SISA-4 Workshop

4th International workshop on System Innovation towards Sustainable Agriculture (SISA-4)

Despite earlier and more recent scientific evidence, societies are facing enormous and persisting sustainability challenges. The field of agri-food transition research is characterized by different – mainly only incremental – change patterns and the theoretical perspectives to describe, explain and foster them range across different scholarly fields. Furthermore, research insights often are not well tuned to the needs and challenges of agricultural practices and policies. This workshop invited researchers and practitioners to co-generate an integrative overview on contemporary issues in agri-food transitions and future avenues in research, policy making as well as in innovation and transition practice. Collaboration is continued in follow-up working groups. A documentation of the SISA format can be found here.

Important Dates

February 2024: Call for papers
22nd of March: Deadline for submitting abstracts
02nd of April: Extended Deadline for submitting abstracts
15th of April: Notification of acceptance and participation
1st of July: Deadline full paper submission
07.-09. October 2024: Workshop in Kassel, Germany

Travel and Venue

Kassel is located in the geografical middle of Germany, thus easily reachable via train from many European cities. Next airports with good train connection to Kassel are Frankfurt am Main and Hannover.

The venue is held on the first two days on the central campus of Kassel University. We spend the third day on the farm trial station Frankenhausen.

You soon find all information on how to get there, how to get around, where to stay and how to prepare for here.

For any other questions please contact

Abstract Submission

Extended deadline: 2nd of April 2024; 23:59

Abstract Submission : Submit

Organizing Committee

Prof. Dr. Bettina König (Chair) - University of Kassel, Germany
Dr. Renée van Dis – INRAE-LISIS, France
Dr. Boelie Elzen - Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands
Dr. Christine Hvitsand - Telemark Research Institute, Norway
Dr. Katharina Schiller – The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), Mexico
Dr. Alvaro Romera – AgResearch Ltd, New Zealand


The SISA-4 Workshop is organized by the Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences at the University of Kassel and supported by the Sustainability Transitions Network, the Synergia program on Technology for Ecology at Wageningen University and Research and LabEx SITES on Science, Innovation and Technology in Society at the Institute for Research and Innovation in Society (IFRIS)  of Université Gustave Eiffel (UGE). We are also grateful, that Foundation fiat panis is supporting our scholarly engagement with sustainability transitions and food security in the global south at the workshop.