Cook Bruns Foundation

The Cook Bruns Foundation pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes, in particular the promotion of science and research in architecture, urban planning, landscape planning and other areas of spatial planning in the search for solutions that serve to achieve UN sustainability goals. The foundation's purpose is to be realised primarily through the promotion of scientific internationalisation.

Funding is provided to young researchers at the University of Kassel, including their research cooperation partners in Germany and abroad. Foundation funds are used if for the measures to be supported no or insufficient funding can be expected elsewhere.

Funding includes, among other things

  • awarding prizes for very good research work, such as scientific theses, dissertations and post-doctoral theses, research publications;
  • awarding scholarships, for example for the preparation and implementation of international research and development projects and scientific events;
  • awarding of investment grants;
  • awarding grants for international publications.

Proposals for prizes and funding applications should be sent informally to cook-bruns-stiftung[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

Proposals for prizes should be accompanied by a professional assessment of the work submitted. For the awarding of scholarships and grants, applications should outline the financing of the respective project, including the need for and scope of additional funding.

Proposals and applications for funding are selected by a committee appointed by the University of Kassel. The Executive Board of the Foundation decides on the allocation of funds.

Board of Trustees

Nancy Cook Bruns and Prof. Dr. Diedrich Bruns

Contact us

Cook Bruns Foundation
c/o Department of Open Space Planning
University of Kassel I Gottschalkstraße 26 I 34127 Kassel