Project weeks ecology

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Holistic entry into the BSc program Organic Agriculture


The complex and interconnected system of organic farming

One concern of organic agriculture is to look at production systems holistically. In the study of organic agriculture, problems are therefore examined from different angles. In the Ecology Project Weeks, students learn about this approach in an exemplary way. In the process, their entry into the study program and the university is facilitated and independent study is encouraged.

Technical knowledge and methodological competencies

Lunch break during an excursion on the Frankenhausen experimental farm

Under an overall topic "What is Organic Farming?" first semester students work in groups on a topic of their own choice during the first three weeks of the semester. They are accompanied by tutors and lecturers. The topic is introduced through field trips and keynote speeches. Short lectures on methodological skills such as teamwork, communication and presentation techniques support the group work. The project weeks are thus a first step towards acquiring both specialist knowledge and so-called key professional qualifications. They are intended to whet students' appetites for further projects and for trying out other forms of learning and examination.


First scientific presentation after three weeks of study

Their individual experiences offer students the chance to work on exciting questions. At the end of the project weeks, there is a mini-conference at which the students present their results and these are discussed together with the teachers. In addition, each group completes a final report as a graded term paper during the project period.

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