Focus of work

- Networking of chemical subject contents in the teacher training program
- Eye tracking - analysis and evaluation of teaching-learning processes

Short CV

Since 10/2023

Instructor in the didactics of technology

10/2022 - 09/2023

Instructor at the FB 10 Institute of Chemistry

Since 01/2019Research assistant in the working group "Didactics of Chemistry" at the University of Kassel  
2017 - 2019Student assistant in the didactics of chemistry at the University of Kassel  
2015 - 2023Member of Science Bridge e.V.  
2011 - 2018Study of chemistry and biology for the teaching profession at secondary schools at the University of Kassel  
2010A levels  



Birkenstock, M., Di Fuccia, D.-S. (2023) “Using Concept Maps to Support Prospective Chemistry Teachers in Interconnecting Chemical Contents.” American Journal of Educational Research, vol. 11, no. 6 (2023): 364-371. doi:10.12691/education-11-6-4.

Talks and posters

Birkenstock, M., Di Fuccia, D.-S. (2023) Vernetzung chemischer Fachinhalte mit Hilfe von Concept Maps. GDCh - Wissenschaftsforum Chemie. Leipzig. Vortrag.

Birkenstock, M., Di Fuccia, D.-S. (2022) Einfluss von Concept Maps auf das Vernetzungsverständnis in der Chemie. GDCP Jahrestagung. Aachen. Vortrag (Symposium).

Birkenstock, M., Di Fuccia, D.-S. (2022) Connecting chemical topics in teacher training. ASERA. Perth. Posterbeitrag.

Birkenstock, M., Di Fuccia, D.-S. (2022) Interconnectedness of chemical topics in teacher training studies. ICCE. Kapstadt. Vortrag.

Birkenstock, M., Di Fuccia, D.-S. (2022) The interconnectedness of chemical contents – a challenge for teacher training. NARST. Vancouver. Posterbeitrag.

Birkenstock, M., Di Fuccia, D.-S. (2021) The interconnectedness of chemical topics in teacher training studies. Pacifichem. Honolulu. Vortrag.

Birkenstock, M., Di Fuccia, D.-S. (2019) Vernetzung chemischer Fachinhalte im Lehramtsstudium. GDCh-Wissenschaftsforum Chemie. Aachen. Posterbeitrag.