Status quo Organic Vegetable Production (2002-2003)

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BMVEL, Federal Organic Farming Program


06 / 2002 until 10 / 2003


  • Prof. Dr. B. Geyer, HU Berlin
  • Dr. H.J. Reents, WZW, TU Munich

Participants in FÖL

Peter von Fragstein and Niemsdorff

The aim of the project is to record the situation of the current commercial cultivation of vegetables on the basis of a survey of 100 organic farms with vegetable cultivation (selected throughout Germany). For this purpose, data on agro-sociological data, structural data, machinery equipment, number of crops, cultivation ratio, origin of varieties/young plants, cultivation methods {soil tillage, shallow cultivation, ridge cultivation, irrigation, harvesting measures}, crop rotation design (field, greenhouse/foil) {market crops, catch crops/subseeds} are to be collected, Fertilizer use (farm manure, composts, purchased fertilizers), Phytosanitary measures {stock care, treatments, beneficial insects}, Ecological infrastructure' {hedges, marginal strips, flowering corridors}, Storage methods, Post-harvest treatment, Processing, Marketing, and Prospects (farm development, extension, policy framework).