Current Research Projects
- Ecological-functional intensification in arable farming through mixed cultures of medicinal plants and wheat and biodynamic preparations
- Junior research group on water-saving vegetable production along the value chain in North Hesse (Bio-Klima-Gemüse) 2024-2026 (Kopie 1)
- Sustainable production of willows with specific material and growth properties in multifunctional agroforestry systems as raw material for willow wood thread and willow wood textile in coupled use with the extraction of salicylates from willow bark
- Junior research group on water-saving vegetable production along the value chain in North Hesse (Bio-Klima-Gemüse) 2024-2026
- TRIO - Transformative mixed culture systems for One Health
- Location-specific modelling of N dynamics to reduce gaseous N emissions and further N losses in crop production (SmartMaN2agement) 2023-2026
- Screening of site-adapted new varieties of edible poppy varieties in Hesse and Thuringia
- Establishment of a long-term trial on organic farming at the Hessian State Domain Frankenhausen (2017-2025)
- Can diversity make agriculture more resilient to climate extremes?
- Differentiated forage management - system comparison at crop rotation level (Klee-Ass) 2022 - 2025
- Joint project: Digitalisation in organic farming (DigiPlus) 2022-2025
- Catch crop upheaval and nitrogen cycle (CIRCLE) 2022 - 2025
- BonaRes Soil³: Sustainable Subsoil Management (2018-2021)
- Closing the loop in the free-range management of laying hens: Substrates & Additives for the Close Range „KLUFT“ (2019 – 2025)
- Effects of biodynamic preparations on soil microbiome (2021 - 2025)
- Boosting the regional production of nuts and mushrooms as in-demand and healthy sources of protein through knowledge transfer (NuPiWi) (2025-2027)
- Sustainable land use - agroforestry (2021-2025)
- KasselAgroForestry (2024-2025)
- Certificate study programme Biodiversity extension and management (2022-2024)
- Peat-reduced and peat-free substrates for the organic herb farm (TerÖko) (2020 -2025)