Kassel rides a bike

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This toolkit on sustainability and cycling is a collection of tasks and materials specifically designed for schools to comprehensively address the topic of cycling in a school context. This toolkit has been designed with a clear motivation, specific goals and milestones to provide students with a holistic understanding of sustainable mobility.

The goals of this toolbox are multiple. On the one hand, students should acquire basic skills and knowledge in using bicycles in order to improve their cycling skills and safety. Second, to create awareness of the importance of bicycling in the context of sustainability. The toolbox aims to raise awareness of environmentally friendly mobility and encourage students to use bicycles as a sustainable transportation option in their everyday lives.

By using this toolbox, schools can make a significant contribution to education for sustainable development while strengthening their students' cycling skills. The toolbox offers a comprehensive collection of tasks and materials that aim to raise awareness of sustainable mobility and cycling while improving safety and skills in using bicycles. The tasks are mostly formulated in such a way that the given task texts and questions can also be implemented directly in the classroom. This means that the teacher does not have to reformulate and can use the tasks directly in class.



Develop an interview guide with your students to explore the history of the bicycle and its importance to the environment.

German: Read More


Explore with your students the history of the bicycle and the environmental benefits in transportation and sustainability.

History: Read More


Start a price comparison with percentages and simple arithmetic or let your students plan their own bike tour and learn about functional arithmetic.

Mathematics: Read More


Work with your students to develop a warm-up routine that is appropriate for cycling, while also addressing the health benefits of warm-up exercises.

Sports: Read More


Have your students create a creative presentation about bicycling and sustainable transportation.

English: Read More


See how your students draw their own bike lane and compare them to existing bike lanes in their neighborhood.

Art: Read More


Let your students explore the technology behind a dynamo. They can also explain other interesting physical phenomena related to the bicycle.

Physics: Read More

Participation of the individual disciplines

DisciplinePersons involved

Institute for Sports and Sports Science (IfSS)

Dr. Andreas Albert, Prof. Dr. Norbert Hagemann and Dr. Julia Limmeroth

Core Studies

Dr. Ellen Christoforatou, Prof. Dr. Andreas Eis and Eva Maria Kohlmann

Bicycle and local mobility

Prof. Dr. Angela Francke, Marie Klosterkamp and Yana Tumakova