The Library as a Place of Learning

Various options for academic work and learning on your own or in groups are available at the six sites of the University Library: Campus Library, Brüder-Grimm-Platz, Oberzwehren, Kunsthochschule, Wilhelmshöher Allee and Witzenhausen. For quiet and concentrated work, Kassel University Library offers students various individual work areas. Most of the spaces are located in the Campus Library at Holländischer Platz. For working together in small study groups, there are different designated areas at all library locations where conversations are allowed. Most workplaces can be occupied without booking. However some of the workplaces at Campus Library (single workplaces in C/1 and single work rooms in B/2) have to be reserved for certain time units via the booking system.

The university’s copying system enables you to print, copy and scan at all the photocopiers within the library. Print jobs can be sent from all computers in the library. From off-campus please install the Q-Pilot software via your VPN connection. You need a CampusCard to use these services. For further information about printing, copying and scanning please check the IT Service Centre's website. 

The 3-D-Lab is situated directly beside the Multimedia Centre (MMT)

Further Information

The Campus Library at Holländischer Platz and the Witzenhausen site offer students of Kassel University the use of lockable book trolleys. The maximum period of use is six months, or a maximum of one year for doctoral students. Renewal is not possible.

To request a trolley, fill in our application form. If trollies are available, we will contact you by e-mail. You will find more information in the Guidelines for Using Book Trollies or contact us by e-mail: buecherwagen[at]bibliothek.uni-kassel[dot]de.

Due to system changes, book trolley allocation is currently not possible.

We also offer permanent lockers in the campus library for all users.

During the warm season the roof terrace at Campus Library will be open for learning, working and relaxing. Please note that our rules of conduct concerning eating, drinking, silence and smartphone use apply in this area too. The terrace will be closed at dusk.

The Campus Library on Holländischer Platz provides lockers for permenant use. The minimum usage period is four weeks, the maximum usage 12 weeks. An extension beyond that is not possible.

To request a permanent locker fill in our application form. If permanent lockers are available, we will contact you by e-mail. You will find more information in the Rules for Using Permanent Lockers or contact us by e-mail: buecherwagen[at]bibliothek.uni-kassel[dot]de.

Waiting times must currently be expected.


Parent/child rooms are located at all sites of Kassel University and are equipped with a playing area, a seating area, a changing table, a high chair, toys and children’s books. One of these rooms is located at the Campus Library. The key is available at the security desk in the lobby, a deposit is required.

Nutzungsordnung Eltern-Kind-Raum (Rules for using parent/child room, German only)

The database of the Film and Media Archive of the Faculty of Humanities is available at a special workstation in the campus library at Holländischer Platz. The viewing station is located in the lounge area, 2nd floor. The database offers search options as well as access to digitised films. Use is only possible for registered library users (login with library card number). Please bring your own headphones (jack or USB connection).

Information about the database's range can be found on the website of the Film and Media Archive

The literature conversion service at Kassel University Library supports blind and visually impaired students to obtain literature relevant to their course in a form that is suitable for them. 

More Information

The multimedia centre at the Campus Library offers 40 workplaces for students of Kassel University, two of them are wheelchair accessible. Computers are equipped with text and image processing software and allow downloading on USB flash drives or other storage devices. DVD writers and media players are also available. 

Regeln zur Internetnutzung (Rules for using the internet, German only)

Open Library enables university members (in exceptional cases also non-university members) to access library sites beyond regular opening hours.

Further information

Lockers in the library can be used during the day to keep jackets, bags and personal items. They have to be emptied when leaving the library at the end of the day. The library does not assume any liability for the contents of the lockers.  

At the Campus Library lockers are opened and closed by using your CampusCard. Activate it once (at the touch point in the lobby). At most other libraries you need a EUR 2 coin that will be returned after opening the door again.
The library at Wilhelmshöher Allee has been equipped with lockers that operate with a number lock. A user's guide can be found with the lockers, a deposit coin is not required.

Richtlinien zur Nutzung der Schließfächer in der Campusbibliothek (Guidelines for using lockers at the Campus Library, German only)

In addition, permanent lockers are offered in the campus library.

A few printed editions are available in the newspaper reading areas at all sites. 

Alternatively you can access newspapers as e-papers.

How to find a workplace quickly


Seat finder displays how many learning and workplaces at the Library and the LEO Learning Centre are currently free or occupied, based on Wi-Fi traffic.

Seatfinder: Forward

Booking workplaces

At the Campus Library on Holländischer Platz some of the single workplaces and all single work rooms can be booked for certain time units via the booking system.

Booking workplaces: Forward