Rules of conduct


Please use our Pausenscheibe (time disk) for short breaks away from your workplace. You may leave your place for up to 30 minutes without losing the right to use this place. Unoccupied places with expired time discs may be taken over by other users.

Eating and drinking

Eating is not allowed on the library’s premises, including the roof terrace. Beverages in closable containers except take-away coffee cups may be brought along.

Making phone calls

Making phone calls is allowed in the side staircases or in the lobby. Please use your smartphone functions only in silence mode.


The library offers a quiet and concentrated learning environment. Talking and loud noises may disturb other users and are therefore not allowed in all areas where books and/or single-work places are situated.


Please use lockers to keep bags, jackets and personal items safely during your stay in the library. Please do not leave your mobile devices, bags, etc. unattended on the premises.

Please pay attention to the notices at the local libraries.

Please comply with the following rules, too:

Do not mark ANYTHING in our books or journals.

Do not press books on to the surface of the photocopier.

Using the library and its holdings means to comply with the usage conditions of the library.

Image: UB Kassel
Image: UB Kassel
Image: UB Kassel