
Project LeguHe - Consumer preferences for products from Hessian legumes from conventional and organic production and with different degrees of processing

Eco Action Plan
Logo Hess. Ministry

Project period

March 2023 - May 2024


The LeguHe project is particularly concerned with determining consumer preferences for legume-based foods. Products made from legumes are gaining importance as meat and dairy alternatives in both the conventional and organic markets. Depending on the production method and degree of processing, they can cover a wide range of consumer preferences: as a convenience product in the form of meat alternatives and as a natural and healthy food in the form of organic raw or minimally processed products.
Most consumers* are largely unaware of the ecological and nutritional benefits of legumes, as well as the possibility of regional cultivation. Legume-based products are therefore still little consumed overall. Parallel to the trend toward vegetarian and vegan diets, there is a trend toward regional products. A stronger cultivation of protein crops in Hesse could therefore face a noteworthy demand potential.


This study aims to investigate consumer preferences for products made from legumes using an online survey with approximately 1000 participants*. The following questions will be answered:
What do consumers expect from (organic) products made from pulses?
Which processing levels/products do consumers prefer for (organic) products made from pulses?
Which preferences do consumers* have for Hessian legume products?
Which consumer segments can be identified for different types of (Hessian) legume products?
Which term should be used for pulses in consumer communication?