VPN for Windows
Installing the Cisco Secure Client
To set up the VPN client for Windows, you need the Cisco Secure Client.
Please log in first with your UniAccount and the corresponding password to download the file.
User login
Enter your username and password here in order to log in on the website
Then execute the downloaded file and click on "Next":

To use the app, you must agree to the Cisco End User License Agreement. Then click on "Next":

Click on "Install" to start the installation:
The process takes a few minutes.

Then click on "Finish" to complete the installation:

Setting up the VPN connection
A new entry "Cisco Secure Client" has been added to the Windows Start menu. Select this and start the app:
If the app has already been started, you can call it up by clicking on the icon in the taskbar:

After the installation there is a possibility of a malfunction with the internet protocol (the vpn-connection will fail to engage and an error message will appear). You will find the instructions on how to fix this problem here: : Internetprotokoll IPv6 deaktivieren.
On the bottom right corner you will see a small window for the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client. Please type the following adress into the corresponding field "https://vpn.uni-kassel.de" and click "Connect".
Please note, that if you copy and paste the adress, that you don't copy the space characters before or after the adress, otherwise the connection will not work.
Connecting to the VPN
Call up the Cisco Secure Client and click on "Connect".
Enter your Uniaccount and your password in the following window and then click on "OK":
You have successfully dialed into the UniKassel network via the VPN client when you see a green tick above the lock .
To disconnect, please click on "Disconnect".