Quality Assurance - Evaluation

At the Faculty of Architecture - Urban Planning - Landscape Planning, a faculty-wide course evaluation (LVE) is carried out every three semesters . The following criteria are recorded:

  • quality of the courses
  • didactic implementation
  • other aspects of teaching quality

This provides the faculty with valuable data for the further development of the degree programs. By participating in the LVE, students have the opportunity to contribute directly to improving the quality of studies and teaching.

The surveys are voluntary and anonymous.

No personal student data is collected or processed.

Results of the Course Evaluation

Summer Semester 2023

In the summer semester 2023, 118 courses out of a total of 175 courses were evaluated as part of the central course evaluation, which corresponds to 67.43% of the courses offered in faculty 06 in the summer semester. In 47 courses (26.86%), student participation was too low (four or fewer participants), so that no evaluation of the corresponding surveys could be carried out.

In order to comply with the requirement of the Hessian Higher Education Act to publish the evaluation results (cf. § 14 para. 1) in accordance with data protection regulations, the results are published in aggregated form.

Separate groups were therefore formed for the types of courses listed below (German version only):