & Albert, A. (2015). Promotion of physical activity through ball sports groups at primary school age - conception and scientific monitoring of a ball sports center. University of Kassel.
(Presentation at the annual conference of the dvs sports education section, Bochum 2015)
Volk, A., Scheid, V. & Pögl, B. (2015). "stark bewegt" - Evaluation of an experiential education program for primary school teachers. University of Kassel.
(Presentation at the annual conference of the dvs sports education section, Bochum 2015)
Albert, A., Heyer, T., Scheid, V. & Blömeke-Rumpf, G. (2014). Integrative return game teaching - an extension of the Kassel sports game model. University of Kassel.
(Presentation 9th Symposium of the dvs-Commission Sports Games, Kassel 2014)
Knauf, J. & Scheid, V. (2012). Bewegungsförderung in der frühen Kindheit - Zur Interdependenz der Entwicklung der motorischen Leistungsfähigkeit und der verhaltensbezogenen sozialen Kompetenzen. University of Kassel.
(Presentation at the annual conference of the dvs sports education section, Magglingen 2012)
Creutzburg, S. & Scheid, V. (2012). Quality development through profiling - a differential analytical study at selected Hessian partner schools of competitive sports. University of Kassel.
(Presentation at the annual conference of the dvs section for sport pedagogy, Magglingen 2012)
Albert, A. & Scheid, V. (2011). On the performance development of athletically talented primary school children in the Hessian talent development program. University of Kassel.
(Presentation 20th dvs-Hochschultag, Halle 2011)
Creutzburg, S. & Scheid, V. (2011). Quality development at the Hessian partner schools of competitive sports. Results of the inventory and school program analysis. University of Kassel.
(Presentation 20th dvs-Hochschultag, Halle 2011)
Heyer, T., Albert, A., Scheid, V. & Blömeke-Rumpf, G. (2011). Conception and development of an eLearning content for the integrative teaching of one-contact rebound games. University of Kassel.
(Presentation 20th dvs-Hochschultag, Halle 2011)
Knauf, J. & Scheid, V. (2011). The relationship between motor performance, physical-sport activity and behavior-related social skills in early childhood. University of Kassel.
(Presentation 20th dvs-Hochschultag, Halle 2011)
Albert, A. & Scheid, V. (2011). Instructional videos as a medium for physical education teacher training in the context of practical school studies. University of Kassel.
(Presentation at the annual conference of the dvs section for sports education, Heidelberg 2011)
Creutzburg, S., Scheid, V. & Albert, A. (2010). Quality development at the partner schools of competitive sports in the Hessian state program "Talentsuche - Talent-förderung". University of Kassel.
(Presentation at the annual conference of the dvs sports education section, Bielefeld 2010)
Heyer, T., Albert, A., Scheid, V. & Blömeke-Rumpf, G. (2010). Integrative return game teaching - An extension of the Kassel model of sports game teaching. University of Kassel.
(Presentation at the annual conference of the dvs Section for Sports Education, Bielefeld 2010)
Albert, A., Scheid, V. & Adolph, H. (2009). eLearning in sports teacher training - conception and application of a content for teaching sports games. University of Kassel.
(Presentation at the annual conference of the dvs section for sports education, Hildesheim 2009)
Scheid, V., Albert, A. & Adolph, H. (2009). Talent development in cooperation between school and club - On the transition from the development group to the support group. University of Kassel.
(Presentation 19. Sportwissenschaftlicher Hochschultag, Münster 2009)
Scheid, V., Albert, A. & Adolph, H. (2008). Sporting talents on the way to the talent development group. University of Kassel.
(Presentation at the annual conference of the dvs Section for Sport Pedagogy, Cologne 2008)
Scheid, V., Albert, A. & Adolph, H. (2007). Talent search and talent development in Hesse - On the performance level of primary school children in talent development groups. University of Kassel.
(Presentation at the annual conference of the dvs Section for Sports Education, Augsburg 2007)
Scheid, V. & Albert, A. (2006). The Hessian state program "Talent Search - Talent Development". An evaluation study from a systems theory perspective. University of Kassel.
(Presentation at the annual conference of the dvs Section for Sports Education, Kassel 2006)