Digital market platforms for females in Bangladesh

Digital market platforms and their prospects and constraints in building sustainable business models for female Producers, Consumers and Entrepreneurs in agriculture: A Bangladesh perspective"


Stipendium des Katholischen Akademischen Auslandsdienstes


April 2022 - März 2025


Over the past few years digital marketing sector is getting popular in Bangladesh due to the tremendous digital technological development and rapid spread of the use of mobile phones. During COVID 19 pandemic digital platforms emerged as a resilient business model for producers and consumers also in the food sector. This development witness formation of digital market initiatives also of female entrepreneurs who experience major restrictions in access to traditional markets.

The aim of this project is to explore the prospects and challenges faced by female farmers, retailers and consumers in digital marketing in Bangladesh. The study will investigate the potential economic gains and risks for rural female producers in shifting to digital business models. In addition, the opportunities and challenges of female retailers in involving in digital marketing systems will be explored. Finally, the factors that motivate consumers to buy food from female retailers through digital platforms and their willingness to pay for labeled products from female farmers will be investigated. It is expected that this study will offer insights to create new strategies to empower female farmers and retailers in the digital marketing and e-commerce sector in Bangladesh. Possible constraints and opportunities in utilizing digital market platforms as a sustainable business model will be explored and will provide crucial insights from a developing country perspective.