Economic Behavior and Governance (Master)

The Master's program in Economic Behavior and Governance (EB&Go) emphasises the main research areas of the faculty at the Institute of Economics. The objective is to provide students with profound knowledge in behavioural economics with a strong focus on applied research questions.

We introduce students to advanced theories in the field of behavioural economics and governance and to empirical methods. Furthermore, we train them to apply these theories and methods to analyze problems in contemporary economic policy. The graduates have a broad range of job opportunities, including careers in government and public administration, supranational organizations, multinational firms, research, and higher education.

Redesigned program starting in winter 2025/26

Students enrolling in the winter term 2025/26 will register for our redesigned program.

Redesigned program starting in winter 2025/26: Download detailed information

Ge­ne­ral pro­gram­me in­for­ma­ti­on

Final degree: Master of Science

Beginning of study: Summer and Winter semester

Period of study: 4 semesters

Language of instruction: English

Application procedure for the summer semester

Ap­p­li­ca­ti­on with a de­gree ear­ned in Ger­ma­ny

Application period

annual 01.12. - 01.03.
Application deadline extended until 15th of March 2025

Please apply for this course via the online application portal for master’s degree courses at the University of Kassel.

How to apply

Ap­p­­li­­ca­­ti­on with a de­gree ear­­ned outs­i­de Ger­­ma­­ny

Application period

annual 01.09. - 15.01.

If you pursued your Bachelor degree at a university outside Germany, you need to apply via uni-assist. uni-assist will pre-evaluate your application on behalf of the University of Kassel and inform you if further documents are required. 

How to apply

Application procedure for the winter semester

Ap­p­li­ca­ti­on with a de­gree ear­ned in Ger­ma­ny

Ap­p­li­ca­ti­on pe­ri­od

annual 01.06. - 01.09.

Please apply for this course via the online application portal for master’s degree courses at the University of Kassel.

How to apply

Ap­p­­li­­ca­­ti­on with a de­gree ear­­ned outs­i­de Ger­­ma­­ny

Application period

annual 01.03. - 15.07.

If you pursued your Bachelor degree at a university outside Germany, you need to apply via uni-assist. uni-assist will pre-evaluate your application on behalf of the University of Kassel and inform you if further documents are required. 

How to apply


Prospective students and applicants

For information on our degree programmes and assistance with questions regarding application and enrolment procedures, general admission requirements, deadlines, the semester fee etc., please contact our student enquiries support team (Information Studium).


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