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Plenary discussion in the SDG Lab

On November 14, the SDG Lab hosted a plenary discussion on the role of freedom and non-freedom in the agricultural and food transformation.

What does freedom mean in our agricultural and food system? How can enjoyment, justice and sustainability be reconciled? How free are our consumption decisions? What scope for action, freedoms and constraints are there in the production of food? And what could a sustainable and socially just agricultural and food system look like? This was the topic of a panel discussion organized by Wissenschaft im Dialog on November 14 at 6 pm in Kassel. The event was held in cooperation with the SDG+ Lab at the University of Kassel. The panel discussion, moderated by Dr. Nora Schütze from FB11, brought together the perspectives of nutritional psychology (Prof. Dr. Britta Renner, University of Konstanz), value chain management (Prof. Dr. Bettina König, University of Kassel), civil society (Ilka Landgrebe, Ernährungsrat Kassel und Region) and organic farming (Tim Treis, FÖL). The event was introduced by a bread performance by the FoodLab. Information about the event