KasselAgroForestry (2024-2025)

Agroforestry systems for climate-sensitive species in northern Hesse - research into the area of transformation based on an example area in Niedermeiser (KasselAgroForestry)

Agroforestry overview page

Project objective

The core objective of the project is to analyse the potential and plan the implementation of agroforestry in the district of Kassel and in northern Hesse. To this end, business models for various agroforestry systems are being analysed, transformation conditions in the region are being researched and local municipalities are being involved as catalysts.

Image: FÖL / Anne Siegmeier

Agroforestry offers a wide range of benefits for agriculture and the landscape. At the same time, the conditions for widespread implementation are not yet optimal. However, by combining agricultural climate adaptation, nature conservation and diverse fields of activity in municipalities, agroforestry can be a "multi-tool" for effectively tackling regional challenges.

Together with you, we would like to develop the potential for agroforestry in the region:

  • We connect interested stakeholders from agriculture, processing, marketing, nature conservation and administration and offer space for exchange.
  • We support the integration of agroforestry as a solution approach in municipal planning processes.
  • We collect information for the implementation of agroforestry systems, e.g. on business models, funding and marketing opportunities.
  • We are involved in the design of a diverse demonstration area for agroforestry with nature conservation aspects in Niedermeiser (Kassel district).


01.01.2024 - 30.06.2025

Participants in the FÖL

in cooperation with