Move Up! A (digital) sports offer for children of primary school age

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With our project "Get Up . Stand Up . Move Up" project in cooperation between our "Psychology and Society" department and the "Education and Teaching" department with Task and the TSG Wilhelmshöhe e.V. handball youth development association, we have created an initially digital offering for children of primary school age, which will be continued as a hybrid format from April. The aim is to encourage children to exercise regularly, even in lockdown and pandemic times, and also to experience the possibilities as well as the limits of digital.

Of course, exercise and sports are of immense importance, even in times of pandemic and especially in childhood. Once a week, the program, led by sports students and older youths from TSG Wilhelmshöhe, takes place digitally and live. For the rest of the week, materials are provided to encourage movement. The hybrid format will combine digital and analog formats and will be supported by the collaboration of students from a seminar in the summer semester.

The project will be scientifically accompanied and evaluated. In addition to the goal of gaining insights into the conditions for success of a digitally supported sports program for children, the interest is focused on the young people who volunteer as exercise leaders.

The participating children were first invited to take part in an initial survey and in another survey after four weeks. The focus is on the children's sport and exercise behavior as well as the promotion and satisfaction of their basic psychological needs(quantitative approach).

In a qualitative approach, both some children and the student exercise instructors will be interviewed in the form of a focused or semi-structured interview method. In the case of the children, the method "children interviewing children", which has been used quite rarely so far, will be used. The aim of the interviews is to learn more about the conditions that lead to positive relationship building at the digital level in the context of sports activity. In essence, the question is whether the project helps to promote or satisfy basic psychological needs and can lead to increased, self-directed sports activity.

Finally, the young people who volunteer in the project will be interviewed. The interviews aim to gain insight on the youth's perspective on their social engagement with a focus on the aggravating conditions caused by the Covid 19 pandemic. In addition, the question of whether such engagement can increase the assessment of one's own self-efficacy will be illuminated.

Click here for the HNA article "Want to win children for sports" from Jan. 25, 2021.

Also the HR reports:  Here it goes to the contribution of 03.07.2021.

Limmeroth, J., Hagemann, N., Heussner, F. & Scheid, V. (2021). Gelingensbedingungen eines digitalen Sportangebots. Forum Kinder- und Jugendsport